Hello Year 4,
What a peculiar situation this is! What are you planning to do this week?
This week, our learning project is about animals. What animals do you have? I have a dog called Buddy. He will be 3 years old in May. I also used to have two goldfish. Can you see any animals from your house such as birds, cats, squirrels? Maybe you could find out about the types of animals you can see or other animals which are found in our area. I have a grey squirrel which comes in my garden. I have also seen a hedgehog, a fox, a bat and a field mouse. Mrs Winder told me she can see a deer from her house. There are many different types of birds where I live such as wood pigeons, wrens, robins, wagtails, ravens, crows and blackbirds. Do you know what these birds look like? Could you recognise one if you saw it? Could you make a fact file of the animals or an illustration?
Whatever you decide to do try to tweet school @eastbierleyPS because we would all love to see what you have been up to. You can also email school now at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com. We would love to see a photograph of you showing us what you have been doing. I have already seen some good photos from Spencer and Fletcher.
Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you. We are missing you lots and look forward to hearing from you!
Mr Booth, Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Dent
Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS
Weekly Maths Tasks
Working on Times Table Rockstars - your child will have an individual login to access this (20 mins on SOUND CHECK).
If your child works on ‘Numbots’ in school they can access this with the same login.
Play on Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables.
Practise counting forwards and backwards from any given number in
Bake a cake/ buns/ biscuit/ bread or anything that will involve measuring. Use measuring jugs or weighing scales to measure the correct ingredients. I would love to see photos of you measuring something out and a photo of the masterpiece!
Practise telling the time. Test each other in the house using different clocks at different times of the day. Can you say all of the different times? For example: 1:39pm, 13:39, 39 minutes past 1, 21 minutes to 2
Practise your times tables. I have made a grid by folding a piece of paper to make 12 columns and 12 rows. I then chose a different colour felt tip for each times table and started with the easiest ones first. So, I did 10x, 2x, 5x, 3x, 4x and so on. Can you create a multiplication grid like mine?
Weekly Reading Tasks
You could share a story together. This could be a chapter book where you read and discuss a chapter a day.
Listen to your child read and let them discuss what they have read. Encourage them to read with expression and intonation.
Watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world.
Get your child to read a book on Oxford Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed about the book.
Explore new vocabulary you find when reading. What are the origins of this word? Can it be modified? Can you find any synonyms or antonyms for your new word?
Plan time in your day to have DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read). Maybe everyone in the house could try to join in at a particular time. At school, we always have DEAR time between 1:20pm and 1:35pm. So, only for 15 minutes a day but you could read for longer if it’s a really good bit.
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Practise the Year 3/4 for Common Exception words.
Practise your spelling on Spelling Shed
Practise your spelling on Spelling Frame
Find word families and similar words. I have used the word photograph and found words which have either photo in or graph in them. Here are some words you could try: microphone, television, automobile.
Weekly Writing Tasks
Read a short story or picture book. Something that is quick and easy to do, then write a review on Toppsta. If you have a younger brother or sister, you could do it with them.
Write an email to a family member telling them all about how your week has been.
Design an information leaflet about an animal of their choice. Remember to use headings and subheadings.
Write a description of a fictional animal that has just been discovered. Think about what it looks like, where it lives and what it eats. Draw a picture to show what this new creature is like.
Write a set of instructions for how to look after a pet. Remember to include what you need and what you do.
Draw an animal of your choice and write an acrostic for that animal. Don’t forget an acrostic is a poem when the first letter of each sentence spells the animal name such as:
D ogs need to be walked every day
O ur dog is cute and furry
“G ood boy” is what we say to him
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about key animals they are interested in. Learning may focus on exploring the physical aspects of an animal, their habitat, categorising animals etc.
Let’s Wonder: Create fact files about deadly predators. Draw pictures of the predators and label them with information they find out. Where does the predator live? Why does it live there? What does it eat? How does it capture its prey? What special qualities do these predators have? Make a food chain to demonstrate why a predator is at the top of the chain. They could make a set of top trump cards using the information they found out.
Let’s Create: Explore the artist Franz Marc. Find out who he was and what type of artist he was. What did he like to create pictures? Look at some of his paintings online. Then choose an animal to draw and add colour to, in a similar style to his. What do they think of his paintings? Did they like their finished piece of artwork? Why?/Why not?
Be Active: Get out into the garden and make a bug hotel. Go on a mini beast hunt and record what they find. If they find any minibeasts they haven’t seen before they could always look it up online. What can they find out about these amazing creatures?
Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
Time to Talk: Find out which animals are their family members' favourites and why. Have a family debate about whether zoos should exist? Discuss whether they agree/disagree and why? Do their family members have a different opinion to them? Why not debate whether animals should be kept as pets?
Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences: Which animals are considered to be sacred around the world and why? Sacred Animals Who admires cows? Lions? Wolves? Which animals were important to the Egyptians and why