Hi Year 5,
I hope you are doing well and keeping yourselves safe and positive. What did you get up to in the half term? I hope you and your family took some time to relax and have some fun in this uncertain time. Make sure you speak to someone at home if you are feeling worried or unsure. I am more than happy to discuss any feelings with you when calling or over email, we are all in this together!
I am receiving lots of great emails so please do keep this up! It is lovely to see and hear about so many of you trying different things such as cooking, playing games and tidying your bedrooms! Please do share any work or fun activities you have done by emailing year5@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweeting us at @eastbierleyPS.
Thank you to those children who are accessing the online learning, keep this up! Also thank you to those children using their real names for Kahoot so I can see who is enjoying the quizzes. There are lots of activities to choose from on the website. Remember, there is no expectation to complete all or a certain number of these tasks. They are purely there to provide ideas if you are unsure of what to do next. The theme for this week is the Rainforest and I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the different activities you are enjoying.
I look forward to speaking to and seeing you all very soon!
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Williams, Mrs Webb and Mrs Robson
Weekly Maths Tasks
Play ‘Match the Fraction’. Challenge yourself by trying the mixed numbers. |
Practise converting decimals to fractions and write fractions in their simplest form on this online activity. Click the box that says ‘decimals fractions’ and select one of the options on the right. Record your answers on a piece of paper before checking by opening the boxes. Feel free to have a go at the other activities if you wish. |
Divide a piece of paper into four, select four cards from a pack of playing cards and make two fractions by placing a card in each quadrant. Compare the two fractions using the inequality symbols (< > and =). |
Can you find the distance from Leeds Bradford Airport to the Amazon Rainforest using Google maps? When is the best time to visit? |
Have a go at this whole numbers game and then try this negative numbers game. |
Complete 10 Studio and 10 Garage games on TTRockstars.
Complete weekly MyMaths tasks, Improper and mixed fractions and Translating and reflecting. If you have completed these, there are other tasks on there too. Play on Hit the Button, Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica or complete some Corbett Maths tasks. |
Weekly Reading Tasks
Listen to a free age-appropriate audiobook here, choose a book from Oxford Owl or read your DEAR time book. Why not read under a tree in the garden for a change? |
Read an account of living in a rainforest here. Record what you like and don’t like about living in the rainforest. Could you use both facts and opinions? |
Listen to and read along with A Blade of Grass. What message is the poet trying to convey to the reader? Could you explain this in a paragraph? |
Find a recipe involving chocolate in a recipe book or here. You can find out about chocolate here and summarise your learning. Could you have a go at baking one of the recipes and email me a picture? |
Create a rainforest themed bookmark for a younger sibling or family member. |
Visit Toppsta to review and win free books! |
Weekly Spelling Tasks
In the garden or during your daily walk, list nature related expanded noun phrases (e.g. the tall conifer by the wall). This may support your writing this week. |
Can you complete these tasks relating to words ending in -ant, ance, ancy, ent, ence or ency? |
Can you create your own rainforest themed crossword? You will need to include a list of clues and an answer sheet. |
Create a rainforest glossary using these words as a starting point: canopy, monsoon, colony, extinct & deforestation. You could use synonyms and pictures too. |
Pick 5 Common Exception words from the Year 5/6 spelling list. Create a mnemonic for each word e.g. Rhythm Has Your Two Hips Moving. |
Visit SpellingShed to complete tasks and play games. Practise Year 5 and 6 Common Exception words and spelling rules on SpellingFrame. |
Weekly Writing Tasks
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Alchemist’s Letter or take part in a writing master class. You will need an account for this so speak to someone at home first. |
After the reading task, write a diary entry from the viewpoint of the child who lives in the rainforest. Alternatively, write a diary entry in the day in the life of Toki. Explain the message of the story and describe how he felt throughout the clip. What emotive language could you use? |
Write a poem about the rainforest. Create four stanzas about the climate, animals, what you like about it and the potential dangers. Perform your poem, you could send me a picture or even a video of your performance! |
Write two contrasting descriptions of the rainforest. One depicting the rainforest’s beauty and the other deforestation. You could create mind maps and vocabulary banks before beginning to write to help with comparisons. |
Rainforests are destroyed by nature too so we should make use of their products rather than waste them. Write a balanced argument. Remember to include both for and against reasons. |
The Young Writers creative writing competition has now been extended to the 24th July. If you would like to enter, click here. |
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.
