Hello again to all the children and families of Year 3!
I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine – perfect weather for completing the shadows activity that was in your very first work pack sent home. As you all know, I’ve been self-isolating this week as Mrs Sharp had developed a cough. It was just a cough and nothing more and neither Isaac nor I have developed a cough of our own yet. I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves whilst also keeping safe!
It has been so lovely seeing all the pictures and videos that have been sent in to me this week. I’ve been delighted to read all the wonderful emails that have been sent in with pieces of writing and pictures of excellent work. Thank you to all those children who have done that!
At least three children have now beaten my score on TT Rockstars now – was one of them you? Lots of you have completed lots of MyMaths work and Spelling Shed as well! Keep going on for a little bit every day and who knows: maybe you’ll be the next person to beat me on a TT Rockstars Rockslam!
There’s lots of fun activities in this week’s learning pack so please keep sending in videos and pictures of all the wonderful things you are doing at home. I’m still waiting for some videos of music practice so I can do my own video…
Keep enjoying time with families and keep staying safe.
Mr Sharp, Mrs Winder and Ms Bray
Weekly Maths Tasks
Working on Times Table Rockstars – your child will have approximately 10 minutes of times table practice set for them each day.
Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read the time to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.
Making representations: how many different ways can you show the following multiplication calculations:
3 x 8, 7 x 5, 6 x 4. Look at my example
Do you have a dice? Use the dice to make different multiplication calculations filling in the missing digits below. Use the grid method to help solve! My picture will help! If you don’t have a dice, just choose your own numbers!
1 x 4 =
2 x 5 =
2 x 3 =
2 x 4 =
Practise counting forwards and backwards in tenths, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 8s! Who can record a video of themselves doing it the quickest?
Weekly Reading Tasks
Enjoy 20 minutes of DEAR time each day. Email Mr Sharp to let him know what book you are reading, what characters are in your story and your favourite thing about the book so far! You could also predict what might happen next.
Watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world.
Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book.
Practise your retrieval and inference skills with this short Kahoot:
The Race: Challenge Pin 06041217
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Practise the Year 3/4 for Common Exception words.
Practise your spelling on Spelling Shed
Choose 5 Common Exception words. Write a synonym (another word with the same meaning), antonym (a word with the opposite meaning), the definition and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Send in photos of your work – maybe the work could be shared on the school twitter page?
Think you’ve been practising the Year 3 and 4 Spelling Words each week? Test yourself on this Kahoot: 0157788
Weekly Writing Tasks
Write an email to a family member telling them all about how their week has been.
Design an information leaflet about an animal of their choice. Remember to use headings and subheadings.
Write a description of a fictional animal that has just been discovered. Think about what it looks like, where it lives and what it eats. Try to use subordinating conjunctions (because, as, if, when, although) and lots of description. Draw a picture to show what this new creature is like!
Weekly Topic Tasks
Ancient Egypt: Use a digital map (such as Google Maps) and find the country of Egypt. Draw a picture of the country of Egypt as if you were drawing your own map! Can you label the following locations on your map?
The Country of Egypt
The River Nile
The City of Cairo
The City of Alexandria
The Red Sea
The Western Desert (this is sometimes called The Libyan Desert)
Art: Who was Henri Matisse? Follow this link to find out all about him and his art. Perhaps you can recreate one of his pieces – follow the instructions in the link and send a photograph in to school of your creation!
Music: Learning a musical instrument? Have a practice and take a picture/video of yourself. I will post my own video of me practising if I receive just 2 videos of children practising music at home!
Want to sing? Check out this link with lots of singing activities!
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about key animals they are interested in. Learning may focus on exploring the physical aspects of an animal, their habitat, categorising animals etc.
Let’s Wonder: Create fact files about deadly predators. Draw pictures of the predators and label them with information they find out. Where does the predator live? Why does it live there? What does it eat? How does it capture its prey? What special qualities do these predators have? Make a food chain to demonstrate why a predator is at the top of the chain. They could make a set of top trump cards using the information they found out
Let’s Create: Explore the artist Franz Marc. Find out who he was and what type of artist he was. What did he like to create pictures? Look at some of his paintings online. Then choose an animal to draw and add colour to, in a similar style to his. What do they think of his paintings? Did they like their finished piece of artwork? Why?/Why not?
Be Active: Get out into the garden and make a bug hotel. Go on a mini beast hunt and record what they find. If they find any minibeasts they haven’t seen before they could always look it up online. What can they find out about these amazing creatures?
Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
Time to Talk: Find out which animals are their family members' favourites and why. Have a family debate about whether zoos should exist? Discuss whether they agree/disagree and why? Do their family members have a different opinion to them? Why not debate whether animals should be kept as pets?
Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences: Which animals are considered to be sacred around the world and why? Sacred Animals
Who admires cows? Lions? Wolves? Which animals were important to the Egyptians and why?