Hi Year 6,

We hope you have all been enjoying some of the amazing weather we have been having! Along with some rain to keep the grass healthy.

We know some of you are having socially-distanced meet-ups outside with some other members of our class - it has been nice to hear how some of you are out kicking a ball about together. Some of you are back at football training in small bubbles and horse-riding , which is nice to hear too. Mrs Moxon has had an outdoor cinema in here garden using  a football net and double bed sheet.

We know a few have struggled in the past to focus on work - remember - that happens when we are at school too so don't be too worried about a little dip now and then!

It Might be nice to hear some of your slowly releasing lockdown stories - maybe you could write a recount and send it into our Year 6 email about meeting up with friends or families or trips out to the park.

Take care and keep in touch

Mrs Moxon, Miss Tipple, Mrs Baines and Mrs Webb





Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year6@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS

Weekly Maths Tasks

There are a range of interactive quizzes linked to area and perimeter that your child can work through on this website. There are videos to help too.  
Find objects around the home and get your child to estimate the area and perimeter and then measure the actual area and perimeter. If you have not got a ruler at home use this online resource. 
Your child could make a map of a newly discovered planet. You could draw a grid onto paper together. Each square on the map represents 5 metres squared (m²). It must include: mountains 220, a water source 140, three islands that must each be between 120m² and 240 
Ask your child to have a go at the different activities in this NRICH task. This can be done on paper. 
Order the planets based on the number of Earth days it takes for them to orbit the Sun- Saturn: 10,759 days, Earth: 365 days, Mercury: 88 days, Uranus: 30,687 days, Jupiter: 4,333 days, Mars: 687 days, Venus: 225 days & Neptune: 60,190 days.  

Weekly Reading Tasks

Visit Audible and let your child choose a book to listen to. Ask them to write a review when they have finished and share it with a friend (remotely).   
Ask your child to read some of the Ickabog by J.K. Rowling. Ask them to note down unfamiliar words and find out their meanings using a dictionary. 
Click here for a reading activity about Space Tourism. Challenge your child to read the text in 3 minutes and complete the questions.  
Ask your child to listen to or read along to the poem Cosmic Disco. What does your child think is the main idea in the poem?  
Encourage your child to research information on past space expeditions here. Which expedition was the most impressive? Why?  

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Pick 5 Common Exception words from the Year 5/6 spelling list here. Challenge your child to create a word web by finding 5 other related words, you could include synonyms and antonyms 
Encourage your child to organise these synonyms from slowest to fastest: quickly, speedily, swiftly, hurriedly & in a flash. Which best describes a rocket launching into space?  
Some words contain the letter string -ough- Can your child use this knowledge to complete these sentences against the clock?  
Task your child with identifying any space related words from the poem Cosmic Disco. Can they draw illustrations to represent these words too?  
Get your child to proofread their writing from the day. Encourage them to use a dictionary to check the spelling of any words that they found challenging.  

Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this resource on Broken: Rock, Paer, Scissors or your child can create a comic strip retelling Armstrong's mission to the moon. 
Ask your child to pretend they have woken up to find an alien at the end of their bed. Write a detailed description of the alien thinking about size, appearance and the sounds it makes. Draw it too!  
Get your child to imagine that they are a news reporter, reporting on this alien visit. They can write a newspaper report. Remind your child of the features of a newspaperIf they have access to a PC, they can type up their finished report on Word or Google Docs.  
Ask your child to create a travel brochure for a newly discovered planet. Consider: travel time, location, accommodation and things to do and see.  
Your child can write a persuasive letter/job application to NASA asking to be the next astronaut to go into space. Remind them that they must include the skills they have that would make them the best candidate. 


STEM  Learning Opportunities

Mission X – Building a Bionic Hand 

  • It is difficult and tiring for humans to work in space. Bionic hands that can be remotely operated can help humans work more efficiently in space. Try making a model bionic hand using cardboard, straws, string and elastic bands.  You will need to think about how a human hand works to help you with your design. You can find out more here 
  • Sign up and access all of the Mission X resources here 


Additional Learning Resources

  • BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects. 
  • Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.  
  • Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS 
  • White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally). 
  • Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.  
  • IXL online. Click here for Year 5 or here for Year 6. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.  
  • Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.  
  • Y5 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets and Y6 are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills. 

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about space. Learning may focus on our Solar System, the Sun and the Moon. It could look at life in outer space from the view of an astronaut and travelling through space.  

  • Moon Moves - Get your child to research the importance of the Moon to life on Earth. Ask your child to research the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth and create a model of the Earth, Moon and Sun. Here is an idea of how your child could do it.  


  • Through Space and Time- Ask your child to research space exploration history and create a timeline of how people have travelled into space. Get them to think about when the first rocket was launched? When did the first man travel to space? How about the first woman? What other significant events can they add to their timeline? 


  • Connect the Dots- Ask your child to examine the different life stages of a star and explore the names and shapes of some famous constellations. Ask your child to create a poster displaying the different constellations which can be used to teach others. Tell them to make it as creative as possible. 


  • Dancing into Space- Listen to Holst’s 'The Planets' with your child. Ask them to select a planet and decide what they think that planet would be like. Get them to create a dance/ set of movements to go with the music which will portray this. Take a video of their dance to share with the family and encourage your child to self-evaluate whilst watching the video. Remember to email their video to us year5@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet a video of their dance at @eastbierleyPS  #TheLearningProjects. 


  • Mission to Space- Get your child to research the different components of a spacecraft and using their understanding of this, design their own spacecraft. Get them to think carefully about what it needs to include in order for astronauts to survive in space. Can they make a small scale model using resources from around the home? There might be inspiration here