Welcome to Year Two


Our PE days will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing your PE clothes, with long hair tied up and earrings removed.


Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars homework will be set weekly. On Spelling Shed please aim to reach the Royal Bee level each week. On Numbots/TT Rockstars, please aim for 5 minutes each night. On My Maths, children should aim for 100% but if they get less than 75% try have another go. These platforms are most effective when completed in short bursts throughout the week. Log ins for these will be sent home shortly.

Your child will be sent home with a reading book and a reading record. Please ensure your child is reading their home reading book for at least 10 minutes each night and that you comment within their reading records. Books will be changed once a week.

Additionally, the children will receive 10 spellings each week for them to practise at home. These again can be practised in small bursts.

There will also be some extra tasks that will be set on Teams which can be completed throughout the half term. There will be a choice of 6, however, the children will only need to complete 4 of these throughout the half term. You may want to send a photo or video of your work to show you have completed the task

The Year 2 Team are available to speak to you at the door for minor queries, but should a longer appointment be required, please contact the office.

Class Teacher

Miss A Nicholls - Year 2 Teacher
Miss A Nicholls - Year 2 Teacher

Class Agreement

Summer 2

Welcome back to our final half term of Year 2. We have an exciting half term ahead with lots of whole school events such as sports day as well as the Year 2 trip to the Bradford Industrial Museum! 

This half term we will continue our science learning and plants and animals, including humans. Our history will be a focus on the local area and we will start learning about Bradford and the Victorian era.  

Our English will start with narrative writing and we will read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We will continue to focus on handwriting and spellings and ask that you work on these at home too. In maths we will still have a focus on our daily calculation and our times tables. We will also be exploring time and measuring mass this half term. 

We will be learning about databases in computing and moving onto using the glockenspiels in music for composition and understanding. What Jesus taught us is the focus of our RE. We have finished our work on Barbara Hepworth with super drawings and soap sculptures. You will get to see the sculptures at home soon! We will focus on our art skills through links to other topics. 

Summer 1

We hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday. We want to say a big thank you for all your hard work last half term. We were so impressed with story writing of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. You showed a super understanding of your geography topic of Coastlines.

The topic for this half term is Events Beyond Living Memory. We will look at the history of flight, comparing flights through time. We will also explore the first aeroplane flight and the importance of the Wright Brothers in the history of flight. I wonder if you know anything about these significant figures already. In English, we will be using our history knowledge to write our own non-chronological reports. We will be exploring different modes of transport which will help build on our learning of flight travel. We will also be developing our knowledge of Significant Individuals and the change they made in history. In science, we will be looking at plants and animals. I wonder if you know of any animal facts already. This half term we will be continuing to look at more complex spellings and spelling rules. We will apply these skills, alongside our phonic knowledge, in our reading and writing. In maths, we will be focusing on time, as well as looking at different units of measurement.

We will also be spending some time practising for our May Day dance as well as lot’s of other exciting things that are coming up this half term.

We are so excited to embark on another term of teaching you and hope you are going to enjoy your new learning again for this term.

Spring 2

We want to say a big thank you for all your hard work with home learning last term, lots of you completed many of the different homework tasks and we really enjoyed sharing these in class. We were so impressed with your acting skills with the retelling of The Cobbler and the Dragon. We were even more impressed with your writing of the story. You showed a super understanding of multiplication and your Geographic knowledge of comparing East Bierley to Bisbee was great.

The topic for this half term is Coastlines. We will be looking at different parts of the Coast. We will be drawing on your knowledge of Oceans and Seas. We will be developing our locational geography and locating some of the coastlines in the UK. I wonder if you know of any already. We have lots of exciting Science work to do this half term, we will be learning all about nocturnal animals as well as living things and their habitats, developing our understanding of lifecycles.

In English, we will be using the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ to retell the story using our own vocabulary. This half term we will be continuing to look at more complex spellings and spelling rules. We will apply these skills, alongside our phonic knowledge, in our reading and writing. In maths, we will be continuing our learning on division and looking at fractions.

Our PE days for this half term will continue to be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure you take earrings out at home for PE days if you are able to do so.

We are so excited for everything this term has to offer and can’t wait to get started on all our new learning.


Spring 1

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fun Christmas and are ready for the new term ahead. I am really looking forward to being your teacher and can’t wait to get stuck in to all the exciting things we going to learn about this half term. 

