Author: Chris Hammond

Emergency Telephone Number

We still have no telephone lines, should you need to contact school in an emergency our number is: 07704525407 Thank [...]


Transition arrangements have started for our Year 6 children ready for their exciting move to High School. Hand to Mouth are working with all our Year 6 after [...]

Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs

The Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs have now been completed. All the children worked really hard and we were thrilled with their approach. They were all an absolute [...]

Year 2 Trip to Skipton Castle, 24th May 2018

On Thursday 24th May Class 2 are going on a trip to Skipton Castle in connection with their current topic. The coach will leave school at 9.00am prompt and [...]

Year 6 Trip to Oakwell Hall, 18th May 2018


Year 5 Trip to Yorkshire Show Ground, 5th June 2018

On Tuesday 5th June, Class 5 are going on a trip to the Yorkshire Show Ground for a Countryside Day. Countryside Days offers Key Stage 2 children the [...]

Year 4 Trip John Bull Rock Factory, Bridlington, 11th May 2018

On Friday 11th May, Class 4 are going on a trip to the John Bull Confectioners, Bridlington in connection with their classwork. The Factory tour will include [...]