Welcome to Year Five
We will have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out.
Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, writing, maths questions and curriculum activities. Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Summer 2
This our last half term in Year 5 and I am sure it will be one filled with learning and fun! We have lots of exciting things coming up this half term that I am sure you will enjoy.
In Maths, we will finish off our decimal topics before turning our focus onto geometry skills where we will learn how to reflect and translate shapes. We will also practice converting in units of measure and learn how to calculate volume of 3D shapes. We have covered a lot in our Maths lessons this year and you have all made super progress!
During English lessons, we will work on our narrative writing skills using on a book called The Arrival. We will also create some non-fiction writing based on our topic lessons. In reading, we will utilise all our key skills and focus on non-fiction texts as well as fiction from our literary heritage.
Our next geography topic involves investigating the changes that have been made to the UK and more specifically, Bradford. We will look into its human and physical features and use our map skills to compare our area to places around the world. During Enrichment time, we will practice our DT and computing skills and we are looking at the covenant in our RE lessons.
We will continue to have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out. On Thursday’s we will have Ukulele so don’t forget to bring your instrument!
Thank you to all who completed homework last half term. Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, some maths questions and some art! Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Let’s enjoy our last half term as Year 5!
Summer 1
I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable Easter and are ready to get back into the classroom!
In Maths, we will continue to build our knowledge on fractions including adding, subtracting and multiplying before moving onto decimals and percentages.
During English lessons, we will continue to read Wings of Fire and use this book in our reading lessons. We will be working on evaluating the use of language and explaining its impact on the reader. We will also spend time writing a non-chronological report and showcase our SPaG skills in short narrative pieces of writing linked to the Wings Of Fire book.
Our science lessons begin by looking at the properties of materials before moving onto forces where we will investigate different types of forces and use our knowledge to write a non-chronological report. We also have a history topic this half term where we will learn about the Roman Empire and how it had an impact on Britain. During Enrichment time, we will practice our art and computing skills and we are looking at different codes of living in our RE lessons.
We will continue to have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out. On Thursday’s we will have Ukulele so don’t forget to bring your instrument!
Thank you to all who completed homework last half term. Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, some maths questions and some art! Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Spring 2
This half term we will continue our fraction units by recapping improper and mixed number fractions before moving onto adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
During English lessons, we will start reading a new class story on World Book Day called Wings of Fire. We will use this book in our reading lessons to practice reading aloud and build our evaluating skills when looking at the author’s choice of language. We will also look into some non-fiction writing linked to our geography topic and create some arguments and letters about what we have learnt.
Our next science topic is properties of materials where we will investigate how materials can be grouped together and how materials can be separated through experiments. We will also learn about climate change in our geography lessons and reflect on how our choices can impact the world. In RE, we will explore special places and journeys within different religions.
We have some exciting DT topics coming up, starting with a Create & Design project with the Royal Opera House where we will create our own set designs. We will also use our DT and Computing skills to make a fairground game later in the half term.
We will continue to have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out. Mrs Bell will be with us on Thursday mornings for Ukulele so don’t forget to bring your instrument!
Thank you to all who completed homework last half term. Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, some maths questions and some art! Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Spring 1
This half term we will begin by practicing multiplication and division methods. Then we will move onto our first fraction unit by looking at equivalent fractions before moving onto adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
During English lessons, we will use a variety of texts to practice fluency and expression when reading aloud and also develop our inference, prediction and explain skills using our understanding of what we have read. We will also create a biography linked to our science topic and continue to practice our narrative writing skills.
Our next science topic is animals including humans where we will learn about different life cycles. We will also explore living things and their habitats and link this to our writing. We have an exciting art topic coming up where we will develop our fashion designing skills. We will reflect on how artists use a design process and where they find their inspiration. In our Enrichment lessons, we will use our computing skills to research the Mars Rover and develop our data handling skills. In RE, we will explore some big questions and in PSHE we will explore our hopes for the future.
We will continue to have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out. On Thursday’s we will have Ukulele so don’t forget to bring your instrument!
Thank you to all who completed homework last half term. Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, some maths questions and some art! Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Looking forward to an exciting half term!
Autumn 2
I hope you enjoyed the half term break and are ready to get back into the classroom.
In our Maths lessons, we will finish our addition and subtraction unit by practicing our problem solving skills. We will also move onto a topic that involves finding factors and multiples and understanding what prime numbers are. We will also be learning how to calculate the area and perimeter of 2D shapes.
During English lessons, we begin by focusing on Remembrance Day and use a book, Time School, to practice our comprehension skills and write a letter based on this time of history. We will also develop our non-fiction writing skills by creating a newspaper report based on our next Science topic. We will use our reading skills on traditional tales before writing one of our own linked to our DT topic.
We will be learning about Earth and Space in Science where we will look at what makes up our universe and how it affects our days and seasons. In Geography, we will investigate the different types of mountains and locate where famous mountains are in the world. In enrichment, we will use Scratch to create our own music before moving onto using Modroc to create supersized jewellery. We will continue practicing our Latin and share our ideas about forgiveness in RE.
We will continue to have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so please wear your PE kit with hair tied up and jewellery out. On Thursday’s we will have Ukulele so don’t forget to bring your instrument!
Thank you to all who completed homework last half term. Year 5 Homework will be set weekly including SpellingShed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths. These tasks will link to the learning we have done in the classroom and should only take a few minutes each day. On MyMaths please try your best to get higher than 75%, but if not please have another go for some extra practice. Please spend some time reading each day and practicing the spellings that will be sent home each week.
There will also be some extra tasks set on Teams that can be completed throughout the half term. These could include a reading task, some maths questions or something linked to DT. Where possible, please upload a photo of any work you have completed.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Looking forward to an exciting half term!
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 5! I hope you have had an enjoyable and restful summer holiday. Hopefully, you are ready to start learning in Year 5 and are looking forward to getting started.
In our Maths lessons, we will begin by looking at place value and building our understanding of comparing, ordering and rounding numbers. We will practice our key skills during Daily Calculation and recap methods learnt in Year 4 before moving onto addition and subtraction methods.
During English lessons, we will build our reading skills using a text linked to our History topic which is called Who Let the Gods Out. We will also spend time planning and writing our own Greek myths using SPaG techniques that we practice throughout the week.
We will also be learning about Ancient Greece in History and building our food and computing skills in Enrichment. We will have time to explore our sketchbooks in Art lessons too.
Miss Williams and Mrs Blakeley will be available to speak to you at the door for minor queries but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.
Looking forward to an exciting half term!