Welcome to another week in Year 3 – are you ready for action? It’s Sport Week!
It was so lovely speaking to lots of you on Friday. You are all doing fantastically well and Mrs Winder, Ms Bray and I are proud of you all. Thank you for all the emails of pictures and work that you send in. All the baking makes me hungry and all the work makes me proud!
More people than ever before completed the TT Rockstars challenge this week. I challenged children to Rockslams as well – were you one of the ones who beat me? I hope you enjoy doing this week’s sporting activities. Please email me at year3@eastbierleyprimary.com to share pictures of you completing activities and work that you have done as well!
Keep smiling. Keep enjoying time. Keep staying safe!.
Mr Sharp, Mrs Winder and Ms Bray
Weekly Reading Tasks
Encourage your child to read for enjoyment- perhaps in the garden for a change. Or complete some reading comprehension activities- here are some all about British female athletes.
Visit Worldbookonline eBooks using Username: wbsupport and Password: distancelearn. Search for the title Play Sports! and ask your child to read the eBook. Encourage them to complete the activities at the back of the book.
Research and read online with your child about The Olympics. Which sport/s would they like to try? Why? Write 10 facts about The Olympics.
Listen to these BBC children’s sport podcasts. Or your child can look through newspapers/ magazines and list all of the sporting vocabulary they find.
Ask your child to read this extract from Quiz Whiz Sport. Encourage them to answer the questions on each page and record these in full sentences.
Weekly Maths Tasks
Get your child to watch this video explaining coordinates and how to plot them using the x-axis first, then the y-axis.
Set up a treasure hunt in your home/garden. Ensure your child knows where the origin (0,0) is and ask them to take 4 steps to the right and 7 steps forward to find the ‘treasure’ at (4,7). Change your instructions so you are just saying the coordinate and children have to move to the position independently.
Ask your child to play Alien Attack using the first quadrant. Can they describe the positions of the alien spaceships? Then encourage them to play ‘Hit the Coordinate’ to practise plotting coordinates on a grid.
Set up a Times Table relay race. Can your child run lengths of a space and count in their times tables forwards and backwards? Perhaps they could count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and then 8s!
Can your child identify the average temperatures in these Olympic-hosting countries and then order them? France, Germany, Canada, Norway and Russia. Which country is the hottest? Which is the coldest?
Weekly Spelling Tasks
Task your child with choosing 5 sporting activities that they’re unsure of how to spell and encourage them to learn to spell them. Can they apply these words into sentences?
Practise spelling these words: myth, gym, Egypt, pyramid, mystery. Can your child identify the spelling rule? (The ‘ɪ’ sound spelt ‘y’ elsewhere than at the end of words).
Alphabetical order: List each letter of the alphabet and ask your child to think of a sport related word that corresponds with each letter. Can you think of a sport for each of the 26 letters?? I think this challenge is hard – I can only think of 10! Can you help me with some other sports for my list? Email me at year3@eastbierleyprimary.com
Rainbow words. Choose 5 Common Exception words and choose different colours to write each letter and create rainbow words.
Have you done a writing task this week? Proofread your work using a dictionary to check any spellings that you’re unsure of using the first2/3 letters of the word.
Weekly Writing Tasks
Watch this video called The Catch. Write a character description of the boy using adjectives and expanded noun phrases. You could rewrite the video as a story as well!
Ask your child to choose a sports person they admire. Get them to write a list of questions they would like to ask them. Email the questions to school so we can ask the sports person on Twitter!
Your child could devise their very own sport, including rules, equipment needed and a scoring system. Why not test the sport out?
Encourage your child to continue this story starter (right of site) and write their own Underwater Olympics story using this picture as a stimulus.
Ask your child to choose a sport, which is popular in another country, and write their own set of instructions for how to play that particular sport. Remember to use time adverbs (first, next, then) and bossy, imperative verbs that tell the reader what to do! Email Mr Sharp so he can have a go at playing this sport following your instructions!
Weekly Topic Tasks
Ancient Egypt
Scenes on the walls of the temples and pyramids clearly show that Egyptians knew how to keep physically fit and healthy. Some sports that were most commonly played by ancient Egyptians included boxing, high jump, archery, marathon, handball, javelin throw, weightlifting and rhythmic gymnastics. Have a go at playing one of these sports at home and send a picture in of you doing it. Here I am having a go at some weightlifting – think I need to keep practising!
As we have found out, Matisse enjoyed using vivid colours and paper collages to create pictures. As this week’s theme is sport, why not try to create your own Matisse collage of your favourite sport. My favourite sport is ice hockey. Can you see the ice hockey player I’ve created? I’ve used cut-out circular pucks and hockey sticks in different colours to create my piece!
STEM Learning Opportunities
Body Facts or Body Fiction
Have a look at the body facts or body fiction worksheet here.
Use a ruler or tape measure to find out if your foot is as long as your forearm or your height is the same as your arm span. The complete resource can be downloaded here.
Additional Learning Resources
BBC Bitesize - Lots of videos and learning opportunities for all subjects.
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - Reading, writing and maths activities for different ages.
Twinkl - Click on the link and sign up using your email address and creating a password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. Your child can access both of these programmes with their school logins. On Times Table Rockstars, children should aim to play Soundcheck for 20 minutes daily.
IXL online. Click here for Year 3. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents.
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs. Take a look at the mastery mathematics home learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons.
Y3 Talk for Writing Home-school Booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance.
Our Sport Heroes- How many famous sports people can your child name? Ask them to choose a sports person and research online about them. Can they find out how and when they started their career, or any other interesting facts about them? Encourage your child to create a timeline that details all of the achievements of their sporting hero. Tissue Paper Sports Logo - Ask your child to use scrunched up tissue and paint to recreate the logo for their favourite sport team or design and create their own sport logo, perhaps for their school team. Your child could sketch this with pencils as an alternative. Super Movers! - Encourage your child to take part in this football themed Super Movers! There are two levels - Super Movers are a great way to keep active and have fun! Try Go Noodle and dance along to one of their routines - there’s plenty to choose from and the whole family can join in! Remember to tweet a video of their workout #TheLearningProjects. Your child could design a poster encouraging others to take part in sporting activities. Ask them how they would persuade others to join in. What type of words could they use? Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week. Sharing Sport Interests - Encourage your child to ask different family members about their favourite sports and any sports they took part in growing up - were they a part of any clubs? Did they take part in any competitions? Did they win any trophies? They might find out something new about their family members! Following this, can your child use the information to write a newspaper report recounting one the memorable events? They could include quotes from the interview. Powerful Paralympians - You could explore diversity in sport with your child. Ask your child to find out about the Paralympic games and famous paralympians such as Ellie Simmonds. How have these people overcome challenges to represent their country in their chosen sport? They could write a letter/email to a chosen athlete and ask them questions about their sporting journey. Or they could draw a detailed sketch of the athlete during a winning moment. |