Hello Year 4, 

I hope you are all well and are keeping happy by doing lots of fun things. As you know, I will try to ring up every week to see how you are. So, it would be nice if you could remember at least one fun thing that you have done to tell me about. 

I haven’t seen some of you in such a long time now. It would be lovely to see you. I am in school every day now and my “bubble” has a break time between 10:45 and 11:00 in the morning. So, if you are out for a morning walk around that time it would be lovely to talk to you over the playground wall. 

This week’s project is called Around the World. If you do any work at home about this, it would be lovely to see what different activities you have done. 

Whatever you decide to do try to tweet school @eastbierleyPS because we would all love to see what you have been up to. You can also email school at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com 

Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you. We are missing you lots and look forward to seeing you back at school soon! 

Mr Booth, Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Dent 

Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS

Weekly Maths Tasks

Your child can try to find real life arrays  -this could be eggs in a tray, candles in a row, etc. Once found, get your child to write the calculation for that array. Can they find the fact family? (E.g. 3x4 = 12, 4x3=12, 12÷3 = 4 & 12 ÷ 4=3).
Choosing a times table of choice, ask your child to write a rap/song to help them remember the multiplication facts linked to this time table. Can they include the corresponding division facts in their rap/song too? We would love to hear these! If you are feeling shy about performing then can you send the words to us?
Get your child to make a multiplication flower for a times table of their choice like the one here. If they don’t want to do a flower, what other creative ways can they think of?
Ask your child to think about the products that they use at home and how far these have travelled. Food, clothing, toys and electrical items often carry ‘Made in…’ labels. Calculate distances travelled and order from those made closest to home to those made furthest away. This may require adult support and help online to find out the distance from other countries!
Encourage your child to explore different currencies of money used around the world. How do these compare to pounds?(e.g. £1 to 1.12 Euros) Can you look at the conversion rates? Are there any interesting or surprising currencies that they had never heard of before?

Weekly Reading Tasks

Share a story together, perhaps a story from another culture? Ask your child to identify any countries, cultures or food that are referenced in the story.
Visit Ducksters and let your child choose a region to learn about. Ask them to identify major cities, rivers and information on its landscape.
Can your child design a book cover for a well-known myth? What did they think of the myth? Did they enjoy it? Can they write an alternative ending instead?  
Visit Story Nory and let your child choose a story from around the world to listen to. Can they summarise the main events by drawing a comic strip?
Can you find out some facts about world flags? What facts can they remember from what they have read? You could write them some questions to find the answer to.


After the above task, ask your child to choose any country that sparks their interest and research online together about their culture, cuisine, popular sport and significant/famous people from this country. Please let us know which country you have researched and email your facts about them!


Weekly Spelling Tasks

Your child can learn to spell the continents of the world. Practise writing them using pencils, pens, chalk, sticks, typing, etc.  
Find out how add the ‘ly’ suffix  here. Once your child is confident with the rules, ask them to teach you or another family member how to add ly! 
Can your child create their very own ‘Around the World’ crossword puzzle? Help them write clues and a family member can complete it.  
Find some interactive spelling games here 
Ask your child to list adjectives and place names that begin with the same letter e.g. fascinating France, sweltering Sri Lanka, exquisite England. Can they put these into a list poem?  

Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Blackhat. Or your child could design a new island for people to visit by creating a detailed map from a bird’s eye view.  
Ask your child to write a set of instructions explaining how to make an African mask. Remind them to include: equipment, headings, imperative verbs (bossy words), adverbs (e.g. carefully, slowly ) and a handy hint.   
Discuss a holiday that your child has been on or a place they’ve visited. Get them to design a postcard and write about what they did there or an information leaflet for other tourists.
Get your child to listen to some Anasi stories. Ask them to write their own story featuring Anasi. What is she going to teach them? Encourage them to create their own book with a front and back cover and illustrations.  
After the reading task, your child can create an information report on their chosen country and organise their paragraphs using these headings: culture, cuisine, popular sport and significant/famous people.  

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about countries and cities around the world. Learning may focus on different cultures and traditions, famous landmarks, food and clothing.

  • Virtual Explorer - What are the continents of the world? Where are they located? What languages are spoken in these continents? Ask your child to use Google Maps to explore a continent of their choice. Can they create a continent fact file or choose a particular country they are interested in and create an information guide including the weather, tourist locations, landmarks, weather, traditional music, food, flags. Remember to tweet a photo of their fact file or information guide #TheLearningProjects.                                                    


  • Mask Making -  Ask your child to use paper or cardboard and a range of materials around the home to design and create their own African mask. Can they find out their importance to African culture by watching this clip? 


  • Dance Around the World - Can you find any videos of different cultural dances from around the world such as the Brazilian Samba, the traditional Diwali stick dance or the Spanish Flamenco? Use SafeYoutube to convert from YouTube to make it a safer mode for children. Your child can design a cultural costume for their favourite dance and label it with suitable materials.  Why not record a video to share with your school’s Twitter? Encourage your child to watch the recording back and evaluate their dance. Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week. 


  • Speak the Language - Encourage your child to discuss with their family the links they and their family have to the wider world. Find out places family members have visited on holiday, work/business links or simply countries they would like to visit in the future. Have a go at learning some simple phrases in different languages from around the world and write the phrases using the colours of the flag for that country. You could visit the Mrs Mandarin website here or Duolingo  


  • Tribal Traditions - Ask your child to find out about the cultural differences, customs and traditions of an indigenous group/tribe from around the world such as the Maori people, Native Americans, the Yanomami tribe or the African Maasai tribe. Why is it important to remember these people? Can your child create some artwork inspired by one of the tribes?  

STEM Learning Opportunities

Engineering Around the World – World’s Tallest Tower 

  • In 2020 the new world’s largest tower will be the Jeddah Tower, in Saudi Arabia. It will have 200 floors and will the reach 1008 meters high.  
  • Use scrap paper and junk box materials to build a tower.  You might like to search for photos of the ‘Jeddah Tower’ to help you with your design.  
  • What is the tallest tower you can build? 


Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 4. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons

Y4 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills