Dear Year 1,

I hope you have enjoyed the very unusual Easter holidays and have managed to enjoy the glorious sunshine we have had. It was lovely to speak to so many of you on the phone and to hear about all the super things you have been up to. If I didn’t manage to speak to you, I will hopefully manage to catch up with you next time I call. I have also enjoyed receiving emails on our class email address, and hearing from you on Twitter.

This week, I have provided a new set of activity ideas. I am particularly interested to see if you can complete the maths challenge. How many ways can you make 8? I have also provided some new Kahoot pins. Let’s see who can be top of the leader boards by the end of the 2 weeks!

Remember, you can now access a wide range of reading books online through Rising Stars. There is a selection of different books to choose from Lift Off, Rocket Phonics, Comet Street Kids and Galaxy. The books are closely linked to the coloured book bands in school. There are quizzes and questions throughout the books, look for the thought bubble at the bottom of the page and a quiz at the end. Click here to register with your email address. Please enter your child's name when registering. Once you have registered, we need to accept new accounts on an individual basis so you may not see books straight away but should if you log back in later in the day. Also, remember to check your ‘junk’ folder on your emails as the verification emails are sometimes found there.

I can’t wait to hear what you get up to this week.

Miss Sowray

Weekly Maths Tasks

Work on Numbots - your child will have an individual login to access this.

Complete learning tasks on MyMaths and revisit previous learning.

NUMBER CHALLENGE How many ways can you make 8? I have given you a few examples to get you going.

Can you create your own addition game to play with someone at home? See some ideas below.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Read a variety of books at home or listen to a story on Bedtime Stories.

Your child could share a book every day. This can be reading a book aloud every day or sharing a book with an adult.

Register on Reading Planet and you will have access to a wide range of the reading books we use in school. Register here

 Can you draw and label the setting from your story? Can you write a description?

Weekly Phonics and Spellings Tasks

Daily phonics - practice sounds and blend words containing these sounds (see sounds sent home in pack).

Choose one of the sounds on your sound mat. How many objects can you find around your home that contain the sound? Can you think of any more words?

Interactive games found on links below.

Phonics play You can play Obb and Bob on here!

Top Marks

Spell the days of the week: Keep a diary of things you do in the week.

Spell Year1 Common Exception words (See look, cover, write, check sheets in pack).

Spelling Shed Complete set lists on Spelling Shed.

Try these Kahoots

Phase 3 Spellings – 061225

Phase 5 Spellings - 0527251

Weekly Writing Tasks

Hide and seek: Write a set of instructions on how to find something in your home. Think about the positional language to help find the object. Can someone else follow the instructions?

Diary: Keep a diary of things that happen outside one of the windows in your house. Can you use words containing the suffixes –ing and –ed?

E.g. The car is driving along the road.

A cat jumped onto the garden fence.

Continue to practise your handwriting. You can use Letter Join to help you.

Weekly Topic Ideas - Materials

Building Bridges

Can you test different materials to use as a bridge to hold one of your toys? Think about what properties the materials need to be useful as part of a bridge.

Additional Resources

J2Code – A range of activities to explore computing and coding. There are short lesson activities but also the opportunity to be more creative within the ‘JIT’ Platform.

Additional Year 1 phonics support can be found here:

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about different viewpoints. Learning may focus on physical viewpoints in terms of what you can see outside of the window at home, what others can see looking into your home and then progress onto personal viewpoints and of others.

Using your senses: Ask your child to pick a window in the house. Ask them to stand there for a few minutes and take a look at what they can see and write or draw them. Now ask them to try this activity again but this time ask them what they can hear? Write or draw these down. Ask your child to help find a piece of material in the house and then blindfold them. What can they see? Which sense do they use now? Ask them to now cover their ears and look outside the window. What do they hear?

A ‘feely bag’ - find six objects, such as a hairbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a packet of biscuits, an ice cream scoop, a packet of tissues and a wooden spoon. You will also need something to act as a blindfold. Imagine what it would be like if you could never see because you were blind and you had to learn to rely on your other senses instead. Play with a partner and see who guesses most of the objects.

Find a mirror in the house: What can they see? Imagine if they were able to walk into the mirror. What do they think you would see? Listen to the story ‘Through the Magic Mirror’ by Anthony Browne.  Look at the illustrations in the book and discuss what is different. Can they create a story similar to ‘Through the Mirror’? Draw a story map first and plan their story. Using their story map, create their story and remember to think about your illustrations.

Read the stories: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk and Cinderella.  The characters will be going to see Judge Jenny. Can they persuade Judge Jenny to see the story from their point of view. Watch these links to help Judge Jenny to decide. Now it’s their turn… read the stories Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs and Gingerbread Man. Imagine they are going to be one of the characters from the story and an adult is going to be Judge Jenny. What would they say to Judge Jenny? How could they persuade her?

School Uniform: Tell your child that they will be presenting to the School Council about the school uniform. Do they think it is a good idea to wear a uniform or are they against wearing a uniform? Can they write down why they think they should have a uniform and then write down why they shouldn't? Design a new uniform. What would they wear?  Would it be the same for girls and boys? What would they say to the school council? How would they campaign? Would they have badges, posters, events and banners to help their debate.

Could you design a new school logo? Ask your child to think about their current logo now. What does it represent ? What could they add or change? Is there something that represents their school or area recently that people would recognise? Look at the shape of the logo. Would they keep it the same or change it?