Contact Details

East Bierley CE (VC) Primary School
South View Road, East Bierley, BD4 6PH

Phone: 01274 681235
Twitter: @eastbierleyps

Headteacher: Mrs L Upham
Assistant Headteachers: Mrs  R Divine and Mrs C Sneddon
Office Contacts: Mrs A Russell, Mrs L Ellis, Mrs A Metcalf and Mrs C Dagnall
SENCO: Mrs R Divine
Chair of Governors: Mr T Preece


Ethos, Values and Vision

Our ethos and values are evident throughout school, they are truly woven through all we do. Visitors always comment on the friendly and welcoming atmosphere in school. We warmly welcome everyone into school and we are a real community. Our core values: Trust, Friendship, Forgiveness, Respect and Courage are at our heart.

We celebrate, support and encourage each other - all the children and adults in school and our wider community of parents and friends of the school. Together we create a happy, respectful learning environment where it is safe to take risks, enjoy learning and develop courage.

Learn more about our school, ethos and values.


Applications for a place at East Bierley Primary School should be made to Kirklees Council. This is through an on-line form.  You are welcome to look round school prior to applying or once you have been allocated a place.

Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) is 30. This means we admit 30 children per year into Reception Class and aim to maintain this number throughout each year group.

Read more about our admissions policy and process.

Performance & Outcomes

[Mrs Upham] leads the school with ambition, commitment and determination. [Her] clear vision of 'an inclusive school where pupils are happy, flourish and can be the best they can be' is shared by all staff and governors. This, combined with your strong drive for improvement, has ensured that the school has improved quickly [since you became headteacher].
Ofsted, March 2018

Our latest Ofsted report can be viewed here.
Our latest SIAMs (Church of England inspection) report can be viewed here: SIAMS 2019.

For more information about our performance and outcomes, including our 2017-18 SATs results, click here.


We aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum that enables all children to develop skills and achieve a sense of success. Our children thoroughly enjoy the additional sporting and musical opportunities available to them and especially enjoy our enrichment afternoons!  You can find full curriculum information here

For details of current topics and curriculum work in each class use the 'Our Classes' menu to select the class you want to read about.

Information about reading or maths can be found on our new reading and maths pages.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Key Policies

We are proud of the work we do to maintain the safety of all our children, in and out of school while providing an engaging learning environment where everybody can thrive and enjoy their time with us.

Our key policies which support our work, including our safeguarding and behaviour policies, can be found on our policies page.

Inevitably from time to time things may go wrong. When this happens we aim to resolve any problems as soon as they arise, but sometimes you may feel the need to raise a concern or complaint. Our complaints policy and procedure can also be found on the policies page.

Supporting all children

We work hard to support all children at East Bierley, regardless of their attainment, status or background. We want all children to achieve their potential and have a sense of pride in their achievements. Our ethos is inclusive and nurturing and we aim to meet the needs of all our children in school. They are all unique and we celebrate that fact.

Learn more about our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy, inclusion policy, learning and behaviour support and how we use our Pupil Premium and Sports Premium funding on our inclusion page.

Accessibility and Equality

Our equality objectives:

To promote SMSC development through all appropriate curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

To reduce prejudice and increase understanding of equality through direct teaching across the curriculum in line with our view that everyone is unique and special.


Equality Information and Objectives

Our Staff and Governors

We have a dedicated team of professionals working in school to provide the best education for all our children. We are passionate in our aims and all want to truly make a difference.

East Bierley's governors are an essential part of our team who give their time as volunteers to ensure we maintain our progress on our journey of continual improvement and ensuring the best possible outcomes for every child.

You can find out more about our staff and governors on our "Our Team" page.

Website Information

We aim to keep our website up to date with all the latest news from East Bierley and provide all the required statutory information in an easy to find manner.

All statutory information can be found on this page, or through the links on this page. We understand that sometimes you may prefer a printed copy of this information. If you require a printed copy of any information on our website please contact the school office (details above) who will be happy to supply this free of charge.