Deforestation: Destroying Animal Habitats and The Homes of Humans- Deforestation occurs in rainforests throughout the world. Trees are cut down on a huge scale, often to create space for grazing livestock or buildings. As part of this process, animal habitats and the homes of native people are often destroyed. Create a poster highlighting the impact of deforestation on both humans and animals. Think of possible solutions to some of these challenges and include these solutions on your poster. Remember to tweet a photo of your poster using #TheLearningProjects or to @eastbierleyPS.
Welcome to The Jungle: Let Creativity Roar!- Henri Rousseau was a French painter from the 19th Century who created many paintings inspired by jungles and rainforests, although he never actually visited one. Explore facts about this famous painter and create a jungle/rainforest piece of artwork in his style or recreate one of his pieces. You could draw, paint or create a collage, depending on the resources you have available at home.
Discovering Far off Lands- In the 16th century, Sir Walter Raleigh sailed the Atlantic Ocean in search of a place called El Dorado. His expedition took him to Guyana and his search led him to discover the country’s rainforest. 400 years on, a group of children have taken on the challenge to follow in Sir Walter’s footsteps in their own expedition to Guyana. Watch this clip and explore the others on the BBC Teach website. Plan your own expedition and consider what you would need to take with you. Alternatively, you could write a first-hand account of your time in the rainforest from the perspective of Sir Walter. Remember that Sir Walter would not have had access to the mod cons we do now.
Rumble in The Jungle - Get that Heart Rate Going! - Increase your heart rate by challenging yourself and members of your family to mimic the actions of animals which inhabit rainforests. Actions could include: jumping over logs, ducking under branches, high knees through quicksand, running from a tiger etc. Record your heart rate (beats per minute) after each activity. Which activity increased your heart rate most? Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
Deforestation: Our Climate and Our Planet- As well as impacting on animal habitats and native people, deforestation is also a major contributor towards climate change. Create an awareness leaflet about the effects of climate change on our planet and how deforestation is contributing towards this.
STEM Learning Opportunities
Rainforest Leaf Adaptation
Watch this video.
Many tropical rainforest leaves have a drip tip to help them cope with high rainfall. It is thought that these drip tips enable rain drops to run off quickly. Plants need to shed water to avoid growth of fungus and bacteria in the warm, wet tropical rainforest. Have a look at some other common leaf adaptations here.
Look at the leaves in your garden or out on a walk. What adaptations do they have? Create a branching identification key to help identify the leaves in your area.
Kahoot Pins for this week
Rainforest – 01073812
Poems – 02963901
Fractions - 08964926
Previous Kahoots still available:
Prime and Composite numbers – 05972503
Forces – 08315692
Materials – 01335825
Homophones – 06633706
Place value with rounding – 08516172
Adjectives and Adverbs – 03501165
Properties of Materials – 05629467
Capital letters – 09048789
SPaG Year 5 – 02244536
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages – 03371227
Sentence structures – 08013301
Earth and Space – 02366116
Negative numbers – 04715734
Parenthesis – 05854327
Shapes – 02332864
Guided reading – 04685041
Growth and fixed mindset – 05122823
Graphs – 03913851
Great Britain – 07991896
Numbers – 05662689
Relative clauses - 0988091
Daily Calculation - 0411924
Sport (you may want help from an adult with this one!) – 02204452
Additional Learning Resources
BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.
Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.
IXL online. Click here for Year 5 There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.
Y5 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
J2Code – A range of activities to explore computing and coding. There are short lesson activities but also the opportunity to be more creative within the ‘JIT’ Platform.
https://app.gonoodle.com/ - Website with videos that encourage exercise with guided dances as well as videos to help with mindfulness.