School Uniform
School Uniform should be worn to school every day except PE days. PE Days will be notified to parents separately and are updated at the beginning of each term on the class pages of the website
Please note school uniform does not need a school logo and plain white polo shirts and red sweatshirts or cardigans are perfectly acceptable.
Branded uniform containing the school badge but can be purchased from Sports FX, Liversedge, WF15 6RA. Their phone number is 01924 923254.
We appreciate that uniforms can be expensive, so you may be able to order a pre-loved uniform free of charge from the School Uniform Exchange.
School Uniform
- Red jumper/cardigan
- White or blue polo shirts
- Grey/black dress/skirt/shorts/trousers
- Red checked pinafore (optional for warmer weather only)
- Black or white socks
- Grey or red tights
- Sensible flat black shoes (no sandals or ballet pumps, only laces if they can be fastened independently)
- School book bag (no backpacks)
PE Kit
- Red polo shirt
- Red fleece (for outdoor PE, these can also be worn on top of jumpers in school when it is cold)
- Black shorts/leggings/joggers (must be unbranded)
- Black trainers (must be unbranded)
Other considerations
Please remember to bring a waterproof coat every day, even if the sun is shining as we will try to be outdoors as much as possible. Children in Reception class also need wellies for the wetter weather; these can be left at school each term. We all know the weather can change drastically in a day so please be prepared no matter the weather. Please ensure all personal belongings/clothing are labelled. On sunny days, please come with sun cream on and bring a hat. You will also need a water bottle freshly filled with water each day.
For health and safety reasons earrings must not be worn to school. If you are planning on getting your child’s ears pierced then please do this at the start of the coming 6 week holiday to allow healing time. Taping over earrings is not an effective preventative measure and will only be considered as a last resort.
Children in Key Stage 2 are asked to provide a pencil case containing the following items:
- 1 pencil with no rubber
- 1 handwriting pen in blue
- 1 green biro
- 1 ruler
- 1 white board marker
- 1 pencil sharpener where the sharpenings are in sharpened into a container
- 1 green highlighter
- 1 yellow highlighter
- 1 glue stick
- 1 Pack of colouring pencils
A complete pencil case with the above items can be purchased from the school office via ParentPay at a cost of £6.