Hi Year 5,
How are you all?
It is not getting easier being without you all in school and we are all looking forward to having you all back together!
I am really grateful to those children who are sharing their home experiences with me through email and twitter. It doesn’t have to be just school work, it can be anything that you have been up to that you would like to share. Please email it to year5@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS.
Thank you to those who are completing online learning whether it be MyMaths, TTRockstars, SpellingShed or Kahoot. There is also lots of story writing and reading going on which is lovely to see. I hope you are all keeping active and healthy too, have you continued to do the Joe Wickes workout or go for walks and bike rides?
Could you challenge yourself this week? Maybe have a go at something you haven’t tried before such as baking or reading a new book? The theme for this week is famous and significant people which I think you will enjoy! I look forward to hearing all about it.
In school, we have been practising our times tables up to 12 and are working towards beating our class time of 1 minute and 18 seconds, can you challenge yourself to do the same? We have also been reading the new J.K. Rowling book, The Ickabog, in guided reading. Could you have a go at this and maybe review the chapters so far?
We really are missing you all but I am sure you are looking after yourselves and your family and staying safe and happy.
Miss Williams, Mrs Robson and Mrs Webb
Weekly Maths Tasks
What different calculations can you create when adding and subtracting the numbers 111, 8276, 529, 18391, 9238 and 4163? Make sure you check it is correct using the inverse operation.
CHALLENGE: Can you make some decimal numbers and add these to one of the whole numbers? |
Play this online addition and subtraction game. You can play it more than once to see if you can reach the top score. |
Play this missing box addition game or missing box subtraction game. You can work on the level that adds/subtracts 3 digits by clicking on the orange three. Can you make your own addition/subtraction calculations like this? |
Roll a dice and make a 6 digit number (target number). If you do not have a dice, make up a 6 digit number. Write 2 addition and 2 subtraction calculations where the answer is the target number given. You can make this easier by reducing the number of digits in the target number. |
Find out when each of your family members were born and record this. Add all of the years up together and find a total. Add up the years from the same generation - which decade has the most/least members? You could do a similar task using the dates of famous people of your choice |
In school we have been looking at equivalent fractions. Perhaps you could provide your child with similar fractions and ask them to see if they can find similar ones.
Complete 10 Studio and 10 Garage games on TTRockstars. Complete weekly MyMaths tasks, Place value beyond 10,000 and Rounding Decimals. If you have completed these, there are other tasks on there too. Play on Hit the Button, Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica or complete some Corbett Maths tasks
Weekly Reading Tasks
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Practise Year 5 and 6 spellings on Spelling Frame. Use a dictionary to clarify any unfamiliar vocabulary. |
Choose five Common Exception words here. Write the meaning, synonyms (word with the same/similar meaning) and antonyms (word that has the opposite meaning) for each word. |
Create a mind map with vocabulary that you associate with the following significant people: The Queen, Guy Fawkes, Helena Lucas and Rosa Parks. You could continue to then do this for some famous people of your choice. |
Can you complete this segment puzzle (click Spelling Tiles) which focuses on words ending in: -able, -ible, -ably and -ibly? |
Pick five Common Exception words from the Year 5/6 spelling list here. Can you represent each word as a picture? |
Visit SpellingShed to complete tasks and play games. |
Weekly Writing Tasks
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Clocktower or you could write a letter/email to an important family member updating them on events from the last few weeks. |
Using the words FAMOUS PEOPLE, write an acrostic poem about significant British people in history or some significant people of your choice. This may help BBC famous people |
Listen to Martin Luther King’s speech I Have a Dream. Write your own speech about your dreams. Try to use the same techniques such as repetition, personification and powerful verbs. |
Create an information report about a significant/famous person of interest. You may choose a famous author, athlete, popstar or even a local hero such as a doctor or nurse. Include: birthplace, what they’re most famous for, significant events/achievements and any other interesting facts. |
Following on from the above task, write in role as that person and create a short autobiography of their life. Think about the person’s emotions during key parts of their life. |
The Young Writers creative writing competition has now been extended to the 24th July. If you would like to enter, click here. We have already seen some fabulous entries! |
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about famous or significant people. Learning may focus on past or present inventors, explorers or scientists and how they influence society today.
- Famous Brits- Lots of significant people in history have been British. Emmeline Pankhurst, Guy Fawkes and Mary Anning are just a few. Research one of these or another famous Brit of your choice. You could create a fact file, a presentation, a chronological report of their life or present your research in any way you like.
- The Queen’s Speech- The Queen spoke to the nation on Sunday 5th April from Windsor Castle. She had an important speech to deliver where she wanted to thank people for what they were doing and to give hope that things would eventually return to normal. Think about what you would say if you had to speak to the nation? What messages of hope would you want to give to your friends and family? You could write your speech or record yourselves delivering your speech. Remember to tweet a video of your speech using #TheLearningProjects.
- Inspiration for Inventors- These inventors talk about where they found the inspiration for their inventions. What problems do you face in your daily life? What inventions would make your life easier? How could your turn your idea into a product? Create a mind map with ideas of how you could solve your problem before designing and annotating a product. You may even want to make a prototype or test parts of your design to see if it would work.
- Significant to Me- Discuss a person who is significant to you with someone at home. This could be a famous person who has inspired you or someone who has made a positive impact on you from your everyday life. Discuss the attributes that this person has - why are they inspiring? Ask someone at home to share someone who is significant to them and how they have influenced them. You may wish to draw a portrait of this person.
- What it Takes- Watch this interview with Paralympic gold medallist Helena Lucas. In this interview, it talks about the dedication needed to be a successful sportsperson. Challenge yourself to set a goal to work on every day. You could create a poster outlining your goal and the steps you will take each day to work towards it. You may want to include steps you will take when you return to school.
STEM Learning Opportunities
Sophia Barnacle
- Sophia was a British inventor who invented the Helter-skelter in 1907. Try using junk box material to make your own helter-skelter or marble run.
- Try and make a run that takes exactly 60 seconds for the marble to complete the run.
- To find out more about building your own marble run click here.
Kahoot Pins for this week
Factors, Multiples and Primes - 01091597
Earth - 01290358
Reading Comprehension - 0368764
Previous Kahoots still available as I know you enjoy them!
Prime and Composite numbers – 05972503
Forces – 08315692
Materials – 01335825
Homophones – 06633706
Place value with rounding – 08516172
Adjectives and Adverbs – 03501165
Properties of Materials – 05629467
Capital letters – 09048789
SPaG Year 5 – 02244536
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages – 03371227
Sentence structures – 08013301
Earth and Space – 02366116
Negative numbers – 04715734
Parenthesis –05854327
Shapes – 02332864
Guided reading – 04685041
Growth and fixed mindset – 05122823
Graphs – 03913851
Great Britain – 07991896
Numbers – 05662689
Relative clauses - 0988091
Daily Calculation - 0411924
Sport (you may want help from an adult with this one!) – 02204452
Rainforest – 01073812
Poems – 02963901
Fractions - 08964926
Additional Learning Resources
BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.
Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.
IXL online. Click here for Year 5 There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.
Y5 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
J2Code – A range of activities to explore computing and coding. There are short lesson activities but also the opportunity to be more creative within the ‘JIT’ Platform.
https://app.gonoodle.com/ - Website with videos that encourage exercise with guided dances as well as videos to help with mindfulness.