Hi Year 6!
We hope that you have all had a happy Easter and spent some time enjoying the sunshine on your daily walks or playing in the garden. We have had some fabulous weather which has definitely cheered us up! We have seen that some of you have had your first BBQ of the year. Mrs Moxon has joined in the fun but unfortunately Miss Tipple hasn’t managed to yet which makes her a tiny bit jealous. What is your favourite part of a BBQ? We would love to hear what you have been up to over the holidays, it is nice to have some laughter in these sad, scary times. Can you tell us a funny story that happened to cheer us up? We have set some more tasks for you to be getting on with for this week. Some are on the computer and some are tasks that you will need paper and pens/pencils to complete. We would like to see some photos of the maths fraction work that you have been asked to complete and would like you to send some writing to us from the writing tasks. You could either take a photo and send it, or type it - either into a document and attach it or straight into an email. Miss Tipple hopes you are still enjoying our class novel and hopes to see some responses to the guided reading questions. We understand that many of you will be finding it difficult to work from home but would really like you to challenge yourselves this next half term to see how much of the work pack you can complete.
When you have completed your maths, writing and guided reading questions or if you want to tell us a funny story, you can send them to the class email year6@eastbierleyprimary.com and one of us will get back to you. We might also ask you if we can put your photos or work on twitter to share with others!
We keep our fingers crossed that we will all be back together as soon as possible. Keep safe and look after yourselves,
Miss Tipple, Mrs Moxon, Mrs Baines and Mrs Webb.
Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year6@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS
Weekly Maths Tasks
You have 10 festival sessions a day to complete on Times Table Rockstars. You also have the normal weekly sessions of 10 studio, 10 garage and 10 arena to complete. If your child works on Numbots in school they can access this with the same login.
Try level 4, 5 or 6 for daily calculation. Most of you should be able to complete level 5!
Complete Corbett Maths questions – Use the questions from April. Aim to complete gold, but if you feel like challenging yourselves, have a go at platinum.
You have taken home some practice SAT tests for maths. You have 6 papers- two arithmetic and four reasoning papers. Try to complete two papers a week. If you don’t know how to answer the questions ask an adult at home or try looking on BBC Bitesize for some help.
You have lots of MyMaths It is all recaps based on things you have already learnt in school. Some of it covers things you learnt last year in year 5. Try to complete two a week.
Represent the following fractions using as many pictorial representations as possible.
4/5 1/8 6/10
You could use pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc. You could also have a go at representing them with concrete materials in your household
Weekly Reading Tasks
Take part in 20 minutes of DEAR time every day.
Challenge your child to read something around the house that isn’t a book. They can then complete their reading diary following this.
You will need to sign up for free and then log on to Oxford Owl and read a book that matches your age range. There are lots of E-books to choose from.
Direct your child to Love Reading. Choose a book off the list and read the extract. Then write a prediction about what you think the rest of the book will be about.
Read chapters 17-20 of ‘Where the World Turns Wild’ with an adult. Ask them to read it to you. If you don’t understand the meaning of a word, ask them to explain or look it up online or in a dictionary.
Once you have read the chapters, have a go at these questions.
Chapter 17
- Give a fact about an albatross.
- Explain the phrase ‘his face has fallen’.
- Find and copy the past tense of forbid.
- What is game?
- Why does Juniper regret asking Barney about air rifles?
Chapter 19
- What shape is the staircase?
- Which of these words best describes a fear of heights? Vertiginous, Acrophobia, Vertigo
- Explain what Juniper means when she says ‘I call his bluff’
- How do you know Sam has immunity to the disease? Find and copy the phrase that made you realise.
- What have you learnt in this chapter that is crucial to the development of the story?
Chapter 20
- Why do Bear and Juniper need to leave more urgently now than they did before?
If you want to, email me your answers – year6@eastbierleyprimary.com
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Encourage your child to practise the Year 5/ 6 Common Exception Words.
Then ask your child to choose 5 Common Exception words. They can then write a synonym, antonym, the meaning and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.
Practise spelling list 49 and 50 on Spelling Frame.
Can you use the homophones in your spelling list and draw pictures for each word, then write a sentence? Have a look at my example below:
Get your child to proofread their writing from the day. They can use a dictionary to check the spelling of any words that they found challenging. This will also enable them to check that the meaning of the word is suitable for the sentence
Weekly Writing Tasks
Your child will be composing an email or writing a formal letter to a 12 year child from a country of their choice. Ask them to describe what is happening in the world at the moment. They can then compose a reply. How does each world differ?
Encourage your child to put themselves in their Mum’s or another family member’s shoes. Can they write a poem about how they might be feeling with what is happening in the world currently?
Boris Johnson claims schools will open after the Easter holidays. In his latest report he claims ‘children are missing too much of their education’ and ‘their future is too important to miss this much learning time’. Do you agree or disagree with Boris’ choice? Write a statement which either supports Boris’ decision or which argues against it. Before you decide, maybe write a list of pros and cons, don’t just think about these from your point of view, think about your parents, staff in school and others in the community.
The Hole in the Fence - View this image on Pobble365
The hole he had made was just big enough to see through if he focused carefully. He knew he shouldn’t look, he knew what he had been told and he knew what had happened before but he couldn’t help himself. He just needed to see it one last time to believe what he had been told…..
Can you finish the story?
Some questions to help you think of ideas:
What does he see on the other side of the fence?
What year does this happen in, is it the past? Future?
Maybe they are the only family left in the future?
Is the boy alone? Does he live with anyone? What had he been told already? Who told him?
Weekly Topic Tasks
Create a dream jar. Every time someone in the household says something that they would like to do but can’t at the moment, write it on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. When all this has passed, you can take the papers out and do them and feel thankful and grateful for the little things that make you happy.
Watch some of the videos on BBC Bitesize to explain how light works. Can you come up with a scientific model of your own to demonstrate your findings?
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about different viewpoints. Learning may focus on physical viewpoints in terms of what you can see outside of the window at home, what others can see looking into your home and then progress onto personal viewpoints and of others.
Viewpoints and Mood: Ask your child to look into a room in the home and think about how it makes them feel. They can then either draw something linked to how they feel when looking in the room or draw an object from the room and then colour, shade or paint it in a colour that reflects their current mood.
Bradford Views: Ilkley Moor, Five Rise Locks, Hunsworth Lane and Bronte Falls are just some of the famous viewpoints within Bradford. Your child can choose a Bradford viewpoint and use Google Earth or Google Maps to create an accurate scaled map of the location of the landmark. They may wish to identify all of the Bradford viewpoints on their map.
Viewpoints from Around the World: Your child can research famous viewpoints from around the world (e.g. The Eiffel Tower). Ask them to draw what they think they would see from this viewpoint. After this, they can design and create a miniature scale of the landmarks that give these viewpoints. Encourage them to evaluate their creations.
A change in Viewpoints: How did Martin Luther King and Rosa Park’s actions and views shape society today? Research to find out what they did to help/change their society. Challenge your child to compare and contrast viewpoints from then and now on people’s race, culture and religion. How has this improved society’s attitudes towards those who are different to ourselves?
Debate: Is good more powerful than evil? Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place? Is it more important to be liked or respected? Ask your child to choose a question to answer, verbally argue their point and use real -life examples to justify their opinion.