Hello Year 4, 

I hope you are all staying safe and staying alert.  

This week’s learning project is about space. Did you know: My Very Excellent Monkey Just Served Unicorn Noodles? If you don’t know what this meansclick here. 

In my school bubble, we have watched this video lots and joined in with the dancing. Afterwards, we wrote all of the words we could think of to do with space. 

We have also talked about the Goldilocks zone. Never heard of it? Click here to find out what it means. 

If you want to do some research about famous space people, here are some names you may want to research: Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Helen Sharman, Tim Peake, and Valentina Tereshkova.  

Did you know that they’ve sent all sorts of animals in to space including dogs, monkeys and flies! Click here to find out more. 

I know which of you are doing your online homework but I am not sure how many of you actually read this letter. So, your challenge is to prove to me that you have read this letter by sending me an email at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com with something that you have done about space. I wonder what percentage of children will reply.  

Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you. We are missing you lots and look forward to seeing you back at school soon! 

Mr Booth, Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Dent 

Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS

Weekly Maths Tasks

Give your child an A4 piece of paper and mark out a rectangle 12cm by 24cm. They are designing a vegetable patch and need to include the following areas: A carrot zone with a perimeter of 32cm, a pea zone with an area of 12cm squared, a strawberry zone with an area of 20cm squared and a perimeter of 18cm.  
Following on from yesterday, your child can design 3 more zones of their choice but there must be a difference of at least 2cm between each of the areas. 
‘Conquer the Area’. You will need: square paper or draw a square grid, 2 different colour pencils and 2 dice. Roll the dice and multiply the two numbers together. Whoever rolled the dice draws this area on the square grid with their pencil. Fill up the whole page - whoever has taken up the most space wins.  
Practise counting in multiples of 50 and 100 forwards and backwards. Record these sequences on paper.  
Visit this website for more space-themed activities or play this Space Rocks game 


Kahoot! Game Pins 

07675199 Year 4 Mental Maths 

07112330 Year 4 Multiplication 

09147962 Year 4 Fractions 



Weekly Reading Tasks

Encourage your child to recreate space and read a story e.g. under dark bed sheets with a torch or even in the garden under the stars (with supervision).  
Search for J.K Rowling's The Ickabog online and enjoy!
Read chapter 1 of Survival in Space: The Apollo 13 Mission together. Ask your child to note down unfamiliar words and explore these together. 
Encourage your child to explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover here. What did they notice? What was most surprising?  
Task your child with creating their own Book Bingo. See here for inspiration.Can they complete the game over the next week?  


Kahoot! Game pins 

04767278 – Year 4 Guided Reading 1 

06002397 – Year 4 Guided Reading 2 

06105638 – Year 4 Guided Reading 3 


Weekly Spelling Tasks

Task your child with creating their very own space themed word bank e.g orbit, solar, comet. They can refer to this for some of their writing tasks.  
Practise spelling these words: division, invasion, confusion, decision, collision, television. Ask your child to list synonyms for each word (words with the same meaning).  
Learn to spell the names of all the planets in our solar system. Put them in alphabetical order and then order of size.  
Flash writing. Choose 5 Common Exception words and go into a darkened room with a torch and write them in the air with the torch light. 
Using the word bank from Wednesday, ask your child to create their very own space-themed word search. A family member could complete it. 


Kahoot! Game pins 

05382907 – Year 4 Spag 1 

0604168 – Year 4 Spag 2 

03818880 – Year 4 Prefixes 


Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on Broken: Rock, PaerScissorsOr your child can write a response to this: If I met an alien, I would… Your child could record their responses in a list to form a list poem and then perform it.  
Ask your child to write a diary entry about what it would be like on a Space Station.What do they miss about life on Earth? More inspiration here 
Encourage your child to create a travel brochure for a planet of their choice or to promote space tourism in general. Make sure they include information about travel times, accommodation, food and things to do and see. If you have access to a PC, this could be done on Word or Google Docs.
Ask your child to write a story about a character who went into space for the day. Ask them to think about which time openers (e.g. Later that day,) they could use and how they could build suspense to engage the reader.  
Create an information poster about Neil Armstrong. Remind your child to use labels and captions. What diagrams could they include?  


Kahoot! Game Pins 

09214255 – Year 4 Word Classes 

04377250 - Apostrophes 


Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about space. Learning may focus on our Solar System, the Sun and the Moon. It could look at life in outer space from the view of an astronaut and travelling through space.


  • Our Solar System Encourage your child to think about what they already know about space and create a mind map. Can they name the planets in our solar system? Can they remember them in order or create their own mnemonic to help them? Ask your child to research the characteristics of the planets e.g What is it made of? What size is it? How close to the Sun is it? Temperature? Can they create a fact file, PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation on a planet of their choice? These facts about Mars or these facts about space may be a good starting point.                                                                     


  • Blast off!- Ask your child to design a new spacesuit suitable for an astronaut. They will need to consider which materials would be most suitable, comfort for the astronauts and the temperature in space. Encourage them to design a logo for the spacesuit too. Perhaps they could make this using materials from around the home? Share your designs at #TheLearningProjects.             


  • Astronaut Aerobics-  Astronauts have to be fit and agile for their missions to space. Ask your child to design an obstacle course in your garden or home space and put your agility to the test! Can you find your pulse and count your heart rate before and after exercising? Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week. 


  • Out of this World- Ask your child if space travel was made more accessible and they could go on holiday to space, would they like to be the first space tourist? Can they think of arguments for and against being the first space tourist? Is it unethical for millionaires to spend their money on space tourism or should they spend all their money on reducing poverty? Ask them to prepare a speech about this discussion point.  


  • One Giant Leap for Mankind - Ask your child to find out about Neil Armstrong. Who was he and what challenges did he have to overcome during his life? Can they write a biography or create a piece of drama about Neil Armstrong’s life and achievements? 


Kahoot! Game Pins 

057877 – 1980s Britain – What can you remember from our topic? 

04714485 – Anglo Saxons 

05366989 – The Water Cycle 

05366989 – The Holy Trinity 

04302887 – Y4 RE Islam 


STEM Learning Opportunities

Mission X – Jump Training 

  • Stronger bones help astronauts stay safer while performing all of their assigned tasks – whether in a space vehicle, on the moon, Mars, or once back on Earth. 
  • Your bones become stronger when you do exercises that support your weight, such as running or jumping. Train like an astronaut by skipping on the spot for 60 seconds without stopping. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat three times. Vary and extend by adding jumping jacks, travelling forward and by increasing length of time. You can find out more here 
  • Sign up and access all of the Mission X resources here 


Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 4. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons

Y4 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills