Author: Mrs L Upham

Crossing patrol

Fantastic to have a crossing patrol again! A very warm welcome from us on a very chilly day for Mr Stocks (already our caretaker and now our new [...]

Spring 2

We can't wait to welcome the children back for the start of term tomorrow.  We had a great training day today and are ready to embark on our whole  school [...]

Lunchtime changes

A reminder that, as per the last newsletter, Year 6 will be having the early lunch break on our return after half term. Year 3 will swap and will have a later [...]


Please follow us on Twitter @eastbierleyps where we include what is happening in school with maths and reading suggestions, local events you may wish to attend [...]

Term dates for the next school year

We have just finalised our training days for the next school year and will issue term dates (with training days) on our return to school in Spring 2 once they [...]

One World Week

Next sees One World Week. Each class will study the culture and traditions of a different country and will share their learning with each other on Friday. [...]

Friday 1st December – Dress down day

On Friday we will be having a dress down day - please bring either chocolate or a bottle for our Christmas event on the 5th [...]