Welcome to Year Four
Welcome back Year 4! We are so excited to get our new year off to a start and hope you are ready for new challenges and an exciting and busy half term ahead!
Key things to remember:
Please bring your recorders to school on Wednesdays. These must be labelled.
Please come to school in your P.E kits on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please ensure that earrings have been removed before school and that long hair is tied up.
Swimming will take place on Tuesdays (from 19th September) so please remember to bring your swim bag! We will be leaving at 9am sharp.
My Maths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed will be set weekly and these should be accessed throughout the week. We will also be setting extra tasks for you to complete to help you with your learning in other areas of the curriculum. These extra tasks are set for the whole half term so you do not need to complete them right away (just check the due date!). We would love for you to share your work with us and we look forward to seeing what you get up to at home! We will share these with the children on the first day back and these will be shared in the 'assignments' section.
Do remember to read every day too!
Summer 2
Welcome back Year 4. We hope you all had a lovely May holiday. We can’t wait to hear all about what you’ve been up to. Please note that the classroom is warm, so children need to not be wearing fleeces and need a water bottle in school every day.
In English this half term, we are going to be using the book called ‘The Selfish Giant’ and we will do some work around this. We will be writing a persuasive letter and a story.
In Maths this half term, we will be focusing on money, statistics, angles, 2D shapes and position and direction.
In RE, we will be thinking about why Gurus are at the heart of the Sikh practice.
We will have a focus on DT this half term where we will be looking at food. We will be designing and tasting pizzas.
We will begin our new Music topic on Blackbird. Please remember recorders on Tuesdays.
In Computing, we will be investigating weather.
In Art, there will be looking at embossing.
In PSHE, we will be looking at personal identity, mental well-being and recognising our qualities and individualities.
Swimming will continue to take place on Tuesdays and Enrichment with Mr Myers on Mondays.
Summer 1
Welcome back Year 4. We hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday. We can’t wait to hear all about what you’ve been up to.
In English this half term, firstly we are going to focus on poetry. We will be reading some aloud and creating some of our own. Then we are going to be reading the book ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. From this we will write a setting description and an alternative ending to the story.
In Maths this half term, we will be focusing on fractions and decimals. Please make sure you are using MyMaths for your weekly maths homework and going on TTRockstars as much as possible.
In RE, we will be thinking about what faiths make up our community.
We will have a focus on DT this half term where we will be designing and creating a bag using the skills of sewing and applique.
We will begin our new Geography topic which is Rainforests.
In Computing, we will be exploring programming and in particular computational thinking.
In Art, there will be researching Henry Moore and recreating his artwork and some of our own in his style.
In PSHE, we will be looking at maintaining a balanced lifestyle including discussing oral hygiene and dental care.
Swimming will continue to take place on Tuesdays and Enrichment with Mr Myers on Mondays.
Spring 2
Our learning this half term:
Welcome back Year 4. We hope you all had a lovely half term holiday. We can’t wait to hear all about what you’ve been up to.
In English this half term, we are going to be continuing reading the book ‘Treason’. From this we will then write a diary entry based on one of the characters. We will also be flashing back to our learning in Spring 1 about The Water Cycle as we will be writing an explanation text about this. Please continue to access Spelling Shed on a weekly basis.
The new spelling rule is introduced every Friday in school. As a class, we look at this over the course of the week and a spelling test is the following Friday. Children are given their new spellings on a Friday and spares are found in a plastic wallet on the inside board nearest the classroom door which the class know about.
In Maths this half term, we will continue looking at multiplication and division with a focus on Division and the short division method. We will then move onto the unit of measure which includes area and perimeter.
In RE, we will be thinking about how important events are remembered. This unit will explore festivals of light from Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Paganism and Ancient Civilisations
During our science lessons there will be a focus on electricity. We will be thinking about what electricity is and where it is used.
We will begin our new history topic this term. We are going to be talking about civilisation and what that means in Ancient History, in particular Egypt.
In Art, there will be time to continue exploring the Jabberwocky poem, and showcase our designs.
In computing, we will be exploring HTML and how programming is built!
In PSHE, we will be exploring what makes a community and shared responsibilities. As well, we will begin to look at how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Swimming will continue to take place on Tuesdays, recorders on Wednesdays and Enrichment with Mr Myers on Mondays.
Spring 1
Our learning this half term:
Welcome back Year 4 and a very happy new year to you all! We welcome Mrs Wood and Mrs Foster to our team in January and they are really looking forward to getting to know you all!
In English this half term, we are going to be reading ‘Treason’ as a class this half term. You will be learning about features of a Newspaper and looking at writing your own article set in 1666. Please continue to access Spelling Shed on a weekly basis. We will also use the story of Arthur and the Golden Rope in our Guided Reading lessons.
