Department for Education (DfE) statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education (RHE)

Schools were given updated guidance to follow from September 2020 with regards to Relationships and Health Education as part of their Personal and Social Education curriculum. Due to the implications of Covid-19, this deadline was extended so that parents, children, staff and governors could be informed and consulted before any changes were made.

You can read about these changes in the guidance below:

Quick Parent Guide

Full DfE Guidance for Schools

FAQs for Parents

Our RSHE Curriculum

As a school that prides itself on the pastoral care and good mental health of all its pupils: Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) lessons already take place weekly. You may have accessed some of these over the recent lockdowns these included sessions on; self-esteem, relationships with special people, recognising/naming emotions through the Zones of Regulations, Internet safety and mindfulness mediation. We know that to achieve academically, children need to have positive healthy relationships with those around them, know how to make informed choices and stay safe. The guidance was published to ensure that the content was consistent across all schools and to allow children, parents, staff and governors to be consulted to create a new RSHE (Relationship, Sex, Health Education) Policy.

Statutory content includes work around Families and People Who Care for Me, Caring Friendships, Respectful Relationships, Online Relationships and Being Safe. More detailed information can found about all of these on pages 20-22 of the DFE Guidance (link provided at the start of this letter).

Sex education is part of non-statutory guidance but the DfE strongly encourages primary schools to deliver sex education to help prepare children for their transition to secondary school and into adult life. Following the statutory guidance, parents can withdraw their child from Sex Education but not from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education. Our RSHE Policy has now been through the required consultation process and has been formally approved by the Governing Body.

RSHE Policy


Follow the links below to find out more about our curriculum.