Hi Year 5, 

How are you all doing this week? I hope you have enjoyed another week of learning at home and spending time with your family.  

I am really enjoying seeing all of your work as well as some downtime for fun and games too. Have you had a family movie or game night? We like Scrabble and Monopoly in my house! 

Many of you are reading at home which is great, could you email me your favourite book and write a review? Some children have been practising their clarinets which is great. If you haven’t yet, try and have a go at it this week and send me a picture. You can email it to me at year5@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS. 

There are many different activities on the website this week that I know many of you will enjoy. The theme this week is Sport and I know how much you enjoy PE. I hope the weather is nice so that you can enjoy these activities outside, there are many to choose from so have a read and pick the ones you are most interested in. Please let me know if you have a go at the circuit I made, it might mean doing a few laps of the garden! 

Please continue to access some of the online learning. Many more of you are completing Kahoot quizzes! Thank you to those who have amended their nicknames so I know who is completing them, please continue to do this.  

Continue to keep safe and look after yourself and your family. We hope to see you all soon! 

Miss Williams, Mrs Robson and Mrs Webb 

Weekly Maths Tasks

Watch this video to understand the difference between reflection, translation and rotation.
Place several household objects on the ground indoors or in the garden spaced apart. Ask an adult to blindfold you using a scarf and ask them to give you instructions using the positional language such as turn left, right, forwards, clockwise, etc. to lead you to the items. You could swap over so you both give instructions. You could say something like: “Turn 90 degrees left and move forwards 3 spaces.” Can you or someone else follow the given instructions to find the object?
Using this online resource, make a pattern and then reflect it. Try this activity that allows reflecting, translating and rotating practice. You could then try it through drawing pictures, take a look at my example.
Play catch. Each time the ball is caught, count up in a particular multiple (this could be any number between 2 and 100). If the ball is dropped, start again. It can be made harder by spacing out or by giving a higher target number.
Complete 10 Studio and 10 Garage games on TTRockstars.

Complete weekly MyMaths tasks, Division remainders and Square and cube numbers. If you have completed these, there are other tasks on there too.

Play on Hit the Button, Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica or complete some Corbett Maths tasks.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Read the sports pages of a newspaper or read First News and consider the language used. You could add interesting language to a sports’ word bank.

Here is a reading comprehension activity about circus performers. Challenge yourself to read the text in under 3 minutes and complete the questions.

Listen to and read along with Arundel Swimming Pool. Summarise each verse using one word only.

Participate in DEAR time. You could listen to a free age-appropriate audiobook here, choose a book from Oxford Owl or continue with your chapter book.

Consider the actions of a character in a book you have recently read. Do you agree or disagree with the actions? Verbally give reasons for your opinions and justify them using evidence from the text.

Weekly Spelling Tasks

List sport related words and phrases such as noun phrases, verbs and adjectives that correspond with each letter of the alphabet? This will support your writing tasks.
Can you complete this word search which focuses on words ending in -cial or -tial? Can you find the meanings of these words too using a dictionary?
Create your own sporting word search. This could include the names of athletes, sports or sporting equipment.
Can you unscramble these sporting words: queenmipt, poicmlys, tannidmob, cagminssty & pochmashpini. Can you create your own for someone at home to try? Can you email your answers? I wonder who will get them all first!
Pick 5 Common Exception words from the Year 5/6 spelling list. Challenge yourself to spell them as you throw a ball to someone at home. Every time the ball is thrown the next letter must be said.
Visit SpellingShed to complete tasks and play games. Practise Year 5 and 6 Common Exception words on SpellingFrame.

Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Catch. You could create a short victory story about a character succeeding.
Write two newspaper articles on a sport of your choice, one reporting on an event and the other reporting ‘behind the scenes’. Pay attention to the different language that will be used in each. Can you include direct speech from ‘interviews’? You could present this on Word if you have access to a PC.
Choose a sports person you admire. Create a biography which tells the story of their life in chronological order.
Choose a sport which is popular in another country and write an information report, giving key details about the sport and its history.
Create a persuasive leaflet for a new school sports club. Use persuasive language including modal verbs (e.g. will, should) and adverbs of possibility (certainly, probably).


Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance.

Sport Genius- Research about sporting history and see how many different facts you can find out about sports from the past. Create your own sporting trivia quiz which you can test out on members of the household. Or place different sporting events from the last 100 years onto a timeline.

Sporting Heroes- Select your favourite sporting star. Draw a portrait of them in the style of the famous pop artist Roy Lichtenstein using felt tip pens or paint. Share your creation at #TheLearningProjects.

Name that Sport - Create an orienteering map of your home/garden. At each location, you will need to create a question relating to a sport e.g. Which sport has the most rules? The answers can then be recorded on an orienteering sheet. How about setting a challenge? Can you create an answer that begins with the letter of the next location? Test it out on a family member.

Beat It!- Measure your resting heart rate by counting how many beats in a minute. Then carry out an exercise e.g. running, skipping, star jumps etc. for 3 minutes. Once you have completed this, complete a recovery activity e.g. walking or sitting and see how long it takes for your heart rate to go back to normal. Repeat this with different recovery exercises to see which is the most effective at getting your heart rate back to normal the quickest. Can you create a way of showing your results e.g. a graph?

Anyone Can Be a Champion!- This activity is all about exploring the diversity of sport. Research the history of the Paralympics . Discuss why we have the Paralympics. Create a poster which presents the importance of the Paralympics and the range of different sports there are.

Sport – Design and complete your own practical activities. I have designed a circuit, could you have a go at it?

STEM Learning Opportunities

Heart Beaters

Can you tickle yourself? How many litres of blood do you have in your body? How many times does your heart beat in a day? Test your family with a body trivia quiz.  Create your own cards or download some from here: https://bit.ly/2RFJVRN

The complete resource can be downloaded here: https://bit.ly/3a9VtTU You will need an account so you will need help from an adult.

Kahoot Pins for this week

Relative clauses - 0988091

Daily Calculation - 0411924

Sport (you may want help from an adult with this one!) – 02204452

Previous Kahoots still available:

Prime and Composite numbers – 05972503

Forces – 08315692

Materials – 01335825

Homophones – 06633706

Place value with rounding – 08516172

Adjectives and Adverbs – 03501165

Properties of Materials – 05629467

Capital letters – 09048789

SPaG Year 5 – 02244536

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages – 03371227

Sentence structures – 08013301

Earth and Space – 02366116

Negative numbers – 04715734

Parenthesis – 05854327

Shapes – 02332864

Guided reading – 04685041

Growth and fixed mindset – 05122823

Graphs – 03913851

Great Britain – 07991896

Numbers - 05662689

Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 5  There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.

Y5 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.

J2Code – A range of activities to explore computing and coding. There are short lesson activities but also the opportunity to be more creative within the ‘JIT’ Platform.

https://app.gonoodle.com/ - Website with videos that encourage exercise with guided dances as well as videos to help with mindfulness.