Welcome to Year Six

PE Days 

You will need to wear your PE kit on 2 days this year: Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday morning we will have an outdoor PE lesson followed by Enhancement in the afternoon. On Thursday morning we will complete the active mile and in the afternoon we will have Enrichment. You must not wear any jewellery on a PE kit day. Also, make sure that long hair is tied up.


This year we will be learning to play the clarinet with Mrs Bell from Musica Kirklees. Lessons will take place on a Thursday morning and it is important that if children take their instrument home to practice that they bring it in.


Every week, you will have homework set on the usual websites which you must complete: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Class Teacher

Mr W Booth - Year 6 Teacher
Mr W Booth - Year 6 Teacher

Class Agreement

Summer 2

Our final half-term at East Bierley is jam-packed with events.

For the first few weeks, we will be having a focus on writing and science. Children will be given opportunities to write in a variety of styles whilst focussing on the spelling and grammar they have learnt over Key Stage 2.

We are lucky to have a number of drama sessions booked in with Paul from CHOL over the coming weeks. Paul will be working with small groups to help us with our Year 6 play: “Let the Games Begin”.

Monday 17th June is the date for the Big Sing held at BBG. Year 6 have been invited for the afternoon to play the clarinet in the rehearsal and perform for parents in the evening at 6pm.

Sports Day is planned for Tuesday 25th June at East Bierley cricket club.

On the 26th June, we have Hand to Mouth coming in to work with Year 6 as part of their transition to secondary school.

Transition day in school is on Wednesday 3rd July. Most other Kirklees schools also have their transition day on 3rd July, however some schools have different dates and often more than one transition day. Parents should receive this information from the secondary school that their child will be attending. We will be doing a few activities in class to support the children with the transition to Year 7.

Friday 12th July will see Year 6 have a dress rehearsal for our play, before our performance for parents in the evening of Monday 15th July. The children have all received a script and will be given a role and an idea of a costume to wear.

End of year reports will be sent out with an adult on Wednesday 17th July – the report will be similar to previous years but will also include end of Key Stage 2 assessment data.

The morning of Thursday 18th July is planned for our church celebration.

In mathematics, we will continue to use the Power Maths books to learn about converting measures and understanding ratio and proportionality.

In history, we will be learning about early Islamic civilisations and creating Islamic patterns using textiles in design and technology.

We will be creating portraits in the style of different artists in our art lessons this half-term.

In Music, we are lucky to still be enjoying learning the clarinet with Mrs Bell. The class are doing an amazing job at this and it is really great to see and hear.

Please support your child to complete their homework on the following websites: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Summer 1

Summer 1 sees the build-up to the Key Stage 2 SATs in the week of the coronation, from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May. As you know, we do not narrow our curriculum here at East Bierley, so we will be continuing to offer the children a broad and balanced curriculum.

In English, we will be having a focus on characters, deepening our understanding of why characters do things and how they show their emotions through their actions. We will also examine how settings tell us information about how a character may be feeling.

In mathematics, we will be revisiting some of the key arithmetic areas we have learnt this year such as long multiplication, long division, percentages and fractions.

In science, we will have a focus on electricity before learning about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution through natural selection: the survival of the fittest.

During the week of the SATs, we will be developing some of our DT and art skills and using this time to consider our well-being and mental and physical health.

In Music, we are lucky to still be enjoying learning the clarinet with Mrs Bell. The class are doing an amazing job at this and it is really great to see and hear.

In the last half-term we studied the physical geography and differences between the UK, France and China. This half-term, we will look at the human geographical similarities and differences between the countries.

Please support your child to complete their homework on the following websites: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. 5 minutes a day of TTRockstars will help their arithmetic fluency, 5 minutes a day of Spelling Shed will help them be prepared for any spelling tests we do.

You might see additional MyMaths or Spelling Shed quizzes or hear children talking about other apps such as maths.co.uk and Reading Plus. I have been setting further tasks on these apps to help the children but I have not been insisting they are completed at home. If the children wish to practise at home, they are free to do so as it can only help them.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Spring 2

This half-term is another short one but also a busy one as we build up to Easter.

In science, we will be learning about light and electricity.

In English, we will be learning about poetry, explaining the meaning of figurative language used in poetry before performing a poem in front of the school. Later on in the half-term, we will be reading a story linked to our science topics before creating our own exciting, electric adventure.

