Logging In

To log in to our new website, click on the "Our Team" menu at the top of the site, scroll towards the bottom of the page and click on Log In.

Use your personalised username and password to log in. Mrs Ellis and Mrs Russel are able to reset your password if you forget it!

Site Structure

Our new website is built around two key areas:

  1. Statutory information that must be published by law
  2. User information that helps promote communication with parents

Each class has their own page under the "Our School" menu. As class teacher you can edit and personalise your class page, post rolling news articles and updates, include photographs showing what is happening in your class and upload letters and documents for parents. Read on below to find out how to do this.

Posting Updates

You can post news, updates or blogs to your own class page. You must be logged into the website to do this.

After logging in (see above), hover over the "New +" option on the black menu at the top of the site and select "Post". Enter your content (you can use the Media option to add photos, video or audio if you like) and don't forget to include a short, snappy title at the top.

For your update to appear on your class page you must tick the appropriate option in the Categories list on the right of the page. Once this is done and you're ready to go 'live', click the Publish button above the category list. Note that you can also preview your post to check what it will look like once published, and have the option to save as draft so you can finish editing it later. You also have an option to set a future time and date to publish your post.

There are lots of other options you can fill in on the page, however these are optional and can be safely left blank.

Adding Documents

As well as posting news articles to your page, you can also add documents (in PDF format), such as newsletters, letters about trips, special events etc. This is really useful for parents whose letter's don't always make their way home as we would hope! Our aim is to include every letter that we send home on the website (with the exception of confidential information to specific parents of course).

To add a document to your page click here, or alternatively hover over "East Bierley Primary School" on the menu across the top of the page, select Dashboard, then select Memphis Docs.

Once on the Memphis Docs press the red Add New Document button at the top of the page.

Next, give your file a name that will be displayed on the website (make this short but descriptive, e.g. "June Newsletter" or "Museum Trip" etc). Select the folder you want to upload the file to and then select the file you want to upload by pressing the Choose File button.

All other areas on this screen are optional and can be left as they are. Finally, when you are ready to upload you file click the Add Document button at the bottom of the page.

Editing Pages

After logging in to the website (see above), load the page you want to edit using the menu at the top, then click the "Page Builder" option on bar across the top of the screen (please do not use the "Edit Page" option next to it).

In Page Builder mode you will see a grey bar across the top of the page with options to the right. Use the "Add Content" options to add additional parts to your page. Options include:

  • Row layouts - customise the number of columns on each row
  • Basic Modules - click and drag 'Text Editor' into one of your columns to add text to the page. You can also add photos, audio, video and HTML (internet code) if you wish.
  • Advanced Modules - please do not use this option
  • WordPress Widgets - these options are not currently in use


Editing existing content

After launching "Page Builder" mode, hover over any element on your page to turn it blue. Next, click on the blue box to edit the content. You can also move content around the page by hovering over the blue box and dragging it to another area on the page using the four-pointed arrow symbol at the top left of the blue box.

When finished, click the blue "Done" button at the top right of the page, then "Publish Changes".

Meet Our Team

Class pages begin with a "Meet Our Team" heading. Please use this space to introduce yourself and any other adults who regularly work in in your classroom.

To edit this space, first enter the "Page Builder" view (see left), then click on the Meet Our Team box to open the text editor (which is like typing in word).

Sub headings

Please ensure the main heading is 'Heading 2' and sub-headings are 'Heading 3' so that we have consistency throughout the site.


On the Events menu at the top of each page, click Add Event. Add the title, date and times for your event (and any other relevant information). Finally press Publish on the top right hand side of the screen.

Please ensure all events published to the website have been approved by the Headteacher.

More Help

If you need further help with the website, please speak to Mrs Ellis in the first instance. If she isn't able to help or more technical assistance is needed our volunteer website builder, Mr Preece, will be happy to assist. You can contact him via the office, or through his daughters, Chloe (Y1), Hannah (Y4) or Amelia (Y6).