Whole School News

Reception Easter service today

Reception class have their Easter service today at St Luke's with the children at [...]

Easter Service years 1-5

Good morning, we look forward to seeing you in Church for our Easter Service today for years 1-5. If you would like to walk with us please call into school [...]

Inspection of East Bierley Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School by Ofsted

Inspection of East Bierley Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School by Ofsted We have just been informed that we will be inspected on 27 March [...]

Year 5 music

How lovely to hear year 5 playing their clarinets today - they are sounding great and really enjoying their lessons.  Hoping they will play for us at the end [...]

Year 1 Phonics Parent Meeting

Parents and carers are invited to join us on Wednesday 21st March at 6.00pm - 7.00pm for more information on Phonics. [...]

Year 6 meeting for parents about SATs Monday 12th March 6pm

Our KS2 SAT meeting for parents was postponed due to the snow and has been rearranged for Monday 12th march at 6pm.  We hope you and your child will be able [...]

Friday 9th March World Book Day

Finally our World Book Day has arrived.  We gave out World Book Day tokens earlier in the week to build excitement and enable children to choose their book [...]