Hello again to all the children and families of Year 3!

The weather has been a bit gloomier this week – I hope you’ve still been enjoying yourselves at home. After my self-isolation period, I’m looking forward to being back in school and speaking to you all to find out about all the wonderful things you’ve been doing!

Thank you for all the pictures of fabulous writing, awesome leaflets and some animal habitats as well! I did receive one video of somebody practising their music – I wonder can we receive two musical videos this week? I’m waiting to do my own!

There’s lots of fun activities in this week’s learning pack so please keep sending in videos and pictures of all the wonderful things you are doing at home. BBC Bitesize’s Daily Learning also has lots of fun things to do!

Keep enjoying time with families and keep staying safe.

Mr Sharp, Mrs Winder and Ms Bray

Weekly Maths Tasks

Working on Times Table Rockstars – your child will have approximately 10 minutes of times table practice set for them each day.

Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.

Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). Read the time to the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes.

DIVISION: How many ways can you represent 25 ÷ 5? 16 ÷ 4? 21 ÷ 3? 32 ÷ 8?

Short Division: Have a go at MyMaths Division activity which has been set for you.

Weekly Reading Tasks

You could share a story together. This could be a chapter book where you read and discuss a chapter a day. Leave a book review on Toppsta and then share it with me via email! Toppsta is a sign-up website where children (and adults!) can leave book reviews before trying to win free books!

Listen to your child read and let them discuss what they have read. Encourage them to read with expression and intonation.

Watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world.

Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book.

Test your inference skills with this short Kahoot! The Trip: 07487279

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Practise the Year 3/4 for Common Exception words.

Practise your spelling on Spelling Shed

Suffixes: Let’s add the –ing, -ed and –s/-es suffixes to the following words: hope, bake, hop, and chat. What do you notice? Complete your own table for like, smile, plan and rub.


Weekly Writing Tasks

Write a diary entry to a family member telling them all about how their day or week has been.

Write a letter to be sent to local schools explaining why children should support local charities if they can and help those who are in need.

Past Perfect Writing Task: The past perfect form is written in bold in the following sentences.

Mr Sharp had played his guitar all day.

Isaac had slept all night.

Mrs Winder had not eaten any apples.

Have a go yourself on this online game.

Done the task and want a Kahoot? Here you go: 05116201

Weekly Topic Tasks


Ancient Egypt: Read this introduction to Ancient Egypt and watch the videos in the link. Think you know lots? Have a go at this Kahoot: 05382979

You could even have a go at making the pyramid or the mummy-pencil-case! Send a picture into school if you do!

Art: Last week, we started looking at Henri Matisse. Because this week’s focus is on the environment, I’d like you to have a go at creating your own collage (collection of pictures) to make one big picture of a plant. I’ve used lots of pictures of leaves to make a tree – do you like it? Send pictures in to school of your fantastic collages!

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the environment. Learning may focus on changes to different environments, the impact of humans on environments, climate change etc.

Let’s Wonder: What is the weather like around the world? Which countries are most likely to have a  snowstorm, torrential rain, heatwaves etc….. Find out about natural disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornados etc….. How is climate change having an effect on the weather and natural disasters?

Let’s Create: Using recycled materials design and make a recycling mascot to spread the word about the importance and need to recycle. Think about what it is going to look like? Which materials are they going to use? How are they going to join the materials together? Once completed, remember to evaluate their mascot. What would they do differently next time? Which parts did they find the most challenging and why?

Be Active: Get into the garden and practise throwing and catching skills and keeping control of ball-based equipment like bats and balls. Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.

Time to Talk:  Discuss environmental issues in the UK. Air pollution, climate change, litter, waste, and soil contamination are all examples of human activity that have an impact in the UK. What are the global environmental issues? Various processes that can be said to contribute to the global environmental problems include pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, depletion of natural resources, overpopulation, waste disposal and deforestation ... These processes have a highly negative impact on our environment. Decide as a family how they could ‘do their bit’ to look after their environment e.g. you could set up a recycling station in their home; Paper, plastics and glass.

Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences: Throughout our lives, culture and experience shapes worldviews, children growing up in the Netherlands, for example, have a much different understanding of the role of water in their lives than their peers in the Sahara Desert. The difference between the abundance and scarcity of water in each of these physical environments affects every aspect of their respective cultures, including the global perceptions they will carry with them throughout their lives. Think about food. How do they think people view food in the UK compared to those living in Ethiopia for example? Research a country where food and water are scarce. Find out about charities that help people in need, Red Cross, Christain Aid, Islamic Relief or other charities that are significant to them.