Hello Year 5,

It was great to speak to you all on Wednesday and hear about the things you have been up to. I am glad that most of you took a well-deserved break in the Easter holidays and spent this precious time with your family and doing things that you enjoy.

Most of you are getting back into a routine now and starting to pick up on the work you were doing before the Easter holidays. I am seeing great creativity and imagination in the activities you are doing and how some of you are adapting the suggested activities on the website to suit your interests and also the resources you have at home. You are all doing great and should be very proud of yourselves!

I will be making phone calls again this week, most likely on a Wednesday so if you have anything you would like to tell me you can then or you can email me whenever you like and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you to those children who have emailed me pictures of what you have been up to, please continue to do this to year5@eastbierleyprimary.com . If you remember, in the email you could tell me if you would like your creations to be on twitter or you could tweet us @eastbierleyPS.

From looking at the pictures, some of you are producing some great presentations that show what you have done throughout the week. I think this is a great idea as you can have the presentation to look back on in a positive way, as you are able to see how you made such a challenging and unknown time have a little more happiness.

I am thinking about all the fun things we did at school such as performing poems, creating a Victorian street, starting our May Day dance and playing games. Could you do some of these at home? I have also been wondering how many of you are practising your clarinets. If you are (and I hope you are), please do let me know and take a picture to email me!

We are missing seeing you all but we are glad you are safe and healthy.

See you soon,

Miss Williams, Mrs Webb and Mrs Robson

Weekly Maths Tasks

Complete 10 Studio and 10 Garage on Times Table Rockstars.

Show everything you know about decimal numbers and percentages on a piece of paper. This could be pictures, diagrams, explanations, methods etc.

Play on Hit the Button - focus on times tables, division facts and squared numbers.

Play on Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica

Compare decimal numbers on this game using more than or less than signs.

Practise reasoning and problem solving. Although these are Year 6 SATs questions, you should be able to have a go at these tasks:

  • Inequality signs < = or >
  • Decimals
  • Coins

Set up a game in the garden where you play against your family members and win points by throwing or kicking a ball to hit targets! You could add obstacles and change the amount of points for each target.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Continue to participate in DEAR time and read a chapter from your home reading book or a book that you have borrowed from the library.

When you have completed the chapter, re-write this from the viewpoint of another character.

Explore the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Can you learn it by heart? Can you draw a sketch to represent the Jabberwocky?

Visit Oxford Owl and read a book that matches your age. After this, review the text and justify your opinion with examples from the text.

Keep visiting Toppsta to review and win books!

Find a text in your house which could be a newspaper or magazine article for example. Highlight and label its features.

Weekly Spelling Tasks

Practise the Year 5/6 Common Exception Words, see the list on our website.

Choose five Common Exception words. Write a synonym, antonym, the meaning and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.

Complete tasks on SpellingShed.

Practise spellings on Spelling Frame.

Create a word bank about an animal of your choice, which includes verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases. You can use this for your poetry writing.

Proofread and mark your writing from the day. Use a dictionary to check the spelling of any words that you found challenging or spelt incorrectly. This will also help you to check that the meaning of the word is suitable for the sentence.

Weekly Writing Tasks

Write a diary entry/newspaper report summarising the events from the day/week.

Write a formal letter to Yorkshire Wildlife Park persuading them to close the park. You may want to take some ideas from the for and against argument we looked at in school about whether animals should be in zoos. You must justify your opinions with factual information.

Choose an animal of your choice and think about how it moves, what sounds it makes and the environment that it lives in. Write a poem based around these ideas. You can repeat this activity for different animals.

You should have now planned your story and can begin to write it. How will the dialogue convey your character and advance the action?

Don’t forget to enter the writing competition! The deadline is the 30th

Animal’s hearts should be cut up for science experiments. Do you agree/disagree? Write a discussion about this statement.

Kahoot Pins

Visit https://kahoot.it/ and enter the game pins to complete the quizzes.

Parenthesis - 05854327

Earth and Space - 02366116

Negative numbers - 04715734

Previous Kahoots that you can still have a go at



Capital letters



SPaG Year 5






Properties of Materials



Sentence structures





Adjectives and adverbs



Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Prime and composite numbers


Place value with rounding



Remember, the first question will ask for your name. It is likely to be incorrect however, you cannot win points from this question so it doesn’t matter too much.

Learning Project - to be completed through the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about key animals they are interested in. Learning may focus on exploring the physical aspects of an animal, their habitat, categorising animals etc.

Animals and their Environment: Describe how animals such as Emperor Penguins, chimpanzees and orcas have adapted to suit their environment. You could do this by writing a short summary after carrying out some research. After this, design a new wondrous animal that has evolved to suit its environment considering the environmental changes it has had to face over recent years.

Where Animals Originate From:  Linking to our class topic of Earth and Space, locate on a world map where different animals originate from and research why they live in these environments. Things to consider when researching why they originally lived in these countries are:

  • Food sources
  • Climate
  • Weather
  • Terrain

After doing this, think about how the animals you have selected have adapted so that they are able to live in the UK. Present your findings as a poster or in a PowerPoint presentation if you have access to a PC.

Life Cycles: Research a mammal, an insect, an amphibian, a reptile and a bird. Choose one and draw the life cycle of the animal and label the diagram accordingly. How does the life cycle of the chosen animal differ to a human life cycle?

Animal Prints: Using a variety of media (this could be materials from around the house such as cloth, newspapers or magazines, felt, etc.), create animal prints for a mammal, an insect, an amphibian, a reptile and a bird of your choice. Create a collage of the animal prints you have made. You could always use a pencil or pen to sketch the animal prints!

The Life of Darwin: Who was Charles Darwin? Research the scientist’s theory on evolution. Where are the Galapagos Islands? What species did and do still live there? What makes these animals unique and extraordinary? Write a biography about the life of Charles Darwin.

Your garden: Find animals and plants in your garden or on your daily walk and record your findings.