Hello Year 4, 

I hope you are all staying safe and staying alert. have enjoyed seeing lots of you in person when we have delivered reports and it has been lovely to see some of you that have come to school recently to see us too. It would be great if you could walk by school every week to see us. Some children have been going for a walk past the playground at 10:45, which is our play time, and some children have been walking past the pond in the afternoon.  

This week’s project is about transport. We have quite a lot of transport links local to us. You could go on a walk to try to spot different transport. We have plenty of bus routes near us which go to different places. Do you know the numbers of the buses and where they go to? We have several motorway bridges that you can walk under (Moor Lane at Birkenshaw) or over (Bradford Road, Whitehall Road and Hunsworth Lane). I like trying to find out where old train lines used to be. Do you know where the train station used to be in Birkenshaw and where the train line used to go? You could look on a map to try to trace where they went. 

I know which of you are doing your online homework but I am not sure how many of you actually read this letter. So, your challenge is to prove to me that you have read this letter by sending me an email at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or telling me about something that you have done about transport. I wonder what percentage of children will reply.  

Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you. We are missing you lots and look forward to seeing you back at school soon! 

Mr Booth, Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Dent 

Any learning that you do at home, please take a picture and email it to us at year4@eastbierleyprimary.com or tweet us @eastbierleyPS

Weekly Maths Tasks

Help your child to practise reading scales by measuring the mass and capacity of ingredients in a home baking recipe! Encourage them to use maths to calculate measurement totals or convert between units of measure.  
Write out these measurements on pieces of paper or card, mix them up and ask your child to convert the units of measure to match them into pairs. 
Using dough or plasticine, give your child 30 seconds to roll it into the longest worm they can. Repeat several times and order the worms from shortest to longest. Estimate the size of each worm in cm and mm e.g 54 mm, 5.4cm. Measure, then work out the difference between the estimate and the actual measurement. 
Play Hit the Button - focus on number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables. 
Ask your child to survey the transport which goes past your home. Tally the different vehicles/vehicle colours and then create a bar chart or pictogram. Write statements about the data e.g. Silver was the most popular colour car.  


Kahoot! Game Pins 

07675199 Year 4 Mental Maths 

07112330 Year 4 Multiplication 

09147962 Year 4 Fractions 



Weekly Reading Tasks

Your child can listen to a free audio book during their daily walk here. Talk to your child about how it made them feel listening to a book in nature. 
Read ‘Downhill Racers’ using Oxford Owl. Encourage your child to answer the questions at the back of the book in full sentences.  
Encourage your child to find a car advert in a magazine/newspaper and find the meaning of any new vocabulary, especially technical words! 
Ask your child to read the poem Look at the Train! They can write their own poem about a mode of transport using onomatopoeia (when a word describes a sound and mimics the sound of the object/action) to evoke sounds and rhythm. 
Challenge your child to complete an author study of one of their favourite authors. Can they create a list of their famous books and tick the ones they have read? Can they learn enough about the author to write a biography of their life?  


Kahoot! Game pins 

04767278 – Year 4 Guided Reading 1 

06002397 – Year 4 Guided Reading 2 

06105638 – Year 4 Guided Reading 3 



Weekly Spelling Tasks

Your child can create an A-Z list of transport related words. How quickly can they complete this?  
Dotty Words. Choose 5 Common Exception words and write them in a series of dots. Apply them into sentences about travelling.  
Learn about word families here.Your child can show their learning by designing a word family reminder poster.   
Practise spelling these words: invention, injection, action, hesitation, completion. Can your child think of other suffixes to add to the root words to alter the meanings e.g. invent+ing= inventing, invent+ed= invented.   
Ask your child to mind map all of the verbs (action words) they associate with transport and travelling e.g steers, paddles, control. Which suitable verbs can they include in their writing tasks?  


Kahoot! Game pins 

05382907 – Year 4 Spag 1 

0604168 – Year 4 Spag 2 

03818880 – Year 4 Prefixes 



Weekly Writing Tasks

Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on Ruckus. Or ask your child to design a ticket for their chosen mode of transport. This should include space for the destination, date, cost of ticket, expiry date and class.  
Ask your child to write an advert advertising a job to work as a pilot, train driver or bus driver. Include persuasive language to encourage applicants.  
Your child can plan and write a journey story. Where is the main character going and why? What happens on his/her journey? How does the main character overcome this? If you have access to a PC, your child can type up the final version of their story after they have proofread it.   
Watch this video about The Orient Express. Your child can imagine that they have travelled on this beautiful train and write a recount about their journey. 
Families should only be allowed to use their car 3 times per week. Can your child write a for/against argument about this, with adult support? They should consider the impact it would have on the family/environment.  


Kahoot! Game Pins 

09214255 – Year 4 Word Classes 

04377250 - Apostrophes 


Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about transport. Learning may focus on modes of transport, transport in the past, the science behind transport, road safety and how to be safe around water.  


  • Transport Inventors - Ask your child to find out about famous transport inventors such as Henry Ford and The Wright Brothers. Create fact files about these inventors. Can your child draw sketches of different modes of transport then and now. Can they place different modes of transport on a timeline using their invention date?            
  • Colourful Collage - Ask your child to create their own transport collage. Encourage them to draw, colour or paint a variety of vehicles or make a large collage of one vehicle. Ask them to use bold colours to really make their vehicles stand out! The collage could be made using cut up squares from magazines and leaflets. Share the collages at #TheLearningProjects                                                      
  • Obstacle Course - Ask your child to find any toy transport (cars, trains, etc) they may have at home, then they can design an obstacle course for their vehicle to travel around. This could be on a track or floor involving ramps inside or in the garden. Another idea - get each family member to make a paper aeroplane and throw each one in turn and see whose travels the furthest. Ask your child to measure the lengths of the distance travelled and record these on a bar chart. Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
  • Let’s Talk Transport -Talk as a family about transport in your life. Talk about how you get to school and work. Do you get your food delivered? Does anyone in the family operate a mode of transport? Is it their job? Discuss the first family car owned. Ask your child to mind map all of the ways your family relies on transport and then to imagine a life without it.  
  • Transport Around the World - Ask your child to look at how people travel around in India. Buses, cycle-rickshaws, autorickshaws, e-rickshaws, tempos (big, brutal-looking autorickshaws), taxis, boats, tongas (horse-drawn carts), metros and urban trains provide transport around India's cities. Encourage them to compare this to Venice and how the people there travel around (gondola and sandolo tours all around the city). Can your child design a new vehicle suitable for each of these places thinking carefully about suitable and local materials?  


  • Kahoot! Game Pins 
  • 057877 – 1980s Britain – What can you remember from our topic? 
  • 04714485 – Anglo Saxons 
  • 05366989 – The Water Cycle 
  • 05366989 – The Holy Trinity 
  • 04302887 – Y4 RE Islam 

STEM Learning Opportunities

Brilliant Boats 

  • Using just 1 sheet of paper and some paperclips design a raft that will hold as many coins or marbles as possible.  You can download the activity card here to help you.


Additional Learning Resources

BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.

Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.

Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.

White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).

Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.

IXL online. Click here for Year 4. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.

Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons

Y4 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills