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East Bierley CE (VC) Primary School

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Contact Us

Contact Details

Phone: 01274 681235

Email: theoffice@eastbierleyprimary.com

Key Staff

Headteacher: Mrs Victoria Meek

SENCo and Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Divine

School Business Manager: Ms Sara Hunter

If you need to contact the school for any reason could we please stress that there is only one email address that parents should be using theoffice@eastbierleyprimary.com and not directly to any member of staff account. If you have information to pass on to a particular member of staff, such as your child's teacher or our SENCo Mrs Divine, then make sure you include this in the subject header of the email.

Many of our staff work part time hours and they all have teaching commitments. The office email address is monitored during the working day and occasionally during the evening, weekends and school holidays. Using this email address means that we can direct your email to the correct person at an appropriate time. As part of our ongoing awareness of the mental health and wellbeing of staff we wish to emphasise the importance of this. This has become necessary with the increasing demands being made on our time.