Welcome to Year One


Our PE days are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Please come to school on these days dressed in your PE kit. Please also ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed before school.



Online homework will be set on a Friday each week on MyMaths and Spelling Shed. Aim to go on Spelling Shed regularly throughout the week and MyMaths by the following Friday. If you found any of the questions trickier on MyMaths, you are able to try again, with a slight change of questions to try and improve your percentage score. Try to aim for 75% or above. Activities will be shared with children each Friday so they are aware of what is set. Please also continue to access Numbots to reinforce key number facts. You may also wish to take a look at TTRockstars as we begin to count in 2s, 5s and 10s in class.

In addition to these online platforms, there are 6 assignments set on Teams. Please choose and complete at least 4 of these over the course of the half-term. Some will link to our current learning and some will act as pre-learning for future weeks. You can find these attached as separate assignments. You could attach photos, videos or word documents and hand these in for us to take a look at in class. The children really look forward to taking a look at what has been sent in and enjoy discussing what they have been up to at home.

Class Teacher

Miss M Bottomley - Year 1 Teacher
Miss M Bottomley - Year 1 Teacher

Class Agreement

Summer 2

English this term we are looking at a range of different stories and fact books. We will be planning and writing different pieces like fact files, descriptions, and stories. We will be starting to focus on spellings of words thinking about the alternative sounds that we have previously look at in phonics. Also recapping with prefixes and suffixes making sure we are using the correct ones in our sentences. 

Maths this term we are moving onto looking at numbers to 100. We will learn to count, order them, and look at the different patterns shown throughout. After this we will be moving on to cover our final topics which are time and money.  

We are continuing with our science topic this term which is animals including humans. We will look at the human body, the parts and the functions of some. Then different animal groups and the life cycles of some of these.  

RE we are learning about who brought messages from God and what they said. We will look at a range of stories to complete our learning in RE. For PSHE we are continuing to look into keeping healthy relating to food and exercise, hygiene routines and sun safety. We will be recognising what makes them unique and special, different feelings and how to manage them when things go wrong. Finally, then looking at how rules and age restrictions help us and keep us safe online. 

In art this term we will be looking at creating our own 3D birds. We will be using our planning skills to come up with some ideas and our drawing skills to create little details. We will then get to work on creating the birds using different materials, colours, and details. 

DT this term we are looking at healthy eating. Throughout this we will compare foods and activities we think can be classed as healthy then finally move onto preparing and creating out own fruit kebabs.  

PE this term we will be working on our athletic skills. We will practise throwing, running jumping and many other skills throughout. Along side this we will also be playing short games of rounders. 

Our song for music this term is called ‘In the groove’.   

Summer 1

English this term we will be continuing to work on our writing skills. We will be looking at different books and sources to use the skills we have developed. We have a focus on adding prefixes and suffixes to our writing making sure we are using them in the correct places. While also revisiting skills we have previously looked at. We have now completed all of our phonics sounds so we will be revising and revisiting these at school.

For maths we are looking at multiplication and division. For multiplication we will be focusing on counting in our 2s, 5s and 10s. For division we will look at things we can divide evenly and how we can do this.

In history we are focusing on significant events. We will cover different explorers and the moon landing while learning lots of new vocabulary. We will use timelines to show when certain events happened within time and explores lives. In geography we will look at the continents of the world. By the end we should be able to name them and use a range or sources to locate them.

RE this term we are looking at what it means to belong to a church and mosque. We will look into being part of a community and what they involve. While also looking at different symbols and their meanings. For PSHE we will be looking into keeping healthy relating to food and exercise, hygiene routines and sun safety. We will be recognising what makes them unique and special, different feelings and how to manage them when things go wrong. Finally, then looking at how rules and age restrictions help us and keep us safe online.

Computing this term in about data handling. We will look at different ways to represent data through number, picture and information/facts. We will learn how to collect and record our own data in different ways and how it can be shown and compared with others.

Our song for music this term is called your imagination.

PE this term we will begin by looking at golf during this we will focus on the skills of moving the ball on the floor getting it to a certain spot. We will then move onto learning our May Day dance.

Spring 2

This is another busy term we have a lot of exciting learning to fit in! 

In English this term we will be looking at the story Jack and the Beanstalk to help us improve our writing skills. We are still making sure we are always using our full stops, finger spaces ands capital letters. To help us with our English will be doing some drama activities allowing us to dive into the story and get to know the characters. With our phonics this term we are looking at alternative sounds for the sounds we have previously learnt. There are videos on the ELS parent guide on how to pronounce these and recognise the sounds.  

For Maths this term we will be looking at numbers up to 50 through counting, adding and counting in our 10s, 2s and 5s. We will then move onto looking at length and weight. We will start be using rulers to measure and comparing items using balance scales.  

We are continuing our plants topic in science by looking and knowing at different parts of the plants and what the plant needs and does to survive. We will complete our experiment this term by planting some bulbs and seeds to then see which environment is best for them grow.   

