Hi Year 6!

How are you all doing this week? We hope you have had a nice weekend, did you get up to anything fun? We would love to hear about it! We are really enjoying seeing all of your work whether it is via a picture or a file you have sent us, keep them coming this week, you will get to a crucial part of our class novel after you have completed the reading activities – Miss Tipple can’t wait to read more but wishes she was able to read it to you all together in class, we know you love a story! For maths tasks this week, you have some Kahoot quizzes to complete which I am sure you will enjoy. We look forward to seeing the results. Just a tip – you may want some paper and a pencil with you to jot down anything you want to work out as you won’t be able to do them all mentally. We have loved the writing you have shared with us so far, you are doing a really great job of working in difficult circumstances, keep it up!

Continue to keep safe and look after yourselves, speak to you soon.

Miss Tipple, Mrs Moxon, Mrs Baines and Mrs Webb


Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year6@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS

Weekly Maths Tasks

Get your child to play on Times Table Rockstars. If your child works on Numbots in school they can access this with the same login.

Here is a picture of some items for sale in Tiptop Shop. Write six two-step word problems and then tell someone in your household how you would work out the answers. Try to involve + - x ÷ and if you really want a challenge, see if you can involve fractions or percentages too.

Eg. Miss Tipple buys 6 pencils for 15p each and a set of dominoes. She paid with £10, how much change did she get?

There is a 20% sale at the Tip-Top shop, how much does it cost for the pig speaker and two chocolate bars?

Daily calculation for different areas of maths. Ask your child to work on level 4, 5 and 6 activities and get them to practise something they find difficult.

The government want us to remain 2m apart from any other person who is not in our household. What size would our classroom need to be to have all 30 of us in it plus one teacher who remains at the front of the classroom? Draw a picture to represent your thinking.

There are some Kahoots online for you to have a go at. When it asks you for your nickname, please use your first name and the initial of your last name.

Game Pins:

Addition and Subtraction – 08582909

The First Quadrant - 09343108

Weekly Reading Tasks

Ask your child to read a chapter from their home reading book or a book that they have borrowed from the library.

Ask your child to summarise the events from ‘Where the World Turns Wild’. They could bullet point what happened, create a comic strip or present the information in their own creative way.

Encourage your child to note down any unfamiliar words from the chapter they have read. Explore the meanings of these words by using a dictionary, reading around the sentence or using print conventions.

Challenge your child to read something around the house that isn’t a book. They can then complete their reading diary following this.

Ask an adult to read chapters 21 – 28 of our class novel to you and then answer the questions below:

Chapter 21

  1. Give two reasons why Annie-Rose gives her ‘rainy-day’ money to Juniper.
  2. What are the wolves doing that makes them brazen?
  3. Explain what a subterranean reservoir is.

Chapter 23

  1. Explain what you think Juniper means when she says ‘there’s that hand on my chest again. That iron fist.’
  2. Why do you think juniper wants Etienne to stop talking? (pg118)

Chapter 24

  1. How is a fire going to help them escape?

Chapter 25

  1. What does the acronym GPS stand for?

Chapter 26

  1. Explain why Juniper doesn’t want Etienne to go back to the North Edge.

Chapter 27

  1. How did Annie-Rose help Bear to count past one hundred?
  2. Define ‘cleaving’.

Chapter 28

  1. Define ‘capricious’
  2. How does referring to the buffer as ‘no man’s land’ help the reader to envisage the scene?
  3. Find and copy two expanded noun phrases.
  4. Give two reasons why Juniper can’t see the tree line on the horizon.

Send your answers to me through our class emails if you would like me to check them!

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Encourage your child to practise the Year 5/ 6 Common Exception Words.

Then ask your child to choose 5 Common Exception words. They can then write a synonym, antonym, the meaning and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.

Practise spelling list 51 and 52 on Spelling Frame.

Ask your child to mind map a list of adverbials that they could include in their story. Ask them to think about which adverbials will suit their story genre?

Get your child to proofread their writing from the day. They can use a dictionary to check the spelling of any words that they found challenging. This will also enable them to check that the meaning of the word is suitable for the sentence.

Weekly Writing Tasks

Ask your child to write a newspaper report to report on the current status of coronavirus. This could be in the UK or worldwide. Make sure that you include a headline, reported speech and factual information.

Explain to your child that they must write a persuasive letter to Mrs Upham about the importance of recycling at school. Get them to research the impact of recycling using books or the internet to find facts and statistics to support their argument.

Your child can write a biography about David Attenborough. Firstly, they will need to research and find out about his life. Remind them to include information about his life, how he has helped the environment and the positive impact he has had on global changes.

Seaworld should close. Seaworld is a theme and marine park based in Orlando, America. It is home to giant turtles, orcas and bottlenose dolphins to name a few. Does your child agree/disagree with the above statement? Ask them to write a discussion based on the above statement considering both sides of the argument.

Watch the lesson here on active and passive. Have a go at the activities that go alongside the videos. Feel free to send us some examples. Remember if you get stuck… passive = ‘by zombies!’

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the environment. Learning may focus on changes to different environments, the impact of humans on environments, climate change etc.

Endangered Species- The tiger, Amur leopard, orangutan, sea turtle and the Sumatran elephant are some of the most endangered animals on the planet. Ask your child to choose an animal from one region and describe how it has evolved to suit its habitat. Now ask them to consider how their chosen animal may need to adapt due to the current environment and human threats it faces. Create an informative leaflet about the threat the animal faces and what humans can do to minimise these threats.

Upcycling, upcycling- Encourage your child to choose an item within the house that they do not really use anymore - this could be an old item of clothing, accessory or household item - and upcycle it to make a new item that they will use. Ask them to evaluate the product and identify any areas that they could improve if they were to make it again. They may even want to write a set of instructions so that other people can upcycle the same item too.

Protecting our Oceans- Marine life faces a number of threats including plastic pollution, tourism, habitat destruction, ocean warming and overfishing. How can we make a difference now? Discuss this question with your child and ask them to sketch an image representing the impact society is having on today’s oceans using a drawing material material of their choice. Afterwards, they may wish to sketch an image of an ideal ocean environment. Encourage them to use websites and books to find out what makes the best environment for marine life to flourish (you may wish to direct them to the Great Barrier Reef and its significance).

Do People Intentionally Damage an Area? - Ask your child to imagine that a new park, housing development, restaurant or other structure is being built on green land near their home. How might this be positive for the environment? How might this be negative for the environment? Create a poster that explains the pros and cons of this new development. Consider wildlife, air and noise pollution and jobs.

Air Quality Improvement - Air quality has been debated across the globe and many are concerned that pollution is making the quality of air poor in many countries. However, in Birmingham they are introducing ‘Clean Air Zones’ from around July 2020. With this in mind, ask your child to create a set of questions that they could ask their parents, grandparents or other family members about how their local area of Birmingham has changed over time. Afterwards, they can interview their family members and then make a video news report about what they have discovered.