Dear Reception Class,
We hope you had a lovely Easter. Firstly I just wanted to say thank you for keeping up all your hard work over the holiday time, it has been great to see your pictures and seeing the games you have played on Spelling Shed, Numbots and Kahoot.
We have started doing Joe Wicks PE this week at home, as well as Cosmic Kids yoga, Joe Wicks is tough!! Keep it up if you have been doing it. Love seeing your Go Noodle videos too.
Did you get busy doing any Easter crafts? We decorated some eggs at home and sent them to our friends and family, we made some more rainbows too.
I have seen that lots of you are doing some cooking, baking and helping with household jobs, well done! We have baked cookies and made some birthday treats (we love rocky road at my house!) I know Mrs Collins has been busy crocheting, sewing and baking!
This week we are looking at viewpoints, this might be what you can see from different places but also understanding when people say or do things differently to you. Have a look at the activities below.
For your other learning tasks, there are lots of fun games to play and some story telling activities to try. I look forward to pictures of your work which you can email to Have a go and have fun.
Stay safe, take care and we will see you soon
Mrs Clark, Mrs Collins and Miss Senior.
Weekly Maths Tasks
Games. Play a board game together. Take turns to roll the dice, encourage children to say the number on the dice without counting the dots. Make it harder by using 2 dice. If you don’t have a dice board game at home, can you make your own board game using paper or even outside. Why not try making hopscotch on the ground outside your house. Remember to form your numbers correctly when you do! If you don’t have a dice at home, try making your own. Click here to download a template.
Baking or Salt Dough. Have a look through a recipe book or online and choose a recipe that children can get involved in. Talk about the measurements of grams and compare the ingredients. Can you talk about the order of the recipe and the sequence that you have to do things? How long will it take to cook? Look at the clock and talk about the time.
What will you make? Will you use some of your Easter chocolate! Alternatively make some salt dough and make a model!
Repeating Patterns. Can you make a repeat pattern? It could be using pictures you colour in, shapes you cut out and make. It could be using toys or things you find in the garden. What will chose?
Mini Project. Can you begin to make a number book like we started in class. Look for and make lots of representations of number. Click here for some ideas! Here is ours from school.
Numbots. Keep going with Numbots, can you add to your robot?
KAHOOT! Go to and enter the pins below to play our new quizzes.
Missing Numbers 074723
Domino Doubles 0303993
Don’t forget to add your first name in the nickname box so we know you have had a go!
Weekly Reading Tasks
Story Scribing. This week, we’d like you to try story scribing. In its very basic form, an adult begins to scribe a story told by a child. You will need props or toys to start the story off. You might want to start telling a story to your child first and get them to carry it on. As they tell you the story you can write it for them exactly as they say it.
These stories will start off very short, but can be revisited and added to.
For example, I pick up a small blanket and lay it out on the floor, all of a sudden I am on a magic carpet, flying across crystal clear waters, flying so fast that I cannot focus…
When they have finished the story and you have finished writing, you can share the story together and they can act out a role within their story.
You can build your own stories over time and make them into their own library. Have a go if you can and let us know how it goes! Click here to read more about story scribing
Reading Planet. If you haven’t already done so, you can register for free with Reading Planet online and read books that we use in school. There are quizzes and questions to talk through with your child. Click here to register.
Comics. Phonics Play have created a series of phonic comics for children to enjoy. These are fully decodable, giving children the confidence to read a different kind of text. Click here to visit the site.
KAHOOT! Go to and enter the pins below to play our new quizzes.
Challenge yourself with Phase 3 spellings, use your sound mat! 0702646
Don’t forget to add your first name and initial in the nickname box so we know you have had a go!
Weekly Phonics Tasks
I Spy. Play I Spy, in the house, outside, in the car, remember to say the pure sound. This might trick your grownups
Phonics Play. Phonics Play have updated their website and all the games are free to use during this period. We play many of these games in class and the children often chose to play independently. There are time challenges, which you can challenge yourself repeatedly to see if you get more right each time, or some games to choose from.
Spelling Shed. Spelling Shed has been updated and will be updated weekly with new lists, have a go and see if you can improve on your scores. Click here to play!
Kims Game. This is a simple memory game you can play at home. Chose a selection of objects and cover them with fabric or paper. Remove one carefully and see if you can guess which object is missing. Try playing matching pairs with cards too. Click here for more information on Kim’s Game
Quick Write. Keep practicing your sounds by playing Quickwrite, ask an adult to say the sounds and try writing down as many as you can. You can do this with your tricky words or some high frequency words too.
Weekly Writing Tasks
Story Scribing. See above. Allow your child to sound out some words for you and let them have a go at writing parts of their own story.
Pobble 365. In your home learning pack, there are a selection of pictures to talk about and have a go at writing a simple sentence. Click here to view more, simply select a date and look at the picture, use the navigation arrows at each side to choose a different picture. If you click on the picture there are some learning ideas, these tasks are more suited to older children but may offer some ideas for you to discuss.
Dream Jar. It has been a strange few weeks and I’m sure there have been lots of ‘I wish we could do….’. If you haven’t already, why not start a dream/wish jar and write down all those wishes and dreams you want to do when we are back at school.
Movie Day/Night. Plan a Movie Night, make a poster of your favourite film, make and sell tickets to the film, make some popcorn, don’t forget to write some instructions on how to make pop corn! We cannot wait to see which films you might choose. Have fun.
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about different viewpoints. Learning may focus on physical viewpoints in terms of what you can see outside of the window at home, what others can see looking into your home and then progress onto personal viewpoints and of others.
What can you see out of your window?
Ask your child to look out of a window in the house and draw what they can see. Look out of a different window (e.g. back or side of the house), draw what they can see. Look at the two pictures together and discuss what is the same in both pictures (e.g. the sky) and what is different.
Record how many cars/ people walk past your house
Set a timer for 5 minutes on your phone or tablet. Draw out a simple grid (as below) and ask your child to put a tick in the right place every time a person or car goes past. When complete, can they count up the ticks and write the matching numeral? Were there more people or cars?
How do we differ from others?-
Ask your child to look in a mirror at their hair colour, eye colour, skin colour. Ask them to create a self-portrait using either felt-tips, crayons or paint. Look at some pictures in books and magazines. Does everyone look the same way as them? How do people look different?
Imagine another world outside the window-
Close the curtains and ask your child to imagine that the house is in a new imagined world. What do they imagine? Is it snowy? Are there dinosaurs/ monsters in the new world? Ask them to tell you a story about it…
Your child could create a story map to show what happens in their imaginary world (see right).
Go on a sight hunt
Support your child to make a viewfinder. Cut out a square of card from an old cereal box/ cardboard. Cut a smaller square out of the centre. Take your viewfinder around the house and garden and explore what things you can see. Alternatively, you could create a pair of binoculars as pictured.
Your child could write a list of the things they see or draw/ paint a picture.
If you have a tablet or phone that could be used by your child they could do the same activity but using photographs to record.