Meet our team
Spring Term 2
This term we are continuing our StoryLand adventure, but focusing on Superheroes. We have been reading Supertato and wondering what Evil Pea has been up to. Can you talk about Supertato and make up an adventure? Following Supertato we will be looking at My Mum is Superhero, and talking about people who help us. Can you think of who helps you?
In maths we have been learning about shapes and space, talking about where objects are using language such as above, below, next to, under, behind and in front. We have also been learning about 3d shapes talking about the names, how many faces, and how many vertices they have. A great video is available online. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zps34wx also on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cg-Uc556-Q. We need to look at the names and features of 2d shapes. We love using Numberblocks in school and have been looking closely at numbers to 10. You can find episodes for numbers to 20 on BBC iPlayer and you will find an episode list in your home learning packs.
As we move through the term, we will talk about and look at signs of spring and the meaning of Easter.
Spring Term 1
Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas break together.
This term our topic is Once Upon a Time in Story Land and this topic will continue into next term. We will be looking and learning all things story. From sharing familiar stories and acting out stories, we know to creating our own stories, immersing ourselves in story land. Please see this term’s Knowledge Organiser for further information. We are super excited to start this topic with a trip to the Panto to see Snow White and the seven dwarfs.
In maths, we will further develop our understanding of number and use this knowledge to begin investigating addition. We will also be looking shapes and space.
In Phonics, we will be continuing to learn new sounds through stories. We will be focusing on Phase 3, which covers trickier digraph (two letters one sound), and trigraph (three letters one sound) sounds. We will continue to develop blending skills to support early reading.
As the weather is ever changing, please can you ensure that your child brings to school a good waterproof coat with hood every day. On wet and cold days we will still be playing outside so a pair of wellies are essential, even a woolly pair of socks. Please can you send these in a bag to hang up on their pegs.
PE is on a Tuesday and all children will need a kit of a RED TSHIRT, SHORTS, and PUMPS. Outdoor PE kit is not necessary at this time. Please remember long hair should be tied up and earrings removed on PE days.
Autumn Term 1
We are extremely excited to meet all our new starters at East Bierley Primary School. We hope you are too. In our class there is Mrs Clark, Mrs Collins and Miss Senior.
Ms Bray and Miss Dransfield like playing in our class too.
This term we will be focusing on getting children settled into school, making new friends and learning new routines. When children are settled we will begin learning phonics, which is the basis to early reading and writing skills. Children will learn new sounds each week through songs and activities and will begin to write using our pre cursive font.
You can find the songs on YouTube on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCMvsQho4ZE
We will begin to investigate numbers, looking at a different number each week using Numberblocks and children will be given many opportunities to explore these numbers inside and out.
Our topic this term will be All About Me, which celebrates the child as the individual that they are, learning about themselves, their families and the communities they live in.
PE is on a Tuesday and we ask that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed where possible. PE kit can be left at school all term and we will send it home for the holidays.
We do have a free flow environment so children must bring a suitable coat to school every day. We will be using the mud kitchen and water outside so wellies and waterproof coats are required.
Our doors open at 8:40 and you are welcome to come in and join us until 9am.
Parents evenings will be held in October before half term.
Our class agreement
We use kind words, we say please and thank you.
We have kind hands and feet.
We listen carefully to instructions and to each other.
We use our indoor voices.
We look after the things in our class room.
We tidy up when we have finished playing.
We use listening ears.
We respect our friends and listen to them.
Please ensure that long hair is tied up and earrings are removed. It would also be a big help if no tights are worn on PE days as this speeds up getting changed.
No PE kit is required for this term as we will just remove socks and shoes. A letter will be sent out with plenty of notice when a PE kit is needed.