In Music, we are lucky to still be enjoying learning the clarinet with Mrs Bell, we have recently learned to play We will rock you.

In mathematics, our focus will move to percentages and making the links between fractions, decimals and percentages.

We also have a geography theme this half-term where we will revisit some physical geographical knowledge before developing an understanding of the geographical differences between the UK, France and China.

We will continue to learn Latin which will help us to build a greater understanding of words and the English words which have derived from Latin.

Please support your child to complete their homework on the following websites: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. 5 minutes a day of TTRockstars will help their arithmetic fluency, 5 minutes a day of Spelling Shed will help them be prepared for any spelling tests we do.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Spring 1

Happy New Year!

In science we will be learning about the circulatory system: the functions of the heart, lungs and blood.

In English, we will be creating our own mystery story building on our description writing from the last half-term. Later on in the half-term, we will be writing an explanation text as to how the heart works.

In Music, we are enjoying learning the clarinet with Mrs Bell from Musica. I am really impressed with how well the children are performing and was very proud of them performing in front of an audience.

In mathematics, we will be having a focus on arithmetic using fractions in our daily calculations and will use the Power Maths books to improve our reasoning.

We will continue to learn Latin which will help us to build a greater understanding of words and the English words which have derived from Latin.

Please support your child to complete their homework on the following websites: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. 5 minutes a day of TTRockstars will help their arithmetic fluency, 5 minutes a day of Spelling Shed will help them be prepared for any spelling tests we do.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Autumn 2

Our curriculum focus for this half-term is the North Pole and the South Pole. We will learn about longitude, latitude and time zones. We will be able to locate the Arctic and the Antarctic on maps and know the difference between the two. We will discuss some of the climates and biomes of the Earth. We will also learn about the different types of maps which can have an effect on size and positioning of countries and continents.

In Art, we will be creating a 3D model of Antarctica using maps to help us understand the topography.

In English, we will be learning about some Antarctic explorers (Robert Falcon Scott, Roald Amundsen, Ernest Shackleton) and creating a biography about one of them. We will use this learning to create a fictional story of a new explorer who has only just been discovered.

In Music, we are continuing to learn the clarinet with Mrs Bell from Musica.

In mathematics, we will continue to use the Power Maths books to boost our learning. We will also use our daily calculations to help us practise some of the trickier calculations such as finding percentages of amounts and calculating with fractions.

We will continue to learn Latin which will help us to build a greater understanding of words and the English words which have derived from Latin.

During this half-term, we will be completing a practice SAT. This will help the children to know what type of questions there are and how to answer them. This will also help me to know where the children are succeeding and which areas they need to practise. Once the tests are complete and marked, I will be sending them home for you to see.

Please support your child to complete their homework on the following websites: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. 5 minutes a day of TTRockstars will help their arithmetic fluency, 5 minutes a day of Spelling Shed will help them be prepared for any spelling tests we do.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 6!

It will be a busy year for all of us in Year 6 as we work hard to the end of the Key Stage and prepare for secondary school.

In this first half term, our curriculum focus is the second world war. We will be focussing on how the war affected people and look closely at areas such as evacuation, rationing and propaganda.

In art, we will be developing our sketchbook skills by using a range of media including pencils, water colours, charcoal, graphite, pastels and oil pastels.

In English, we will be recapping on word classes and have a real push on spelling.

In music, this year, we will be learning to play the clarinet with Mrs Bell from Musica.

In mathematics, we will continue to use the Power Maths books to boost our learning. However, as the year progresses, we will learn some maths concepts without the Power Maths books to help us to be secure in all of the key areas.

We will continue to learn Latin in Year 6 which will help us to build a greater understanding of words and the English words which have derived from Latin.

Every week, you will have homework set on the usual websites which you must complete: MyMaths, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed.

In addition to the weekly homework, you will have assignments set on Teams. You will have a choice of assignments, but you must complete 4 of these assignments over the half-term.

You will need to wear your PE kit on 2 days this year: Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday morning we will have an outdoor PE lesson followed by Enhancement in the afternoon. On Thursday morning we will complete the active mile and in the afternoon we will have Enrichment. You must not wear any jewellery on a PE kit day. Also, make sure that long hair is tied up.

If you have any questions about Year 6, please contact Mr Booth in the first instance.