Art in this term will be looking at colour mixing.  We will look at the primary colours and then the secondary colours and the different ways we can make these. We will look at making different shades of colour to match other art pieces and objects.  

In RE we are looking at why we care about people. We will look at a range of stories and discuss how we can care for different people in different ways. In PSHE for this term we are continuing looking at the same topics these are focusing on why we use the internet why it is beneficial and how to use it safely. Finally looking at jobs within the community and the certain strengths and interests it takes for different jobs. 

Computing this term in about websites and photography. We will look at how we need to be safe online and how to search for the things we need. For the photography side we will look at taking photos, creating collages and editing them.  

Our song for music this term is called Round and Round. To start off PE this term we will be looking at volleyball and then we will focus on learning our Mayday dance. Just a reminder that our PE days are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Earring should be taken out on these days.  

Spring 1

Happy new year! We hope you have had a good time off. This term we will be working very hard we have lots of different topics to cover.

In English we will continue developing our writing skills and different use of sentences. We will look at a range of different areas and topics while use different writing styles to grow our confidence throughout. Spellings are given every Friday and then we do a short spelling test the following Friday. The children can practice these at home how ever they like as well as using spelling shed online to support them too.

For maths this term we will begin to learn in more depth about addition and subtraction within the 20’s. Then moving onto looking at numbers to 50 and our 2 and 5 times tables.

Beginning our science topic this term we will start to look at plants and their growth. We will look at the different parts of plants and the different functions. We will build up over this term and next to completing our own experiment looking at the best environment for plants to grow in and what they need to grow with.

History this term we will be looking at significant individuals. We look into the royal family focusing on the King and the roles he has within his day to day life. We will look at where he lives and find some new key facts. We will finally look at the Queen and her life before her passing to find out about the different roles and responsibilities she had.

For geography we will be looking at the four seasons. We will look at the different weather within each season, how it changes and the typical weather expected in the UK. The seasons will be compared to see the different weather types throughout the year and how the weather can be measured and predicted.

For music we are learning the new song ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’

Art this term is photography. We will be using the iPads to capture some moments within the winter season of how the weather looks and the different ways it looks on different objects.

In PSHE for this term and the next we will be focusing on rules in different situations, how we care for people and the needs of different people. Then moving onto why we use the internet why it is benefit and how to use it safely. Finally looking at jobs within the community and the certain strengths and interests it takes for different jobs. In RE we will begin with hand to mouth and then continue this by looking at fair-trade and how lifestyles and environments are different/can be affected around the world.

PE is a main focus on gymnastics, we will look at all different positions, shapes and movements we can create while also using the equipment in school. PE days are Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Autumn 2

We hope you have had a good rest in the half term ready for the exciting new topics we are going to be looking at.

For our maths this term we start by looking over addition and subtraction then we will move onto looking at our 2D and 3D shapes.

For English we will be continuing to make sure we are using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces while also introducing some more extended pieces of writing using joining words to improve our sentences.

Science this term is all about everyday materials, we will be investigating a range of materials and experimenting to see which of these works best in different situations while also predicting possible outcomes. Our PE days are still Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Just a reminder that earrings should not be worn on PE days and hair should be tied up. This term our main focus is dance, we will be creating a dance to the song ‘I just can’t wait to be King’ from the Lion King.

In Art we will be printing with lots of different materials made by us and objects we can find. We will be using a range of resources, paints and colours to create different patterns.

For music this half term we will be begin to practice our nativity songs ready for our school performance.

For DT we are getting into the Christmas spirit by making our own stocking baubles we will be using our sewing and sticking skills. Once we have completed these we will then put them on the schools Christmas tree to decorate and for everyone to see.

Geography this term is looking at where we live. This is including East Bierley and the UK. We will be looking at our map reading skills and be practicing giving directions.

For computing we will still be improving our mouse skills while also focusing on algorithms and thinking about how important it is for certain sets of rules to be correct and precise.

PSHE this term we will be continuing to look at relationships with starting to look at safe relationships. For RE we will be learning about why we celebrate special occasions.

We can’t wait to continue on our learning with you!

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 1!   

We are excited to have you all back in school and beginning our fun learning! 

For our first Maths topic this term we are looking at sorting objects and the different ways these can be grouped together. For our English learning we are looking at forming short sentences making sure we use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces all in the correct spaces. We are continuing with our phonics this year which is a key part of our learning journey. We are continuing following the ELS scheme. Reading books will be swapped every Friday for the children to bring home. Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day as we will be hearing readers throughout the week.  

Our first curriculum topic is ‘The History of Shopping’. We will start off by looking at the definition of ‘the past’ and look at how shopping has changed within living memory, comparing the changes from when our parents and grandparents were younger. During this learning we will look at the differences and development of toys over time. For our art lessons this term we are focusing on spirals, we will look at the different colours that can be used and the different ways we use our bodies to create pieces of art. PE kit will need to be worn on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and just a small reminder that earrings are not allowed during PE times.  

We are looking forward to our first term together!