Hello Year 2!
I am really enjoying seeing all of your lovely work! I have had so many emails to respond to and I am blown away by all your innovative designs, projects and craft ideas. I am missing seeing you all every day and it is nice to speak to you all every Monday to see how you are and chat about what you have all been up to during the lockdown. I love how happy many of you sound on the phone when I call and last week many of you even answered your grown-ups phone yourself – very grown up. Make sure you aren’t just doing lots of work, keep active and get some fresh air whenever you can. Playing outside is a great way to exercise and keep your heart and brain healthy. It is important not to be stressed at this time so please don’t worry about completing everything I set, it’s about spending time with your family and completing work when you can. It has been so nice that many of you have been sharing your work with me via the email year2@eastbierleyprimary.com and I would love to see more of our class appearing on Twitter! I am more than happy to forward photographs to Mrs Upham for Twitter with your permission but don’t forget you can also upload it yourself by tweeting us at @eastbierleyPS.
I have seen that lots of you are completing learning online, this is lovely to see and I will make sure I send you comments on all your hard work as soon as I can. Kahoots are very popular this week, I know a few of you have had some problems but many of you have completed more than one which is fantastic, hopefully it will work for everyone next week. This week Lucy and I will be making some jellyfish and under the sea creatures using any junk modelling we can find around the house. Feel free to do the same and send me your creative ideas, last week’s Elmer challenge was amazing and I hope you all enjoyed seeing some of your friends craft too.
This week we are going to be learning more about the ocean. This week’s Kahoots are focused on fractions in maths, tenses in SPaG, key comprehension skills in guided reading, physical and human features in geography and how plants grow from seeds in science.
Keep yourselves safe and look after the people around you,
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Miss Papamichael
Weekly Maths Tasks
Complete your daily calculations using Daily 10. Choose from the level two questions if you feel confident with daily calculation or level one if you find daily calculations tricky. |
Watch these videos and complete the activities about what a fraction is and how a fraction should be written. |
Get a chocolate bar and work with your child on how it could be split into halves, thirds and quarters. You could investigate whether the size of the chocolate bar affects how much they get. Does ½ always look the same? You could also explore using different types of food or play dough. |
Estimate and count the number of different plant types or insects you can see/find in the garden. Record in a table. |
Select an even number of some of your toys (e.g. toy cars, marbles). Can you split the total amount in half by sharing out into 2 piles? Repeat this to find a quarter but share the amount into four piles. |
Weekly Reading Tasks
Create a sock puppet based on a favourite story character. Can you create a puppet show and retell the story the character appears in? Maybe you could video call your relatives or friends with grown-up’s permission and share the show with them. |
Watch Eric Carle’s Slowly, slowly, slowly, said the Sloth or Rumble in the Jungle. Once you think you know the story can you read the story yourself or join in with the video? |
Go and read in a sunny spot in the garden. How did it make you feel reading outside? If it’s raining you could make a reading den! |
Some of our everyday food comes from the rainforest. Look in the kitchen cupboards and identify foods with the ‘Rainforest Alliance’ logo. |
Look through cookery books for a recipe involving chocolate. Use your decoding skills to read some of the ingredients. Can you learn about where chocolate derives? Click here for somewhere to start. |
Read the First News Newspaper with your child by using the links on our Home Learning Resources page
Weekly Phonics and Spelling Tasks
Can you think of an animal or plant that begins with each letter of the alphabet? How many of these can be found in a rainforest? You could even draw a picture to go with each one! |
The tree frog, spider monkey and boa constrictor are just some of the animals that can be found living in a rainforest. Can you list verbs (action words) to describe how each animal moves? |
Visit this interactive game and play Forest Phonics. |
This game will help you practice your tricky words.
You could also play this game at home by chopping the tricky words up into individual letters and trying to put them into the correct order again. Tricky word flashcards can be found here. |
The word ‘rain’ contains the sound ‘ai’. List as many words as you can containing the ‘ai’ sound. Remember the alternative spellings for ‘ai’ such as ay/a-e. |
Spelling Steps – Place individual sounds on each step so that they spell out a word as your child moves up the stairs. Can they say each sound and then blend them together at the end? If you do not have steps to use, you could place them along the floor. You may wish to use these Phase 5 words. |
Weekly Writing Tasks
Can you start a nature diary? At the same time each day, record the animals that you can see in the garden or from your window and describe the weather and plants. What differences do you notice over the week? |
Can you create a fact file about a spider monkey or a tree frog? Describe the animal’s appearance, habitat, diet and any other facts. |
Write a short description of the rainforest. Think about what you can see, hear, feel and smell. This live stream may help. This video gives you some information about the plants and animals in the rainforest. |
Many trees in the rainforest are chopped down to use for paper. Create a poster about saving and reusing paper at home. |
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on Caterpillar Shoes. Or, write an acrostic poem about a rainforest creature - Each letter of the creatures name is a new line of your poem.
