Hello Year 2!

I am really enjoying seeing all of your lovely work! I have had so many emails to respond to and I am blown away by all your innovative designs, projects and craft ideas. I am missing seeing you all every day and it is nice to speak to you all every Monday to see how you are and chat about what you have all been up to during the lockdown. I love how happy many of you sound on the phone when I call and last week many of you even answered your grown-ups phone yourself – very grown up. Make sure you aren’t just doing lots of work, keep active and get some fresh air whenever you can.  Playing outside is a great way to exercise and keep your heart and brain healthy. It is important not to be stressed at this time so please don’t worry about completing everything I set, it’s about spending time with your family and completing work when you can. It has been so nice that many of you have been sharing your work with me via the email year2@eastbierleyprimary.com and I would love to see more of our class appearing on Twitter! I am more than happy to forward photographs to Mrs Upham for Twitter with your permission but don’t forget you can also upload it yourself by tweeting us at @eastbierleyPS.

I have seen that lots of you are completing learning online, this is lovely to see and I will make sure I send you comments on all your hard work as soon as I can. Kahoots are very popular this week, I know a few of you have had some problems but many of you have completed more than one which is fantastic, hopefully it will work for everyone next week.   This week Lucy and I will be making some jellyfish and under the sea creatures using any junk modelling we can find around the house. Feel free to do the same and send me your creative ideas, last week’s Elmer challenge was amazing and I hope you all enjoyed seeing some of your friends craft too.

This week we are going to be learning more about the ocean. This week’s Kahoots are focused on fractions in maths, tenses in SPaG, key comprehension skills in guided reading,  physical and human features in geography and how plants grow from seeds in science.

Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you,

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Miss Papamichael

Weekly Maths Tasks

Play a Snakes and Ladders with a sibling or grown-up and practise your counting by adding the number you are on with the number you rolled to find out which number you need to be on. For example: If you are on 13 and you roll an 11 you need to work out 13+11=24 so you should be on square 24.
Place an object on the ground and use positional language such as forward, backwards, up, down, left and right to direct your grown-up to the object. You could switch roles and get your grown-up to give the directions. If you wanted to make it harder, you could use a blindfold but be extra careful!
Play ‘Catch’ with someone in your household using a ball or anything else that can be thrown safely. Instead of counting in 1s each time the ball is caught, you could count in multiples you were working on in TT Olympics.
Check out the lessons and activities on White Rose Maths.

Summer Term Week 3 has some super activities for learning related number facts.

Each member of the family could have a go at the Long Jump. Ask your child to measure the length of each jump using a measuring tape and record the lengths. Who jumped the furthest? Who had the shortest jump? What was the difference between the shortest and longest jump? Alternatively, you could measure the distance each person can throw/ roll an object.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Grab a bag from the house and go on a hunt to collect items that relate to a well-known story. If you can’t find an item, you could draw a picture instead. Use the objects in the story bag to retell the familiar story to a grown-up.
Think about a hero from a book you have read recently, for example the Prince from Rapunzel or Mulan. Can you draw the hero or heroes from a story and list adjectives to describe their appearance and personality?
Can you listen to the Cbeebies story ‘Martin the Mouse’ (click here)? Once you have, can you record the main events from this sporty story and then draw the events, write sentences or even retell the story orally in your own words?
Choose and read a healthy recipe from a recipe book or from Change4Life. If you have the ingredients, why not follow the recipe with a grown up?
Watch and listen to The Little Princess: I Want to Win’ based on the Tony Ross book. Think about how the Little Princess felt each time she won a game. Can you think of a time they felt like the Little Princess and draw a picture?
Log in to Rising Stars to read a story and complete a quiz.

If you are yet to register, use this link as this will register you as part of our school. You will also need to verify your email address before you can access the website (the confirmation email may be in your Junk folder).

Weekly Phonics and Spelling Tasks

The word ‘sport’ contains the sound ‘or’. List as many words as you can containing the ‘or’ sound. Make sure you think about alternative spellings (oor/ore/aw/au).
Play the Solve, Shoot, Score spelling game on the Premier League Primary Stars. Choose the ‘Primary Star’ level and you could even write the words you use with their sound buttons.
List words to describe athletes or their sporting hero. For example, strong, winner, speedy. Can you use these words to write descriptive sentences about athletes?
Visit Phonics Play and play this Sentence Substitution game.
Ask your child to add the ‘ing’ suffix to these sporty verbs: jump, kick, twirl, twist, turn, miss, aim, shout, play

Can you add the suffix –ed to put the words into the past tense?

e.g. jump + ing = jumping or jump + ed = jumped

Split Digraph Rainbows – Can you draw rainbows to show the split diagraphs in words? A split digraph is when a digraph for example ‘ie’ has been split up and had a consonant placed in the middle. It still makes an ‘ie’ sound despite having this letter in the middle. The split digraphs are a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e.


