There can never have been a more important time in our country’s recent history to be involved in education, and we need skilled and motivated governors who are committed to transforming our schools.

Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Schools

We are hiring

We currently have vacancies for two parents or carers to join our team of governors. Please review the information on this page before deciding if you wish to stand for election.

Completed nominations must be submitted to Mrs Upham (the returning officer) by 9am on Friday 14th May. If there are more than two nominated candidates voting papers will be issued to every parent/carer on Monday 17th May. Voting will close on Friday 21st May and sucessful candidates will be announced later that day.

If after reading the information on this page you would like to stand for election you are welcome to make an appointment to see Mrs Upham and Chair of Governors Mr Preece, to discuss the post in more detail.


What is a school governor?

The National Governance Association (formally National Governors Association) has this to say:

How is being a parent governor different?

Parent governors are elected by other parents and it is important to establish a rapport with the parental body that elected you, while continuing to maintain a strategic approach to school governance.  A parent governor is a representative and not a delegate of parents. There is no obligation for them to vote in a particular way.

What will be expected of me as a governor?

We hold six governing body meetings per year (one each half term) and you will be asked to join one of our two main committees who each meet at least three times per year. We also have opportunities to join other committees who meet as and when required.

A vital part of the role is to get to know the school. You will be asked to visit school during the school day to help you in this duty. Training is provided by Kirklees Council with a range of courses on offer. Many taking place in the evening to accommodate as many governors as possible. When becoming a governor at East Bierley, you will be asked to undertake induction training which consists of one full day or three evenings.

How long will I be a governor for?

Governors are elected for a period of four years. For parent governors, if you child leaves the school during the four year term you may continue as a governor until the end of your term of office.

If at the end of your four year term you still have children at our school you are entitled to stand for election for a further four years.