Wrap Around Care
Due to the popularity of this service we are only able to offer sessions to pre-registered customers.
Our Breakfast and After School clubs are popular with both children and parents and provide a safe, stimulating and happy environment for your children before and after school every day.
Mrs Winder runs Breakfast Club from 7.40am to 8.40am and After School Club from 3.25pm until 5.30pm Monday to Friday during term time in the school’s hall. Children go straight from Breakfast Club to their classroom at the start of school, and/or directly from their classroom to After School Club after school, ensuring continuity of care either side of the normal school day.
At Breakfast Club children have a choice of breakfasts, which varies from day to day, including choices from: cereals, toast, crumpets, fruit, cheese, yogurt, milk, fruit juice or water. It also includes hot options including scrambled or poached eggs and beans on toast or porridge. There’s also hot chocolate during the winter months and special dietary needs will be met wherever possible. Fruit, snacks and drinks are also available for the first hour of After School Club, those staying until 5.30pm will be provided with a light tea time meal.
If you would like your children to attend either Breakfast Club or After School Club, you must first complete a contract agreeing to our terms and conditions.
Breakfast Club costs £5.50 per day (including breakfast) and After School Club costs £4.40 for collection before 4.30pm and £9.90 for collection beyond 4.30pm and up to 5.30pm.
Please take note that a contract will be issued to all children attending clubs Bookings will be processed and appear on your ParentPay account. Fees must be paid half termly in advance.
Our Before and After school clubs are very popular with our children. Mrs Winder is truly amazing and our children are lucky to have a different theme each day for the activities set out. There are always arts and craft opportunities! Mrs Winder enjoys linking to themed days and works hard to ensure the children are learning from their arrival at school. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and many staff members are known to find themselves in the hall for breakfast with the children.