In English we will be applying new spelling rules into our writing as well as consolidating skills we have previously learnt, such as using accurate punctuation. We will be writing for a range of purposes including writing our own version of a story. 

In Maths, we will build on our knowledge of place value and how we can use this knowledge to solve addition and subtraction questions, as well as begin to solve multiplication and division calculations. 

In Geography we will be conducting a non-European study where we will compare life in East Bierley to life in a town in America; Bisbee. We will be looking at the similarities and differences between these places. 

In Art we will be creating our very own dragon eyes! We will first look closely at dragon eyes to understand the features of them and then use clay to create the eye and carefully decorate them. 

In Music we will be learning the song ‘I Wanna Play in a Band’. 

In RE we will start the term with our Hand to Mouth day and from this our learning will explore how we can help others through the products that we purchase, what fairtrade means and what it means to be fair. 

In PSHE we will be looking at the communities that we are a part of and how we contribute to those communities. We will also be discussing acceptance of others and their differences as well as looking at how we can stay safe on the internet. 

In Computing we will be exploring computer systems and networks and will be having a go at using Microsoft Word to type for a range of purposes. 

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In PE this half term we will be learning gymnastic skills. 

We have a busy half term ahead and I can’t wait to get started with you all at East Bierley Primary School. 

Autumn 2

We are so proud of how you settled into Year 2 and how you have tackled the new learning and routines. We were especially impressed by all your knowledge on The Great Fire of London and how engaged you were in lessons.

In English, we will continue to focus on using full stops correctly to demarcate sequences of sentences and will continue to look at different spelling rules to apply in our writing. We will apply these skills whilst writing for a range of purposes.

In Maths, we will use our increasing knowledge of place value to solve additions and subtractions involving two 2-digit numbers and the exchanging of tens. We continue to use our knowledge of number facts within 20 to help us to solve calculations efficiently.

In Geography our topic is Food and Farming. We will look at the different farms and methods of farming. We will also explore how food is grown in different parts of the world and will use our knowledge of continents to understand how food is transported around the world. I wonder if you know anything about how food is grown and transported already.

In DT we will be designing and making our very own puppets. We will think carefully about our designs, follow design criteria and will use glue and a running stitch to join fabrics and to add applique details. We will also be designing and creating our very own Christmas cards.

In Computing we will be creating, following and debugging algorithms.

In Music we will begin to practise our Nativity songs as well as our opera songs from the Magic Flute. Take a look at homework task 1 for more details about this exciting opportunity.

In RE we will be exploring the question, ‘How and why do people pray?’ and in PSHE we will continue this terms learning based around the themes of Respecting Ourselves and Others and Safe Relationships.

Our PE days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit, with long hair tied back and jewellery removed. We will be developing our dance and tennis skills.

Homework will be set weekly on Spelling Shed and MyMaths and we now ask that children also access TTRockstars. In addition, tasks will be set on Teams, linked to the learning for the half-term. Please aim to complete at least 4 of these throughout the half-term. You can send photos, videos or documents attached to each assignment and we share any tasks completed as a class.

We cannot wait to get started with all the new learning we have ahead of us on the lead up to Christmas!

Autumn 1

A huge welcome to Year 2!

We hope you had a fantastic Summer and we are so excited to have you back in school. We have a super half-term lined up with lots of new and interesting learning.

We will begin our History learning about The Great Fire of London which will allow us to recap our knowledge of London and see what facts we can recall from Year 1. We will see what London was like at the time of the fire compared to now and will also explore how the fire started and how the fire spread through the city. We will also be scientists this half-term and explore various materials and their properties. This will include some experiments along the way! In English, we will be exploring different traditional tales and will even be looking at some traditional tales with a twist. I wonder what traditional tales you know of already and if you have a favourite? In Maths, we will start the term by developing our understanding of place value and number knowledge.

Our PE days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please ensure you come to school in your PE kit, with long hair tied back and earrings removed.

As in Year 1, homework will be set weekly on Spelling Shed and MyMaths and we now ask that children also access TTRockstars. The children will be shown how to do so in class. In addition, tasks will be set on Teams, linked to the learning for the half-term. Please aim to complete at least 4 of these throughout the half-term. You can send photos, videos or documents attached to each assignment and we share any tasks completed as a class.

We are so excited to be teaching you again this year and cannot wait to get started!