Meet Our Team
Spring Term 2
Welcome back to Class Three!
This half-term, we shall be doing lots of writing based around Clive King’s story Stig of the Dump. Children have enjoyed reading this as our class book and will look to develop character, setting and narrative plot in writing.
In maths, we shall look at formal methods of addition and subtraction as well as the fabulous world of fractions. We shall investigate equivalent fractions before finding fractions of amounts and using fractions in addition and subtraction problems.
In Science, we shall be investigating light. Children will be asked to think about how light travels, whether light can travel through objects, shadows and how the shape and size of shadows can be changed. In work on rivers in geography, we shall look at how rivers form and how they journey from their source to the sea.
Spring Term 1
Welcome back to Year 3 and the Spring term! This term, we shall be doing lots of learning around forces and magnets. This will include looking at how magnets work and even making a magnetic game! See the attached knowledge organiser for some more information.
We are carrying on learning the recorder on Monday afternoons. I'm very impressed with how well children are doing with their instrument learning. In Maths, children will recap formal methods of addition and subtraction whilst also looking at money, fractions and shape. In English, children will be using adverbs, conjunctions and paragraphs to write explanation texts. We shall also do some work on traditional tales.
Keep going with homework! TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and MyMaths are updated weekly.
Many thanks,
Year 3 Team
Autumn Term 2
Welcome to the second half-term of Year 3 – we’ve got a very busy one planned!
In maths, we shall learn the methods for subtraction and multiplication as well as doing work on measure, angles, fractions (introducing tenths) and statistics. In English, we shall be using drama skills to help with narrative writing whilst also producing information texts alongside our topics. Our grammar focus next half-term will be on conjunctions (because, when, although, if), time adverbs and inverted commas to punctuate speech. In spelling, we shall learn about the suffixes mis- and re- as well as looking at words which end in –gue and –que.
Our science topic next half-term is skeletons. Children will learn about different bones, vertebrates and invertebrates, the importance of muscles, healthy eating and teeth. In history, we shall be learning about life in the Stone Age thousands of years ago. Children will learn about housing, hunter-gatherers, the production of metals and the development of forts.
Autumn Term 1
Welcome to Year 3! Mr Sharp, Mrs Winder, Ms Bray and Mrs Webb are delighted to welcome you back to school. This half-term, we will be learning all about different rocks and soils. We shall be looking at different rocks as well as finding out all about how different rocks are formed. We will also look at how volcanoes are formed and how earthquakes happen. In geography, we will use maps and atlases to locate different countries around the world. In music, we will begin to learn the recorders and in RE, we shall be looking at looking at how the Jewish faith remembers the important figures of Abraham and Moses.
In maths, we shall be doing lots of work on number this half term. We will begin by looking at place value (hundreds, tens and ones in Year 3) before developing our skills in addition and subtraction. As well as work on number, we shall work on drawing 2D shapes and telling the time to the nearest minute - a skill that can also be practised at home!
In English, we shall be using the text The Iron Man by Ted Hughes to inspire creative writing whilst also working on spelling patterns and joined handwriting.
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesdays: outdoor PE is on a Wednesday so please make sure you bring your outdoor PE kit. Recorders will be on Mondays; a letter will go out to parents about this very shortly.
Homework will be set on Times Table Rockstars, MyMaths and Spelling Shed weekly. Please ensure you are completing the work that is set for you.
Here’s to a fabulous half-term!
Our class agreement
Always listen to instructions and follow instructions first time.
Listen to others with respect.
Speak when it is your turn to do so.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Always use kind words.