Coronavirus and Wellbeing
The change that Covid-19 has caused to our lives has been difficult and has provided countless challenges. For many children, the uncertainty and disruption to everyday life has caused worry and anxiety. These tasks are designed to help children process the current situation, begin to make sense of it and plan for returning to a different normal.
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Coping with Change
Think Explaining to children what the Coronavirus is and how to stop the spread can be a challenging task. This fact sheet does this in a child-friendly way. Alternatively, there is an animated version here.
Talk Talk to your child about their worries and anxieties, considering what they can control and what they cannot control e.g. I can keep up with my home learning by checking which tasks I have to do today. I cannot control when this will all be over. Scientists, doctors and governments will help to manage this.
Do Ask your child to make 2 lists: one listing all of the issues that are not within their control and the other listing issues that are within their control. After this, support your child with listing who is responsible for the issues out of their control and then what they can do to support the issues within their control. This activity should help your child feel more in control about the current situation.
Visit This document from Emerging Minds offers evidence based advice for anyone supporting children and young people with their worries.
Returning to and being at School
Think Inevitably, your child is likely to have many questions about the Coronavirus, how to stop the spread and what will happen next. This eBook answers many of the questions and is a helpful starting point for a discussion around their concerns, particularly if they are returning to school soon.
Talk School is going to look very different for all children, parents and staff. Social distancing is going to provide an extra challenge for learning. Plan ways that you can still be social whilst social distancing by asking your child to draw illustrations e.g smiling back at people when they smile at you or asking people how they are feeling.
Do As well as feeling excited, your child may have many worries about returning to/ being at school. Complete a problem planner with your child, thinking about what their worries are, scaling how concerned they are about each specific problem and planning steps to support any concerns. This template may help.
Visit Childline has a bank of activities to encourage your child to share their worries. This factsheet explains anxiety in a suitable way for children.
Looking Forward
Think Reading or being read to offers hope and positivity. The Book of Hopes aims to comfort and encourage children during these unusual times.
Talk to your child about what they have found most challenging over the last few weeks and what has helped them most during these difficult times. Which of these things are they or you as a family going to continue to do as things return to normality? E.g continue with daily walks or play more family board games. Write a pledge as a family, recording all of things that you will continue in the future.
Do Task your child with writing a letter to their future self. Ask them to include advice about things that have helped them to cope and feel optimistic over the last few weeks. When/if your child feels anxious or worried, ask them to read the letter to help them through these days.
Visit If your child is struggling to adapt to the ‘new normal’, Mind Ed for Families offers safe and reliable advice on supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing.