Our Team
Spring Term 1
Welcome back, we hope you have had an amazing Christmas and New Year. This term we will be studying electricity, looking at how voltage affects brightness and volume, learning the symbols used in electricity and exploring how different electrical components function. During maths sessions, we will be focusing on time and the order of operations, alongside daily calculation. In English, we will be basing our work on the book ‘The Peacock Garden’ and writing persuasively along with lots of reading and SPaG to prepare for SATs. Please make sure you keep up with TT Rockstars, My Maths and Spelling Shed- see if you can get a dip in that box!
Autumn Term 2
Autumn Term 1
I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break and that we are all raring to get on with the new term – the start of the final year at East Bierley!
We will begin our English lessons looking at the book, ‘Wonder’ with Mrs Moxon and, ‘The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ with Miss Tipple. Both books explore relationships between children so for this reason these books will also be the basis for our PHSE lessons. Our overriding theme for the term in being kind.
As you were all so great at Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed in Year Five, we’re looking forward to you impressing us with your commitment to setting a great example to the rest of the school! Hope you have been keeping up with it over the summer.
Mrs Moxon is looking forward to getting you all back and Miss Tipple is looking forward to starting your Year 6 journey with her.
Our class agreement
Encourage and listen to others
Be kind, friendly and honest
Persevere and show resilience
Keep yourself and others safe around school
Show respect to people and property
Demonstrate a growth mindset
Work as a team
Believe in ourselves and others
The Adults in our class will:
Keep us safe at all times
be there to support us when we need you
Make our learning fun and exciting
Challenge and inspire us
Show forgiveness if we make a mistake
Believe in us!