Hello Year 2!

It’s been really nice to speak to you all this week and I’ve been hearing about all of your garden adventures. Please make sure you are still having some time with your family and getting outside for fresh air and play as much as you can in this lovely sunshine. It has been so nice that many of you have been sharing your work with me via the email year2@eastbierleyprimary.com and I would love to see more of our class appearing on Twitter! I am more than happy to forward photographs to Mrs Upham for Twitter with your permission but don’t forget you can also upload it yourself by tweeting us at @eastbierleyPS.

I have seen that lots of you are completing learning online. This is fantastic to see! I will make sure I send you a response to your emails as soon as I can. It seems the Kahoots are still very popular so I will continue to include them. This week we had a few issues with the pins not working but this has now been resolved and you can use the Kahoot pins provided up until the end of May. Don’t forget you can do these more than once to see if you can beat your previous score and you could try to arrange with your friends to do it at the same time and against each other!

This week Lucy and I have been making some Elmer characters. It is really easy to do and for those in school with me on Monday this week, you will be making some. I will make sure these are uploaded to twitter for you all to see and I have included a picture of the one we made. I challenge you to make your own Elmer and I would love to share photographs of your finished product. Instructions on how to make the elephant from a milk carton can be found here. Many thanks to @DarrellWakelam.

Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you,

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Miss Papamichael

Weekly Maths Tasks

Working on Numbots - your child will have an individual login to access this.

Play on Number Fact Families - find the addition and subtraction fact families for numbers up to 20, 50 or 100.

Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This game could support this.

Go out in the garden and observe the different creatures/animals that can be seen. Count how many of each animal/creature you can find. You could use a tally chart to record this like we did in class with our favourite books!

Practise learning about money by playing this game. You could also use real coins and play a similar game with family members.

Select a number between 2 and 20. Make a poster showing how many different ways to make this number using addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.

Have a go at this topmarks game! You can focus on any of the level two practice questions, you can focus on your Olympic maths timetables if you do the multiplication questions.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Can you read fiction, non- fiction and poems about animals? There are some fantastic poems on Poetry4kids.

Can you find adjectives in the books used to describe the animal?

Listen to the stories:



Could you do a mini book review? If you don’t fancy writing it down then you could just talk to your grown-ups about what you liked and disliked and if you would tell your friend to read it or not and why. It would be nice for you to Email year2@eastbierleyprimary.com about the book you read and what you thought too!

Read common exception words and time how long it takes for you to read them all. Can you beat your score by the end of the week?

Weekly Phonics and Spelling Tasks

Daily phonics - your child to practice their sounds and blend words. Interactive games found on link below:

Phonics play

Top Marks

Spelling City

Practice spelling Year 1 and 2 common exception words – You can find them here.

Point to an item in the house, practice sounding out the word and blending back together. (i.e. train would be tr-ai-n)

Weekly Writing Tasks

A-Z Animal list:Can you think of an animal for each letter of the alphabet. Can you use these in a sentence?

Draw a picture of your animal and label it. Can you write sentences using adjectives?

Write a set of questions about animals you would like to find out about.

Create a fact file about your favourite animal. Research an animal of your choice and explore the vocabulary required to describe them.

Describe similarities and differences between animals.

Create a bookmark with animal facts

Other Learning Resources

Additional phonics support can be found here:


Additional work can be found here:


Kahoot PINs

Animals and plants and their habitats – 0761422

Common Exception Words – 0144952

Expanded Noun Phrases – 02198852

Food chains – 03652153

Odd and Even numbers – 02320774

Multiplication and division – 02198852

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about key animals they are interested in. Learning may focus on exploring the physical aspects of an animal, their habitat, categorising animals etc.

Find out about:

What are mammals?,

What are amphibians?

What are birds?

What are fish?

What are reptiles?

What are minibeasts?


Create a mask : Using different materials around the house, create a mask of their favourite animal. Think about the colours and shape. Can they add different textures to their mask?

Where does your animal live? Play this sorting activity to develop their understanding of where different animals live.

Animal grouping: Get your child to group animals into two columns. Identifying animals that can fly and cannot fly. What do animals eat? Scientists group animals into three different groups according to what animals eat. These groups are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Carnivores eat other animals, herbivores eat plant material including fruit, leaves, vegetables, omnivores eat a mixture of meat and plant material. (Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores. Animals that eat both plants and other animals are called omnivores) Sorting Cards

Needs of an animal - Can all animals be kept as a pet? Think about a particular animal and find out if that animal could be a pet. Draw pictures of different animals. Sort the animals into two groups; suitable for a pet and not suitable for a pet. Explain why animals were sorted in a particular way.

Design a leaflet - Design a leaflet explaining to potential pet owners what each animal will need. - Interview a pet owner to discuss the responsibilities involved with looking after an animal.  How often do they need to find their pet? Who helps clean? What does their pet eat? Find some pegs at home. Can you create your own mini animal or object, cut it in half and stick it to a peg.

Nocturnal animals - What do they think this word means? Watch and discuss the animals they saw. Have they seen these animals? How could they describe them? Play  Nocturnal animals are more active at night than during the day. These animals sleep during the day, often in a burrow or den. They have special adaptations that help them survive in the dark. Over millions of years, these animals have developed traits that help them survive in the darkness. Nocturnal animals may have larger ears to hear better, bigger eyes to see better, and body parts that glow in the night. Create your own big-eyed nocturnal animal art.