Here is an example; Curled up in a small, fluffy ball All snuggled up to their mummy and daddy Thinking of mice and dreaming of milk Slowly dozing off into a deep, beautiful sleep. |
Learning Project - to be completed through the week
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.
Fascinating Forest Floor- Can you create their own replica forest floor? Collect materials from the garden or during your daily exercise. The Sounds of the Rainforests- There are many wonderful and intriguing sounds that can be heard in the rainforest. You can listen and watch real footage from a rainforest here or watch this BBC Our Planet clip. Which animal makes the most noise in the rainforest? Record what sounds you can hear and predict what animals the sounds have come from. Can you replicate these sounds using objects from around the home? Where in the World are the Rainforests?- Using an atlas or online map, can you locate the continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America and South America) where rainforests can be found? If this is too challenging, can you locate one country with a rainforest, and then locate the UK. Describe the similarities and differences between the UK and the country you have located. The Big Garden Tidy Up- Why not work together as a family and have a Big Garden Tidy Up? Can you pull out weeds, rake up the leaves or just have a general tidy. Take before and after photographs – Here is a picture of Lucy and I doing our garden tidy up! Sketch a Spider Monkey or a Tree Frog- Can you create a detailed sketch of an animal that inhabits the rainforest? Using pencils, crayons or whatever else you have, copy an image of a rainforest animal, thinking carefully about the patterns and tones. |
STEM Learning Opportunities
Rainforest Insects
Watch this video.
There are lots of insects/mini-beasts in the rain forest. You can see some pictures of them here.
Look for mini-beasts living in the garden or on a walk. What are these mini beasts called? Which one do you like the best and why?
Try drawing pictures of the mini-beasts you find.
Can you keep a tally of the mini-beasts you find?
Other Learning Resources
The Rainforest Alliance website is packed full of information, resources and games which may support some of the above activities.
IXL- Click here for Year 2. There are interactive games to play and guides for parents under the tab ‘Learn with an example’.
Numbots and MyMaths Your child can access these with their individual log ins.
White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet (can be downloaded and completed digitally).
Mastery Mathematics Learning Packs Learning packs with a range of different activities and lessons. There are notes on how to do these activities with your children.
Y2 Talk for writing booklets are an excellent resource to support your child’s speaking and listening, reading and writing skills.
Kahoot PINs
New PINs
Making inferences – 04556731
Basic needs of plants and animals – 07465414
Phase 5 phonics – ‘or’ focus – 0524563
Money word problems – 05994655
Adding coins – 06530930
Contractions - 08120187
Previous Topic PINs
Maps and compass points – 05252213
Plants animals and their habitats – 05872501
Physical and human geography – 06897420
Food chains – 03652153
UK vs Brazil – 01642050
Plants – 04369095
Living things and their habitats – 03414084
Human or Physical feature? - 01285179
Plants – 02736317
Continents, Oceans and UK – 03047020
Living, Non-living, Dead – 02254285
Previous Maths PINs
Addition – 1 digit and 1 digit – 09539238
Addition – 2 digit and tens– 01037148
Addition – 1 digit and 2 digit – 09034621
Addition – 2 digit and 2 digit – 06007662
Odd and Even numbers – 02320774
Multiplication and Division – 02198852
Finishing patterns – 06651036
Sequencing shape patterns – 01505545
Multiplication – 05570412
Multiplication problems – 02325525
Partitioning numbers – 02872995
Recognising fractions – 05007840
Comparing measures – 01823686
Measuring - 06791793
Previous English PINS
Georges Marvellous Medicine – Chapter 3 – 03395577
Georges Marvellous Medicine – recap – 08362845
Phonics phase 3 – 07160512
Reading comprehension – 03815989
CEW – 06480538
Prefixes and Suffixes – 04038091
Conjunctions – 06696232
High frequency words spellings – 0875646
Types of sentences – 02371953
Using the correct tense - 03695946
Identifying tenses - 05310107
Polysyllabic words – 0629479
Progressive tenses – 06448714
Identifying tenses - 05310107