Author: Chris Hammond

Year 3 White Scar Caves Trip, 4th May 2018

On Friday 4th May, Class 3 are going on a trip to the White Scar Caves, Ingleton in connection with their classwork. The trip will include a fully guided [...]

Reception Cannon Hall Farm Trip, 25th May 2018

On Friday 25th May, Reception Class are going on a trip to Cannon Hall in connection with their current topic. The coach will leave school at 9.00am prompt and [...]

Be a Student Ambassador for Bradford Literature Festival April 2018

We are looking for two East Bierley Primary School Student Ambassadors, one from Key Stage 1 and one from Key Stage 2 to be a Student Ambassador at the [...]

Year 1 Phonics Parent Meeting

Parents and carers are invited to join us on Wednesday 21st March at 6.00pm - 7.00pm for more information on Phonics. [...]

World Book Day – Thursday 1st March

School will be celebrating this event by inviting children, if they wish, to wear pyjamas as a bedtime story theme or come to school dressed as their favourite [...]

Class 1 Circus Skills Theme Day – Friday 16th February

As part of our ‘Circus’ topic this half-term, Class 1 are having a Circus Theme Day.  In the morning we are having a special visitor into school, a Circus [...]

Emergency Contact and First Day Calling Procedures

Is vital that parents/carers contact us before the start of school to advise of any reason for your child's absence and ensure that we have up to date [...]