Hello to all Year 3!

Welcome to the Summer 2 Term! There are lots of different activities in this week’s plan for you to do including finding out about a different artist (Andy Warhol) and starting some work on plants!

Thank you for all the pictures that you continue to send in! Please carry on sending in emails to year3@eastbierleyprimary.com telling us all about the wonderful work you have been doing. I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing the videos of children performing poems. Did you see Brian Moses has written a new iguana poem? Check it out here! I wonder how many of you can learn it off by heart…

You are all doing so fantastically well at home and we are all very proud of how well you are doing. We know it feels strange to spend so much time at home and not see the people you know at school. We miss seeing you in class every day and we love catching up with you on the phone each week. Mr Sharp will continue to ring this week to find out about all the wonderful things you’re doing!

Keep staying safe at home and Mr Sharp will speak to you very soon.

From all the Year 3 Team

Weekly Reading Tasks

Can your child create a rainforest canopy to curl up with a book under? This could be made from paper, bed sheets or anything else that’s suitable.

Read online together about rainforests. Ask your child to take a look at these facts about rainforests to get started! Can they create a rainforest quiz?

Ask your child to find a recipe involving chocolate and encourage them to make it. They can learn about where chocolate derives here.

Ask your child to read food labels and identify any foods in the kitchen that contain: bananas, cocoa, chocolate, cinnamon or black pepper.

Visit Authorfy.com and register for free. Your child can listen to Katherine Rundell’s masterclass on her book The Explorer, based in the Amazon rainforest.

Weekly Maths Tasks

Ask your child to draw their own fraction wall and then use this to find equivalent fractions. This will support them over the week.

Get your child some skittles, smarties or different coloured sweets. Empty them out onto a plate and write down what fraction are red, what fraction are yellow, etc. The denominator is the total number of sweets and the numerators are the different colours. You could use coloured buttons, Lego, fruit etc.

Get a square piece of paper or a post-it note and ask your child to investigate how many ways they can make ¼, ½ , ⅓ etc.

Ask your child to practise adding and subtracting fractions on this game. Then play this rainforest coordinates game (theme).

Encourage your child to research and compare temperatures and rainfall in the Amazon Rainforest and the UK month on month. Can they display their findings in a bar chart or table? Can they compare the yearly totals?

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Ask your child to mind map words associated with the rainforest. They can then put these words into alphabetical order.

Practise spelling these words: young, touch, double, trouble, country. Can your child identify the spelling rule? The ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’.

Fancy playing a really cool spelling game? Think you can beat the awful pirate Salty Dan? Be a Crystal Explorer and improve your spelling. Can they list synonyms (words with the same meanings) for practised words? You can also have a go on the spelling and grammar games too!

Picture this. Choose 5 Common Exception words and draw a picture to represent each word, write the word underneath and use it in a sentence.

Choose 10 new topic words related to the rainforest and learn to spell them. Write the definitions to form a rainforest glossary.

Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Alchemist’s Letter or write an acrostic poem using the letters: R A I N F O R E S T.

Ask your child to research how humans are destroying the rainforest. Get them to write an information report about this. Can they include maps that demonstrate how large the rainforests were compared to now? Include an introduction, 3 or 4 ways that rainforests are being destroyed (including sub-headings and headings) and a conclusion. Writing should also include subordinating conjunctions: because, as, if, when, although

Your child can look at images of the rainforest then write a setting description. Encourage them to start at the top of the image and work down. What’s the weather like? What time of day is it? Remember to use adjectives and a range of sentence starters!

Task your child with writing a ‘Defeating the Monster’ tale. The monster could be a rainforest predator such as a crocodile or boa constrictor.

Your child could create their own tourist leaflet about rainforests. What could a tourist expect to see and do? How should they dress and what should they bring? Ask them to include illustrations of unusual living things!

Weekly Topic Tasks


Read this information and watch the videos to find out all about plants. You’ll be finding out about their roots, stems, leaves and flowers! Want to test yourself? KAHOOT! 01179653

Next week, you’re going to be doing an experiment at home to find out about stems. If you can get hold of some celery and food colouring, that would be really helpful!


Having looked at Matisse, we are going to start looking at a different artist called Andy Warhol. His pop-art style became very popular in the 1960s. Very simply, he drew every day objects and created lots of copies of the same picture before making them all different colours. Find a tin in your cupboard and draw one picture of it using pencil. Have a look at my lovely tin of beans!

STEM Learning Opportunities

Rainforest Resources

Watch this video.

The rainforest is made up of several layers, forest floor, shrub layer, canopy and emergent trees.  Look at the Sumatra animal cards here. Where in the forest do you think each of these animals live?

Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 3. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.

Y3 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.

 Amazing Animals- Ask your child to think about the following: How many different types of animals live in rainforests? Can they name any? What is their diet like? How do they hunt for their prey or hide from predators? Look at these 11 amazing rainforest animals. Encourage your child to choose one of the animals and create a poster all about them.                                                                       

Layers of the Rainforest- Take a look at this information with your child, all about the layers of the rainforest. Ask your child to try creating their own diagram showing the layers of the rainforest and the animals you can find in each layer. Your child could cut and stick pictures, paint or draw! Can your child categorise the animals?

Roar!- Have a go at this forest themed GoNoodle! Finished? Ask your child to try making up their own rainforest-themed dance routine to the same song - they could pretend to be a different animal for each dance move! Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.

One Step at a Time- Talk to family members about the deforestation of rainforests and think about how we could help by taking small steps at home. This article should help get them started! Can your child record their very own advert encouraging people to reduce, reuse, recycle? Encourage them to think about the impact on the environment, animals and their habitats, global warming and the tribes that occupy the rainforests. Alternatively, they could write a jingle about the benefits of recycling and perform this to the family. Share these at #TheLearningProjects.

 The Problem with Palm Oil- Take a look at the Greenpeace website and find out about the effects of palm oil on our planet. Discuss with your child how this affects animals around the world. Ask your child to identify all of the foods in the kitchen that contain palm oil. Can they suggest alternatives for your next shop? Task your child with planning an imaginary charity event to raise funds for The Orangutan Foundation.