Reception - Summer 2

Summer 2 – Oh the places you will go! 

 We hope you have all had a lovely half term break and had some opportunity to enjoy the sunshine with family and friends. I am so pleased to be back in class and we are ready to go for our final half term in Reception. I hope you will agree that the children have been absolute superstars this year and continue to grow and shine into next year.  

 The children had lots of fun last term, building a bug hotel and learning about growing plants and minibeasts. We will continue with minibeasts and animals into the first part of this term, moving on to adventures and finally, preparing to move to Year 1.  

Our literacy work this term will focus on developing our writing and oracy skills, with lots of opportunities for writing and story telling. In maths, we will consolidate our learning of teen numbers and further develop our calculation skills, beginning to think about doubling and sharing as well as odds and evens.  


We will be looking after the class caterpillars and hoping they grow into butterflies before the summer. As we begin to be together more as a whole school, the children will be part of Collective Worship in the hall with Mrs Upham, we will start to learn some of our much loved school songs and sing more in class and in the hall.   

Key things to note:  

  • PE is on a Wednesday and you are reminded that long hair needs to be tied up and all jewellery, especially earrings are removed. Please ensure your child is in PE kit on Wednesdays. 
  • Even though we have experienced some lovely weather, please ensure children have a warm waterproof/shower resistant coat in school every day as we know how quickly the weather can change through the day and we would like to children to be outside as much as possible, including light rain showers.
  • Reading books should be returned on a Monday morning, so that they can be changed and returned to you in a timely manner. 
  • Mrs Sneddon will be in class on a Monday afternoon. 

Mrs Clark, Miss Senior and Miss Bray

Reception - Summer 1

Well here we are, into our final full term of the year. I just want to say how amazing the children have been, they take each day in their stride and tackle all the changes that are thrown at them. Hopefully over the next few weeks and coming months, your lives at home will regain some sort of normality and play dates, birthdays, socialising with family and friends will all become part of life again.  

This term our theme is Mr Mcgregor’s Garden, while not totally based on Peter Rabbit we will be focusing our work our new life, spring, changes and growth.  

In Literacy, our first book is Farmer Duck. We will also look at books like Jaspers Beanstalk and explore other farm and food stories over the term. We will be developing writing skills building to sentences and story writing.  

In Phonics we will continue to revisit and recap all Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and begin to explore Phase 4. In Phase 4, no new sounds are introduced, instead the sounds are known as clusters or blends and use Phase 2 sounds together as blends such /sp/ in spring, /st/ in nest. You can find more information about Phase 4 phonics here. You have access to Spelling Shed and we recommend allowing 5-10 minutes a day playing the games.  

In Maths, we have spent last term focusing on the composition of numbers to 10, comparing and ordering these numbers. This work will continue as we recap and revisit. We will learn number bonds to 10 and practice the quick recall of this.  Our new learning will be numbers to 20, focusing on the composition and noticing the patterns in these numbers. We will be sending home login details for Numbots which supports children’s early maths skills including subitizing, where children recognize how many there are in a set without having to count. Some of the games may seem tricky at first, do try support your child to have a go independently and keep trying the levels they find hard. This sense of number will build and develop over time. Again, like with Spelling Shed, short regular bursts on this game will help.  

Homework will be set on Tapestry at the start of the term, where you will find more information on the key skills for Literacy and Maths this term. Your homework grid will include a number of different activities you can do at home over the 7 weeks of term. When you have completed an activity, please upload to Tapestry to share your work with us. You can do this by replying to the homework activity or creating a new observation.  

  • PE is on a Wednesday and you are reminded that long hair needs to be tied up and all jewellery, especially earrings are removed.
  • Please ensure children have a warm waterproof/shower resistant coat in school every day as we know how quickly the weather can change through the day. 

  • Reading books should be returned on a Monday morning, so that they can be changed and returned to you in a timely manner. 

  • Mr Peacock, Mrs Sneddon, Miss Senior and Miss Bray will be in class this term and I will be back in class as soon as I can! 

Mrs Clark 

Reception - Spring 1

As we will have blended learning to support children in school and at home, activities will be posted on Tapestry daily, these tasks will take place in school too, so all children have the same access to learning.

This term our Literacy focus is based on some of the books by Oliver Jeffers, Lost and Found and The Way Back Home. Through the books we will explore the weather and seasons, floating and sinking, light and dark. We will begin to talk about the books, learning the stories and developing our own ideas and story telling. We will begin to write words and simple sentences.

In Maths, we will be following the White Rose Hub home learning videos, looking at numbers 0-5, comparing and composing these numbers and also mass and capacity.

We will keep active using Joe Wicks and Cosmic Kids Yoga.

Reception - Autumn 2

We have had a wonderful first half term at school. We are all so proud of how the children have started school and settled so quickly.

Our topic this term is ‘Marvellous Me, the VIPs’ and will focus on people who help us in our community. We will start the term thinking about Remembrance and the people and animals who sacrificed to keep us safe. We will then look at the people in our community who help us particularly in relation to the current situation. We will also look at celebrations including Christmas and Diwali and how we celebrate at home.

In maths we will be looking at numbers to 5, we will look at different representations of these numbers, we will compare them, thinking about more and less investigate how each number is made up introducing early calculation skills. We will also look at different shapes, positional language and times of the day.

PE is on a Wednesday and your child should come to school in PE kit. Please remember that we will still have free flow play on this day and children should wear joggers or leggings and suitable dark coloured trainers so that they can play outside. Please remember to bring a warm waterproof coat, whatever the weather. Long hair should be tied back and all jewellry including earrings need to be removed.

We hope that you are enjoying seeing your childs activities on Tapestry, we will continue to post a weekly challenge for you try at home and in the event of our bubbles having to close we will use Tapestry to set home learning activities.

Mrs Clark, Miss Senior and Miss Bray


Welcome to Reception - Autumn 1

A huge welcome to all our children and families starting at East Bierley this autumn. We have really enjoyed visiting you all over the last few weeks and we hope that even though the start of the school year might seem a little bit different, you are all ready and raring to go.

Our Reception class team is Mrs Clark, Miss Senior and Ms Bray, Mrs Sneddon will be in class too on a Monday afternoon. Our PE days will be Wednesday but we will start a little later in term and will let you know what you need. To start with all you need to bring is a water bottle and a warm, waterproof day every day!

This term we will spend some time settling into our class, learning new routines and expectations and making lots of new friends. We will talk about our family and homes, our communities and where we belong.

Your child’s learning journeys will now be on Tapestry, you will receive an activation link when children start school and you can view pictures and observations of their learning in class throughout the year.

We are very much looking forward to a wonderful term with all our new children.

Mrs Clark, Miss Senior and Ms Bray

Meet the team

Mrs B Clark
Mrs B Clark
Miss A Bray
Miss A Bray
Miss S Senior
Miss S Senior