Hello Year 4,
I hope you are all staying safe and staying alert.
This week’s learning project is about music. I like most kinds of music. There are so many different genres of music. I am going to list some genres and some musicians. I would like you to try to listen to some of these musicians and genres and then decide which ones you like. Please ask an adult before you search on the internet as some songs and bands may not be appropriate. Have a conversation with your family to see which ones they like and which ones they would recommend that you listen to. I would be delighted if you could tell me which ones you like. You could make a poster about the musicians or write some sentences. It is up to you. Here is my list:
Rock: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Guns N’ Roses, Queen, Oasis
Electronic: Kraftwerk, New Order, Fatboy Slim, Daft Punk
House: Alison Limerick, Robin S, Calvin Harris
Disco: Donna Summer, Bee Gees, Chic
Pop: Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Madonna, Spice Girls, Little Mix
Punk: Green Day, The Clash, The Jam
Indie Rock: Sam Fender, The Killers, The Smiths, Oasis,
Whatever you decide to do try to tweet school @eastbierleyPS because we would all love to see what you have been up to. You can also email school at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com.
Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you. We are missing you lots and look forward to seeing you back at school soon!
Mr Booth, Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Dent
Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS
Weekly Maths Tasks
Encourage your child to watch this video about angles and learn the names of different angles such as right angles, obtuse and acute angles. |
Ask your child to become a shape scavenger! How many examples of different 2D and 3D shapes can they find around the home/garden? Can they create a tally and sort the shapes they find based on their properties? e.g. number of sides/edges, number of pairs of parallel lines. |
Ask your child to write their name in capital letters and see how many angles they can see in each letter. How many right angles? How many acute and obtuse angles? Repeat for other family names. |
Last week your child wrote a times table song. Ask your child to rehearse their song but this time incorporate a beat using a musical instrument (see below). |
Practise multiplying multiples of 10 using known facts and place value, e.g. 70 x 3 = 210, I also know that 3 x 70 = 210. |
Weekly Reading Tasks
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Ask your child to learn to spell the names of an instrument from each of the instrument families (strings, woodwind, brass, keyboards, and percussion). |
Practise spelling these words: measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure. Can your child write a definition for each of these words? |
Ask your child to unscramble these musical words: empot, demloy, epslu, narhmoy & rrecsttuu. |
Write as many of your spellings down from memory as you can. How many did you recall? Practise any you have missed. |
Practise the Y3/4 spellings in this fun,interactive way. Encourage your child to note down any words they are unfamiliar with and clarify them. |
Weekly Writing Tasks
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on Once in a Lifetime or take part in a writing masterclass. |
Listen to the piece of music called Peter and the Wolf, written by Prokofiev. Whilst listening, encourage your child to list any words that come to mind e.g elation, cheerfulness. They could also draw a picture of what they think the song represents. |
Now listen to the story and ask your child to write their own story that would be great told through music or draw a story map to represent this tale. Can they include speech too? |
Your child can make a mini-book about the instrument families. Include: names of instruments within that family, famous musicians who use them, country of origin and labelled illustrations. |
Invent a new instrument. Ask your child to write a fact file about their instrument or design an advert for when the instrument goes on sale. |
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about music. Learning may focus on famous musicians, listening to and performing music and exploring a range of music genres and instruments.
Discovering Different Eras
1920’s | 1930’s | 1940’s | 1950’s | 1960’s | 1970’s | 1980’s | 1990’s |
- Click on the links above and listen to a sample. Which era did your child find most enjoyable to listen to? Can they dance in the same style?
- Lean On Me - Encourage your child to listen to Lean On Me, a Soul/Gospel song by Bill Withers. Do they like it? What instruments can they hear? Can they clap a rhythm? Learn to sing the lyrics and have a go at performing the song. Perhaps your child would like to research this famous artist in more detail and listen to more of his songs, creating an artist profile complete with portrait sketch. Perhaps they could perform the song to a family member via Facetime (with adult supervision)? Share your performance at #TheLearningProject.
- Musical Makes - Ask your child to try creating their own music instrument. They could make their own pan flute using straws, a cereal box guitar, or some tin can drums. Encourage them to plan their design first, source materials from around the house, write the steps to make the product and then evaluate it afterwards. Or they could research Kandinsky and create their own instrument art inspired by his work whilst listening to different genres of music.
- Feel the Beat - Why not ask your child to have a go at moving their body to different genres of music. As you change between Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, Heavy Metal and Classical music, how does the way they move their body change? Have a dance together to the beat of the music! Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
- Listen Together - Encourage your child to ask each family member what their favourite song is. Play the song aloud and listen together. Spend some time as a family discussing what genre of music the songs belong to and how each piece of music makes you feel. Which genres of music were the most popular? Can your child represent their results in a bar chart. They could ask family members to rank their favourite genres of music first.
- Musical Movie Time - Allow your child to choose an age-appropriate musical to watch. Andrew Lloyd Webber is now posting filmed versions of his shows on his Youtube channel The Shows Must Go On! each week! Discuss the story behind the musical and ask your child to step into the shoes of different characters and imagine how they are feeling. Which is your child’s favourite song from the film/show and why? Can they create a billboard poster advertising the show? Or perhaps design a ticket?
STEM Learning Opportunities
Making Instruments
- You will need a jar/bottle, some water and a pencil. Try tapping the side of an empty container with a pencil. What type of sound does it make? Partially fill the container with water, tap the container again. Has the sound changed? Try filling the container with different amounts of water. Can you play a tune? Look here
- Now try making a straw oboe. All you need is a drinking straw and some scissors. Cut the end of the straw into an arrow shape and blow gently. Once you get a duck type sound try altering the length of the straw. What do you notice?
- For more ideas take a look at the full resources here.
Additional Learning Resources
BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.
Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.
IXL online. Click here for Year 4. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons
Y4 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills