It’s another week on the Year 3 page – it’s time to go UNDER THE SEA!

I was really pleased to have spoken to lots of you last week and hear about all the wonderful things you’re doing – keep it up! You’re all doing marvellously well and I am proud of you all!

I hope you enjoyed finding out a bit about Ancient Egypt last week. This week there are lots of videos and information about how the Ancient Egyptians lived. There’s even the opportunity to make some Ancient Egyptian flatbread. Is there anything you’d like to find out about the Ancient Egyptians? Email me at and I’ll find you some more interesting activities!

Keep sending in pictures and videos of the wonderful things you’re doing! Have you noticed Times Table Rockstars has changed? There are activities to do across the week now so I should be challenging even more of you to Rockslams!

Keep enjoying time with families and keep staying safe.

Mr Sharp, Mrs Winder and Ms Bray

Weekly Maths Tasks

Working on Times Table Rockstars – each child only needs to do 10 garage games, 4 studio games and 1 soundcheck each week. Each child that completes all the challenges will be challenged to a Rockslam! Can you beat me? I don’t think you can…

Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.

Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read the time to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.

Coordinates: Look at my picture! Create your own grid and label the columns with letters and the rows with numbers. Place some items on your grid. By your grid, write the coordinate location of where each item is.


Weekly Reading Tasks

Listen to your child read and encourage them to read with expression. Can they create a book review or write a summary of what they have read? Perhaps they could write a review on Toppsta.

Try researching and reading online together about an ocean creature of your choice - here are some interesting facts about turtles to get you started!

Ask your child to listen to and read along with two of the poems in the Under the Sea collection here.  Clicking on Discover Poem will allow you yo see the words. Can you learn one off by heart like we did with Walking With My Iguana? I will record my own performance of a poem if I receive 5 videos from the whole class recording theirs!

Can your child make an under the sea themed bookmark? They could include some of the new vocabulary they have developed over the week.

Under The Sea bookmark

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Alphabetical order: List each letter of the alphabet and ask your child to think of a sea related word that corresponds with each letter. Can you identify the vowels and the consonants? Perhaps you could present your list in a creative way!

Practise spelling these words: forgetting, forgotten, beginning, beginner, prefer, preferred, gardening, gardener, limiting, limited, limitation. Can your child identify the spelling rule/s?

Ask your child to put these words in alphabetical order and then use a dictionary to find the meanings of each word: marine, barnacle, crustacean, coral, mangrove & barracuda.

Practise the Year 3/4 Common Exception words or spelling rules for Year 3/4 . Can your child include some of these words in their writing tasks?

Weekly Writing Tasks

The Lighthouse Video. Watch this video. Can you write your own story about what happens? Perhaps you could write a character description about The Lighthouse Keeper? Remember to use lots of adjectives in your writing and try to use some subordinating conjunctions as well: because, as, if, when, although.

You could write a poem about The Lighthouse! It doesn’t have to rhyme; it could even be a haiku!

Task your child with creating an information report about one of the world’s oceans. This could include a map locating the ocean, what plants and animals live there and the impact humans have on it. Your report will need a heading, sub-headings and be written in paragraphs. You could use some subordinating conjunctions here as well – maybe even as a sentence starter!

Ask your child to imagine they are a deep sea diver. Can they write a detailed description about the ocean and include specific species? Remind them to try to include adjectives to describe in detail what they saw. Visit here.

Ask your child to write an advert advertising a job to work on a submarine. How can they make the advert persuasive so that lots of people apply?

Weekly Topic Tasks

Ancient Egypt: Watch the videos and read through the information on how the Ancient Egyptians lived. Think you know everything? Try this Kahoot! 07353085  Have a go at making Ancient Egyptian Flatbread – tasty!

Art: We’ve been looking at Matisse over the past couple of weeks! This week, let’s look at this piece of art: Polynesia, The Sea Can you create your own version? You will need a blue background and then lots of animals and sea-plants cut out from white paper to create your own Matisse collage!

STEM Learning Opportunities

Autosub 6000 Ocean Floor Mission

Children will need a basic understanding of Scratch before carrying out this Unit. Guides and online tutorials are available here if needed.

Use scratch to debug and improve the Autosub6000 around the ocean floor. Activity notes and instructions can be found here.

Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 3. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.

Y3 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about life in and around the sea. Learning may focus on the strange and wonderful creatures and plants that occupy our oceans, their habitats and how human beings affect this environment.

Exploring the Blue Abyss - Can your child remember the oceans of the world? Encourage your child to find out about the five different layers of the ocean (Sunlight Zone, Twilight Zone, Midnight Zone, Lower Midnight Zone or Abyss and the Trenches). Sea creatures adapt incredibly to live in specific layers where the conditions, such as the temperature and light levels, can change. Can your child explore the creatures that are found in each layer of the ocean and create a fact file for each ocean layer with a labelled diagram?

Submarine Sculptures - Ask your child to look at pictures of real submarines for inspiration and create their own model submarine from different materials found at home e.g. plastic bottles, paint, coloured pencils, string, paper mache, sweet wrappers, tin foil and cardboard. When your child is collecting materials, question them on the suitability of each material. Alternatively, children could design and create a boat to carry a load on the ocean using junk modelling. Remember to tweet a photo of their creation at #TheLearningProjects.

‘Under the Sea’ Stretches - Ask your child to try some yoga using the Cosmic Kids Youtube channel. There are lots of ‘Under the Sea’ themed yoga workouts and even a Moana-themed adventure! Or simply get stretching to some relaxing deep sea sound effects. Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.

Preventing Pollution - Encourage your child to ask different family members what they know about plastic waste (e.g. plastic bags, six-pack rings and microbeads) that ends up in the ocean. They could do this by creating a questionnaire and carrying out interviews (perhaps over Facetime with adult supervision?). Discuss how you could help reduce ocean pollution and work together to create a persuasive poster to reduce plastic waste.

Reef Research - The Great Barrier Reef is the only living thing which is visible from space! Encourage your child to take a virtual tour of the reef using AirPano and create a poster or video to promote the Great Barrier Reef. Ask them to use scientific language relating to the habitats and species groups found in the reef. Can your child identify the main threats to The Great Barrier Reef and include these too?