In maths, we will continue with our multiplication and division unit and make sure we are getting even more confident with our times tables. How far can you climb this half term on our Olympic Maths chart? Don’t forget to access TTRockstars frequently and in short bursts and also complete your homework on My Maths which always links to the learning we have just completed. We will also learn about area and develop our understanding of fractions.
In Science this half term, we will starting a new unit called 'States of Matter' where you be investigating solids, liquids and gases and their states.
In RE, we are starting the new school topic of Hand to Mouth which we will explore further.
We will begin our new geography topic which will explore waterways in the UK. As a class we will talk about the water cycle and discuss where our rivers and canals have come from.
In Art, we will read the Jabberwocky poem and think about how we can create images to express words using a variety of techniques.
In computing, we will be exploring websites and learn how to design our own!
Swimming will continue to take place on Tuesdays, recorders on Wednesdays and Enrichment with Mr Myers on Mondays.
Autumn 2
Our learning this half term:
What a superb start to Year 4 you have all made! We can’t wait to start a new and very busy and exciting half term with you all.
After your fantastic ideas for an additional chapter for the Edward Tulane story, we will continue to draft and edit your writing until you are ready to publish! We will then move onto diary writing from the perspective of an Anglo-Saxon. Please continue to access Spelling Shed on a weekly basis. Lots of you are really improving!
In PSHE we will be exploring our self-esteem and what has an effect on it, which links with our book in English as we continue with ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ with a focus on using direct speech.
In maths, we will continue to practise addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers and we will be challenged to use our problem-solving skills. As you know, we want you to spend lots of time practising your times tables and regularly going on TT Rockstars. Can you move up a level in Olympic Maths this half term? My Maths will continue to be set weekly and will always link to recent learning in class to help you consolidate new learning.
In design and technology, we have already begun exploring how pneumatics work and we will be moving onto designing and making our own simple pneumatic monster toy.
We will begin our new geography topic which will allow us to explore the different climates and weather of the world. We will also find out what biomes are.
Our science topic is Animals including Humans, where we will be exploring the functions of the digestive system, identifying types and functions of teeth and constructing and interpreting food chains.
We will learn more about the Muslim faith in R.E and will develop our coding skills in computing.
Enrichment will continue to be on Mondays, swimming will continue to be on Tuesdays and you will need your recorders on Wednesdays please.
Thank you for the wonderful work that was shared with us on Teams. We have set 6 more assignments. Remember, the aim is to do 4 so see which ones stand out to you!
Autumn 1
Our learning this half term:
In English with Mrs Sneddon, we will be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and creating lots of writing based on the main character. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts on the main character and whether these change throughout the story. Mrs Sneddon’s certainly did! With Mrs Moxon, we will be reading The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom, a heart-warming story of a young boy's search for friendship and acceptance. We will also use this book as a basis for PSHE lessons. Our second PSHE lessons of the week will look further into friendships and families, including healthy relationships.
You will have definitely heard about the Vikings through regularly singing Viking Rock in singing but what about the Anglo-Saxons? In history, we will learn about these two different time periods in detail and how each of these groups managed to invade and settle in Britain after the Romans. We will learn all about why they chose Britain, how they got here, how they invaded and what life became like here in Britain once they settled. Do you think there will be any key similarities or differences compared to how we live today?
We will start our year off in maths with making sure we are confident with 4-digit numbers and begin to use these numbers to develop our calculation skills. We will practise our times tables lots too! Please make sure you log in to your TTRockstars as regularly as you can. Little and often will really help you get speedy with your times tables – a super important skill in Year 4!
In Science we will be exploring a variety of ways to identify, sort, group and classify living things. We will learn how animals are split into 'vertebrates' and 'invertebrates' and begin to consider the differences between living things within these classifications. We will use and create classification keys to group, identify and name living things from the local habitat and beyond. This unit also introduces children to the idea that environments are subject to human-made and natural changes, and that these changes can have a significant impact on living things. Throughout the unit children work scientifically by gathering, recording and presenting information in different ways.
In R.E we will explore the theme of ‘What words of wisdom can guide us?’ and in Latin, we will continue to “Meet the Family” (using our Latin names of course!), explore the months of the year and maybe find a few more names for the animals we have.
During our Enrichment sessions, we will spend half of the time with Mr Myers and take part in competitive sports with Year 3. We will then spend the other half of this time working on our computing skills by learning how to use computing systems and networks which will include creating google forms and spreadsheets.
In this half term, we will be making a start on our new sketchbooks and developing our sketching skills and exploring different sketching techniques.