Weekly Writing Tasks

Who is your favourite sportsperson? This could you their P.E. teacher, a cricketer from East Bierley Cricket Club or a famous sportsperson. Can you write an information booklet about this person?
Think of questions you’d love to ask your favourite athlete. Write a list of the questions using a range of questions words such as ‘when’, ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘how’. You could then answer them in the role of your hero.
Could you write your own sporting story featuring your favourite sportsperson?
Can you design a poster all about teamwork? This could be linked to your family and how you all have to work together as a team in this difficult time.
Design a gold medal and present it to somebody deserving within the household. Why have you chosen this person? Write a few sentences and include the words ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘if’. You could even write a sentence saying why someone didn’t get the reward using the word ‘but’.

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance.

Obstacle Course Fun- Task your child with designing and making their very own obstacle course in the garden. Ask them to draw and label their design first and include all of the equipment they need. They can then use their design to create their obstacle course. Ask the family to complete the obstacle course whilst your child times them. Your child could even make medals from tin-foil or any other suitable material and present them to the winner during a winner’s ceremony.

Make a Family Mascot- Your child could make their very own family mascot using materials from around the house. First of all, visit the Olympic Mascot Official list here and look at past mascots. What makes a good mascot? What qualities does the mascot represent?

Remarkable Routines- Can your child create their very own simple routine, just like a gymnast, dancer or synchronised swimmer? Start by watching a video of a routine together, here are some suggestions: men’s gymnastic routine, synchronised swimming routine. After this, your child can choose a piece of music to practise their routine to.  Watch the performance together- what does your child think went well? What could be even better?

Terrific Team Kits- Ask your child to design their very own team kit. They should consider the flag of the country that they would represent and how to incorporate these colours into the design. They could draw the design with a pencil or use a computer program to do this.

Can you Invent a New Olympic Game?- Challenge your child to invent their very own game for the 2021 Olympics. Look at a list of all of the sports that already compete in the summer Olympics here. Can they write a set of instructions for the new game or draw illustrations. Why not test the game out as a family?

STEM Learning Opportunities

Brilliant Bodies

What can your body do? Balance on one leg? Touch your nose with your tongue? Look at the body challenge cards and see how many you can do.  Ask your family to join in and make your own body challenge cards.

The complete resource can be downloaded here.

Other Learning Resources

The NHS Change 4 Life website has some great games and activities, specifically ones for staying indoors. Have a look here.

IXL- Click here for Year 2. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents under the tab ‘Learn with an example’.

Numbots and MyMaths Your child can access these with their individual log ins.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs Learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons. There are notes on how to do these activities with your children.

Y2 Talk for writing booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.

Kahoot PINs

New PINs

New Pins

Continents, Oceans and UK – 03047020

Living, Non-living, Dead – 02254285

Polysyllabic words – 0629479

Progressive tenses – 06448714

Comparing measures – 01823686

Measuring - 06791793

Previous Topic PINs

Maps and compass points – 05252213

Plants animals and their habitats – 05872501

Physical and human geography – 06897420

Food chains – 03652153

UK vs Brazil – 01642050

Plants – 04369095

Living things and their habitats – 03414084

Human or Physical feature? - 01285179

Plants – 02736317

Previous Maths PINs

Addition – 1 digit and 1 digit – 09539238

Addition – 2 digit and tens– 01037148

Addition – 1 digit and 2 digit – 09034621

Addition – 2 digit and 2 digit – 06007662

Odd and Even numbers – 02320774

Multiplication and Division – 02198852

Finishing patterns – 06651036

Sequencing shape patterns – 01505545

Multiplication – 05570412

Multiplication problems – 02325525

Partitioning numbers – 02872995

Recognising fractions - 05007840

Previous English PINS

Georges Marvellous Medicine – Chapter 3 – 03395577

Georges Marvellous Medicine – recap – 08362845

Phonics phase 3 – 07160512

Reading comprehension – 03815989

CEW – 06480538

Prefixes and Suffixes – 04038091

Conjunctions – 06696232

High frequency words spellings – 0875646

Types of sentences – 02371953

Using the correct tense - 03695946

Identifying tenses - 05310107