Hi Year 6!
We hope you are all doing well and have enjoyed some of the lovely weather we have been having over the last couple of weeks. It seems to have changed more recently though!
It has been lovely to have some of you back in school but we do miss you all terribly! It just isn’t the same! We have been loving the work you have been sending into us on our class email, it is always so nice to see what you have been getting up to at home. This week we have added some transition activities for you to be thinking about too which you will find below. Don't forget to also be logging on to Spelling Shed, My Maths and TT Rockstars.
This week our school topic is Famous and Significant People. We wonder who favourites are?
Last week in school we looked at some maths lessons online and had a go at the activities – maybe you could have a go at home and let us know how you get on?
We did lesson 1 through to 5 last week:
This week will be doing 6 to 9. It would be great if you could do the same learning at home that we are doing in school.
We also spent some time looking at different rainforests and how deforestation is affecting them. We made some posters to inform people about rainforests and why we should try to look after them better. If you did anything similar to this, then please email them to us – we would love to see them. Miss Tipple is also trying to post things to Twitter that we do in class so that you can have a go at home too so keep an eye out for that @MissTippleTeach.
Keep yourselves safe and look after each other.
Miss Tipple, Mrs Moxon, Mrs Baines and Mrs Webb
Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year6@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS
Weekly Maths Tasks
What different calculations can your child create when adding and subtracting the numbers 111, 8276, 529, 18391, 9238 and 4163? Make sure they check it is correct using the inverse operation.
CHALLENGE: Can you make some decimal numbers and ad these to one of the whole numbers? |
Encourage your child to play this online addition and subtraction game. They can play it more than once to see if they can reach the top score. |
Play this missing box addition game or missing box subtraction game. They can work on the level that adds/subtracts 3 digits by clicking on the orange three. Can they make their own addition/subtraction calculations like this? |
Roll a dice and make a 6 digit number (target number). If you do not have a dice, make up a 6 digit number. Get your child to write 2 addition and 2 subtraction calculations where the answer is the target number given. Make this easier by reducing the number of digits in the target number. |
Get your child to find out when each family member was born and record this. Ask your child to add all of the years up together and find a total. Add up the years from the same generation - which decade has the most/least members? |
Weekly Reading Tasks
Continue reading our class novel ‘Where the World Turns Wild’ until it is finished over the next few weeks. |
Encourage your child to read a newspaper article about a famous person. What can they tell about the person from the language used? Does the article criticise them or is it complimentary – how can they tell? |
Click here for a reading comprehension activity about a famous botanist. Challenge your child to read the text in under 3 minutes and complete the comprehension questions. |
Visit Ducksters and encourage your child to choose a person that interests them to read about. Can they record 10 facts they discovered? |
Character profile. Ask your child to create a profile about a famous book character e.g. Harry Potter, Matilda Wormwood or Percy Jackson. |
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Practise spellings on Spelling Frame. Use a dictionary to clarify any unfamiliar vocabulary. |
Choose 5 Common Exception words here. Ask your child to write the meaning, synonyms (word with the same/similar meaning) and antonyms (word that has the opposite meaning) for each word. |
Ask your child to mind map vocabulary that they associate with the following significant people: The Queen, Guy Fawkes, Helena Lucas and Rosa Parks. |
Can your child complete this segment puzzle (click Spelling Tiles) which focuses on words ending in: -able, -ible, -ably and -ibly? |
Pick 5 Common Exception words from the Year 5/6 spelling list here. Direct your child to represent each word as a picture. |
Weekly Writing Tasks
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Clocktower or ask your child to write a letter/email to an important family member updating them on events from the last few weeks. |
Using the words FAMOUS PEOPLE, get your child to write an acrostic poem about significant British people in history. |
Listen to Martin Luther King’s speech I Have a Dream. Ask your child to write their own speech about their dreams. Encourage them to use the same techniques such as repetition, personification and powerful verbs. |
Create an information report about a significant/famous person of interest. Your child may choose a famous author, athlete, popstar or even a local hero such as a doctor or nurse. Include: birthplace, what they’re most famous for, significant events/achievements and any other interesting facts. |
Following on from yesterday’s task, ask your child to write in role as that person and create a short autobiography of their life. Direct your child to think about the person’s emotions during key parts of their life. |
Transition Activities
- As your child moves to secondary school, it is important that they consider their hopes and concerns. Using an outline of a face, draw the aspects of secondary life that they are looking forward to e.g. clubs, lessons; what they are nervous about e.g. homework, friends and areas that they have thoughts and questions about e.g. Who will be my teacher? Where will I eat lunch?
- Your child may wish to reminisce about their memories of primary school in the future. Capture these memories in a fun way by asking your child to create a ‘Memory Jar’. Using coloured paper ask your child to write down their favourite memories. They can use different colours to show different categories of memory e.g blue for friendship, yellow for teachers, red for favourite lessons, green for school trips. Use a jam jar or a plastic bottle to collect their memories; they could even personalise their jar with decoration.
STEM Learning Opportunities
Sophia Barnacle
- Sophia was a British inventor who invented the Helter-skelter in 1907. Try using junk box material to make your own helter-skelter or marble run.
- Try and make a run that takes exactly 60 seconds for the marble to complete the run.
- To find out more about building your own marble run click here.
Additional Learning Resources
BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.
Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.
IXL online. Click here for Year 6. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons
Y6 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about famous or significant people. Learning may focus on past or present inventors, explorers or scientists and how they influence society today.
- Famous Brits- Lots of significant people in history have been British. Emmeline Pankhurst, Guy Fawkes and Mary Anning are just a few. Ask your child to research one of these or another famous Brit of their choice. They could create a fact file, a presentation, a chronological report of their life or present their research in any way they like.
- The Queen’s Speech- The Queen spoke to the nation on Sunday 5th April from Windsor Castle. She had an important speech to deliver where she wanted to thank people for what they were doing and to give hope that things would eventually return to normal. Ask your child to think about what they would say if they had to speak to the nation? What messages of hope would they want to give to their friends and family? Your child could write their speech or record themselves delivering their speech. Remember to tweet a video of their speech using #TheLearningProjects.
- Inspiration for Inventors- These inventors talk about where they found the inspiration for their inventions. Ask your child what problems they incur in their daily life? What inventions would make their life easier? How could they turn their idea into a product? Direct your child to mind map ideas of how they could solve their problem before designing and annotating a product. Your child may even want to make a prototype or test parts of their design to see if it would work.
- Significant to Me- Discuss with your child a person who is significant to them. This could be a famous person who has inspired them or someone who has made a positive impact on them from their everyday life. Ask them to discuss the attributes that this person has - why are they inspiring? You could share someone who is significant to you with your child as well and talk about how they have influenced you. They may wish to draw a portrait of this person.
- What it Takes- Ask your child to watch this interview with Paralympic gold medallist Helena Lucas. In this interview it talks about the dedication needed to be a successful sportsperson. Direct your child to set themselves a goal to work on every day. They could create a poster outlining their goal and the steps they will take each day to work towards it. They may want to include steps they will take when they return to school.