Meet our team
Spring 2
Welcome back! This half-term we will be developing our story writing skills. We will read a range of fables and traditional stories, before becoming authors and writing our very own.
As part of our science topic, we will explore a range of everyday materials - discussing their properties and testing their suitability for different uses.
In enrichment we will begin by developing our arts skills. We will explore the work of Kadinksy and use this to inspire our own art projects. Later in the half-term we will continue to develop our sewing skills.
Please keep encouraging the use of the cursive font at home as this is crucial as your child progresses through school.
Our PE days this half-term are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full kit in school and that long hair is tied back. Earrings also need to be removed or covered.
Spelling Shed, TTRockstar, NumberBots and MyMaths homework will be set weekly. These are most effective when completed in short bursts throughout the week. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the online homework.
Also ensure your child is reading their home reading book and that you comment within their reading records. Books will be changed weekly but can be changed more frequently if required.
Spring 1
We will become historians in Year 1 this half-term. We will begin by exploring our own part in history and writing our very own autobiographies. We will then explore recent history and important people and events in our own life time. Later in the half-term we will focus our history skills on exploring travel and transport through time, with a key focus on air travel and early flying machines. This topic will also underpin our learning across the curriculum.
In enrichment we will begin by building up coding skills in order to plan and input basic algorithms to direct the Beebots. Later in the half-term we will build upon our Design and Technology skills.
Please keep encouraging the use of the cursive font at home as this is crucial as your child progresses through school.
Our PE days this half-term are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full kit in school and that long hair is tied back. Earrings also need to be removed or covered.
Spelling Shed, TTRockstar, NumberBots and MyMaths homework will be set weekly. These are most effective when completed in short bursts throughout the week. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the online homework.
Also ensure your child is reading their home reading book and that you comment within their reading records. Books will be changed weekly but can be changed more frequently if required.
Autumn 2
We have a really exciting half-term to lead us towards Christmas. Our topic is animals and this will form the basis for much of our learning. Our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park will assist with this learning.
In class, we will become animal explorers - researching and learning about lots of different animals. We will also begin to categorise them into the different animal types and will use the words carnivore, omnivore and herbivore to decide what each animal eats. We will also learn about ourselves and the human body - discussing body parts and the 5 senses.
Please keep encouraging the use of the cursive font at home as this is crucial as your child progresses through school.
Our PE days this half-term are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full kit in school and that long hair is tied back. Earrings also need to be removed or covered.
Spelling Shed, TTRockstar and MyMaths homework will be set weekly. These are most effective when completed in short bursts throughout the week. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the online homework.
Also ensure your child is reading their home reading book and that you comment within their reading records. Books will be changed weekly but can be changed more frequently if required.
Autumn 1
We are so excited for this half-term and have lots of exciting activities planned. Our topic for this half-term is The United Kingdom. We will explore the 4 countries of the UK and will begin to apply some basic map skills. We will begin by exploring key landmarks of London and learning about the royal family. We will then uncover the mystery behind the Loch Ness Monster as we study Scotland. We will also explore dragons and the story behind the Giant's Causeway as we learn about Wales and Northern Ireland.
Our class agreement
We will use our listening ears and looking eyes.
We will use our manners at all times.
We will have kind hands and feet and will use kind words.
We will listen and wait when others are talking.
We will do super tidying up and respect our things.
We will be trustworthy.
We will say sorry and forgive others.
We will walk and keep each other safe in our classroom.
We will use quiet voices in the classroom.